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August 21, 2024 at 10:23 am #436450
ParticipantDear reader
I found myself in another toxic relationship this year. I had two back to back which I’ve heard is quite common. We look for familiarity and can end up being abused again. This one was different. I recognised the signs and stood up for myself at the beginning. However, he was part of my friendship group I had in another city and my friends could not believe that he would be abusive to me.
The first time I was introduced to him, he lured me to his apartment under false pretences. Our group had been out in the city (not the city I lived but where my friends live) and they wanted to stay out but I don’t drink so I wanted to head back to my car. This isn’t my city, it was 1.00AM and I didn’t know where my car was parked. He knew and agreed to take me. But first, he needed to pick up his car keys from his apartment as someone had said he car alarm was going off and we can sort his car on the way to mine.
We get to his apartment and he offers me a drink. Immediately my senses are up and I refuse and say I’m not drinking anything I haven’t poured myself. Why are we here? I thought we were picking up car keys and then leaving? He starts talking about my shoes and how I should take them off. But you have your shoes on? We need to leave, why do I need to take my shoes off?
My instinct was that I was very tall in my shoes, taller than him and while I am taller, he cannot make a move on me. I need to keep my shoes on to be safe.
I kept asking, when are we leaving? But he kept focused on keeping me in his house. I had perched on the arm of his sofa and he came over to me to forcefully take off my shoes himself. I fought him off and he grabbed me by the wrists. I had to fight him off me. I said we are leaving. This time he listened.
I informed my friends of this story. They didn’t really believe me. They said he was having a bad day. I felt guilty like I had made an issue out of nothing.
He started turning up at other events I was at with my city friends and he wasn’t always this bad. We ended up spending more time together and eventually, into a relationship.
I’m aware now that there were other women. He would get mad at me all the time over trivial things. Like when I wore lipstick, I didn’t want my makeup to smudge so I asked him to kiss me gently. We went out and he flirted with women in front of me, withheld affection when he got home, when I stood up for myself he kicked me out. A day later I was sick in hospital and he ignored me and my friend took me to hospital. While I was in hospital, he cheated on me.
I told my friends about him being mad that I wore lipstick. Oh it’s just because he wanted to kiss you. He’s being sweet. Just don’t wear lipstick. But I like lipstick?
He could talk to me however he wanted. If I called him out and said I was upset with what he had said, it was but back on me. I would have to listen to all the things I need to change and improve on. Only to be told “uuugghhh and I thought you were changing” when I did something that displeased him.
I had no voice. I lost my sparkle. I had no autonomy over my mind or my body. “No” was not a word he understood.
We went out walking and he was annoyed that I had a bra on and he made me take it off. He grabbed my shirt, Jean jacket and my sports bra and started pulling them over my head. Please stop! We are in public. Nope. STOP! No. I had to concede. I had no other choice. Robbed of my dignity. I ran and hid behind a tree.
My body was his whenever he wanted. He told me it wasn’t mine anymore. It was his. I had been scuba diving in water too cold. I had been under observation to make sure I didn’t get hypothermia. I felt fatigued. But he wanted me. I don’t feel well enough. My health should come first. No. Now. I ended up being dizzy. He had an addictive personality and if he wanted something, no wasn’t an option.
I tried my best to do everything that he wanted, take on board all his criticism, I tried to be that “better person” he wanted me to be. Still to be question “what do you do for me other than cook a bit?!”. I clean your house, I support your business ideas, I support you at work and come to your events, I travel to your city every week to spend time with you, I make an effort with your daughter, I listen to your struggles to name a few …
This then moved to paranoia. Why are you lying to me? Why do you lie every day? I value honesty and I have to make so many allowances for you because of how much you lie. You insult my intelligence ten times a day. You’re a dark, dark person. You need to let people in.
I’m not dark. When I’m happy, I sparkle. I try my best to be kind because if you can be anything, be kind. I tell white lies, of course, everyone does. But I did this not to hurt his feelings. He had different tastes in fashion than me and that’s fine, but I kept that to myself.
It got to the point where I recorded arguments we had because I was losing control of my reality. Constantly being told I was a liar and manipulator. If I tried to call him out for hurting me, it was twisted back on me and made my fault. I listened back to the recordings and it was not prepared for it. Listening to myself begging and pleading for forgiveness while being gaslit.
I was not the liar, I was not the manipulator. I WAS being manipulated. This was the end. I could take no more.
He has been cheating on me throughout the relationship. He had an alcohol problem. I had found very tiny plastic bags that looked like they could have contained drugs. He used to stay awake for days on end, drinking and know knows what.
He would look at me with pure disdain on his face, sometimes with cold, unfeeling, vacant eyes. It was like I was looking at a beast to be feared. Sometimes it’s like I didn’t recognise him.
