
Posts by Aneta Waz

Aneta Waz is a coaching and counseling student, a Buddhist, a traveler, an aspiring writer, and an amateur photographer (hello-ann.deviantart.com). Currently residing in south Poland preparing to defend her bachelor’s thesis about the means of persuasion in a language.

Aneta Waz's Website

You Can Blame Others or Save Yourself

“You save yourself or remain unsaved.” ~Alice Sebold, Lucky

Last year was a year of great changes for me. I ended a three-and-a-half-year long toxic relationship, I started a new relationship (which fell apart six months later), I applied for a semester abroad, and started a full-time job while studying full-time, as well.

Honestly, I don’t know how I managed to survive this busy time, but I did, and in January 2012 I left for Stockholm.

It was the best six months of my life.

I met amazing people from all over the world and I found true friends among …