
Posts by Bethany Fullerton

Bethany Fullerton helps busy women overcome stress, overwhelm, and lack of energy through yoga, meditation, and emotional awareness techniques so they can feel calm, confident, and just plain good every day. Visit her at bethanyfullerton.com.

Bethany Fullerton's Website

5 Practices That Helped Me Reclaim My Spark for Life

“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.” ~Robert Tew

In 2014, I was drowning in unhappiness. I had moved to Palestine five years earlier, later met my husband, and decided to remain in one of the most conflicted countries in the world.

There I was, living in a different country far from the comforts of home that I had always known. My marriage was rife with conflict and pain, and I had nobody to turn to.

I had no family nearby, and with the high turnover of internationals in the country, …