Where has the nice version of him gone? My friends didn’t really believe me. How could they? They see the polished, put together version of him. I saw the monster that lay beneath the surface.
His life is sleeping or drinking alcohol. I asked if he wanted to come to therapy but therapy isn’t for him.
My life is dancing. I perform in shows. I have lots of friends and my heart is full of love for them. While I was with him, my life was grey. Now my life shimmers iridescent. I’m a world traveller. I’ve seen incredible places and met even more incredible people. I am loved. I am very fortunate and I am always grateful.
I’ve worked hard and made sacrifices. Left behind things that were causing me pain. I know the beauty that life has to offer. But sometimes, on days like today, I miss him. I miss what we should have been. I miss what we could have been.
I wonder, why would someone treat me like this?How could he be so cruel yet tell me I needed to be better? How could he call me a liar when he was cheating on me? When I tried to explain the impact his words had on me and that I wanted an apology? Why could he not say he was sorry?
He told me once that he wasn’t good enough for me. It doesn’t make up for the things he did though.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I want closure. I want to feel how I used to feel. I feel a block on my heart. I have a new boyfriend now. It’s different. It’s calm. It’s safe. But I feel empty. I feel apathy. I worry that I won’t be able to feel again.</p>
Thank you for listening to my story.August 21, 2024 at 11:51 am #436452anita
ParticipantDear Sammie:
Welcome back to the forums! “My friends didn’t really believe me. How could they? They see the polished, put together version of him. I saw the monster that lay beneath the surface“-
– you’ve seen the monster the first time you were introduced to him: “The first time I was introduced to him, he lured me to his apartment under false pretences… We get to his apartment and he offers me a drink… He starts talking about my shoes and how I should take them off… he came over to me to forcefully take off my shoes himself. I fought him off and he grabbed me by the wrists. I had to fight him off me“.
You told your friends about his behavior (I see it as a physical assault, an attempted rape), but they “didn’t really believe” you. “They said he was having a bad day“, and you felt guilty for making “an issue out of nothing“. You saw him times again when he wasn’t that bad (“he was not always this bad“), and eventually, you got into a relationship with him, a relationship that turned out to be that bad: “I had no autonomy over my mind or my body. ‘No’ was not a word he understood… My body was his whenever he wanted. He told me it wasn’t mine anymore… I was losing control of my reality. Constantly being told I was a liar and manipulator… (I was) begging and pleading for forgiveness while being gaslit… He has been cheating on me throughout the relationship… He would look at me with pure disdain on his face, sometimes with cold, unfeeling, vacant eyes. It was like I was looking at a beast to be feared“.
“Where has the nice version of him gone?… I wonder, why would someone treat me like this? How could he be so cruel yet tell me I needed to be better? How could he call me a liar when he was cheating on me?“-
– reads like the nice version of him was pushed down when the monster, the beast to be feared took over. I am sorry that you- and others- have been on the receiving end of his abuses.
“My life is dancing. I perform in shows. I have lots of friends and my heart is full of love for them. While I was with him, my life was grey. Now my life shimmers iridescent. I’m a world traveler. I’ve seen incredible places and met even more incredible people. I am loved. I am very fortunate and I am always grateful… But sometimes, on days like today, I miss him. I miss what we should have been. I miss what we could have been…I have a new boyfriend now. It’s different. It’s calm. It’s safe. But I feel empty. I feel apathy. I worry that I won’t be able to feel again. Thank you for listening to my story.“-
– You are welcome, and thank you for telling your story. Talking about versions, reads like perhaps you too have two versions: one is a loved, iridescent, very fortunate, dancing, a world-traveler version, and the other version is.. you tell me (if you relate to what I am saying)..?
August 21, 2024 at 12:29 pm #436455Anonymous
InactiveHi Sammie
I’m sorry that you endured not one but two abusive relationships. I’m glad that you are with a partner who is safe and treating you well now.
It is expected that you would have difficulties with your emotions after all that trauma. It is going to take some time to heal from two abusive relationships. Have you considered seeing a therapist to help you deal with the trauma?
Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏
August 21, 2024 at 3:04 pm #436462Sammie
ParticipantHi Anita and Helcat
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Helcat, I had therapy last year and then having therapy at the moment again to support me through this difficult time.
My identity has been shaken. One of the things he did was pick apart who I was and the parts of me that I think are special, he said where “the brand”. He said I needed to stop lying all the time about who I am and about being good at things. My self confidence was treated as something to be shamed for.
I’m a dancer and perform on stage and I have to have that belief in myself and my capabilities otherwise stage fright takes over. I’ve done a solo performance recently. Contemporary dance that ties in the emotions of the stages of grief and I’ve been so proud of what I’ve achieved.
Then his voice crept into the back of my head. Stop lying about being good at things. I’ve been asked to create a new routine and perform another show. And I’ve got the fear that I am merely “the brand”.
