
Posts by Carrie Brummer

Carrie Brummer is an artist and educator who believes engaging with our creative interests makes us happier, healthier, more fulfilled human beings. She created her community www.ArtistStrong.com to help everyone honor their desire to be creative. Our world is better for your creativity. Cultivate your creativity today by joining her free art exploration series www.SoulBrushSessions.com.

Carrie Brummer's Website

The Easy Path to Purpose: Forget “Should” and Do What You Love

“Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all.” ~Khalil Gibran

In my mid twenties I found out I had a mass on my pituitary. I was told it could be cancer, it could be benign, it could be a cyst—we wouldn’t know until my doctor performed a surgery to remove it. This surgery meant I could go blind, be on lifelong hormone replacement therapy, or even die.

I don’t want you to wait until something bad happens to dedicate time to things you love.

Countless people I meet …