My therapy at the moment is focusing on switching the narrative away from the things this awful man said to me and instead focusing on my self confidence.
Anita, thank you for your words. I’ve written my story as I can remember it, my words were unedited, free flowing from my mind.
Your words have validated me. For so long I’ve been treated like I’ve been making a fuss over nothing. My instincts were to stay away but I was told otherwise by people who had not witnessed what I had.
You’re absolutely right, he was a monster from the start. He had an agenda when he took me to his apartment. My safety or comfort was not a priority.
The two versions of my life: the one where I feel grey, controlled, attacked. Or the one where I am surrounded by people I love and who love me back, in a supportive and warm environment.
I’ve been upset today. It’s hard sometimes with my new boyfriend because his kind words and support can be jarring and can catch me off guard. Then when I think humans can be so nice so why are there humans who can be so cruel?
Change the narrative, I found the strength to stand up for myself and I’ve moved forward to a better life. I don’t feel scared anymore. I don’t feel anxious. From time to time, I feel sad like today about what has happened to me. Eventually, that will be a distant memory.
Thank you for being here.
August 21, 2024 at 8:13 pm #436474anita
ParticipantDear Sammie: I will read and reply in about 12 hours from now.
August 22, 2024 at 8:46 am #436493anita
ParticipantDear Sammie:
In the first part of my reply, I want to go over some of what you shared in your previous thread Broken After Being Left (he disappeared), May 26 – June 3, 2023: you shared that your previous boyfriend routinely lied to you, cheated on you, ignored you, disappeared and came back to you, only to disappeared again, and he did all this throughout the years-long relationship.
On your part, you tried to be thoughtful and understanding of him (“I tried to be thoughtful and compassionate as he has family issues and problems with his mum… I was always trying to be understanding… I could see he was hurting deeply and I picked up on low self esteem“), while being scared of him (“I was very scared of emotional abuse and him being cold to me. He would hide his emotions so I was afraid of what he could be like if angered but never actually saw him angry“), angry at him (“I did nothing wrong. I tried to be lovely all the time and it isn’t fair because he lied and cheated. It feels like bad people always win. It’s not fair“), confused and in disbelief (“I’m stuck in a loop of confusion and it is preventing me from moving forward… I feel anger sometimes but mostly I’m in disbelief. I’d say I can’t believe that it came so out of the blue“).
You shared that you were scared of being alone, and “I’ve not been without a boyfriend since I was 13 (I’m now 34 years old)“, that you don’t know how to meet new people (“I’m 34 and I don’t know how to meet new people”), and: “When I am well, I am self sufficient. I own my house, travel by myself and generally don’t have any problems making new friends“.
You also shared: “I’m petite and very small… I’m a scientist for my job“, “I don’t want a repetition of this pain and trauma“, and “I would like the option of being able to meet someone when I am ready but at the moment I see the damage that my last relationship has caused. It is currently preventing me from having a future with someone new. I’m not sure how to get past this fear of men when they are potential romantic partners“.
Fast forward from June 2023 to Aug 21, 2024: “I’ve been all over the world since last we spoke – Italy, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines. I’ve had so many incredible experiences and met incredible people. Life has been challenging and put my faith in the wrong person again but I have learned more life lessons” (in your old thread).
In your new thread Loving Again After A Toxic Relationship (Aug 2024), you shared that you are a dancer and performer (“My life is dancing. I perform in shows“), that in the last year or so, you had another toxic relationship that was concluded, that you have lots of friends and a new boyfriend: “I have a new boyfriend now. It’s different. It’s calm. It’s safe“, but in regard to the most recent abusive ex-boyfriend, you wrote (Aug 21, 2024): “But sometimes, on days like today, I miss him. I miss what we should have been. I miss what we could have been… I feel empty. I feel apathy. I worry that I won’t be able to feel again“.
You shared that when you were first introduced to your most recent abusive boyfriend, he lured you to his apartment and tried to take off your shoes: “My instinct was that I was very tall in my shoes, taller than him and while I am taller, he cannot make a move on me. I need to keep my shoes on to be safe“- I understand your need at the time to keep your high heeled shoes on, because as you shared a year ago, you are “petite and very small“, and therefore, more vulnerable to physical abuse or attack, even by a man as short as this most recent abusive man was (being that you, a petite and very small woman, even on high heeled shoes, was taller than him).
In your most recent post, you shared that the most recent abusive boyfriend told you that you needed to stop lying (“He said I needed to stop lying all the time about who I am and about being good at things“), that you’ve been having therapy last year and currently, and that the “therapy at the moment is focusing on switching the narrative away from the things this awful man said to me and instead focusing on my self confidence“.
To me, you wrote: “Anita, thank you for your words“- you are welcome!
“Your words have validated me. For so long I’ve been treated like I’ve been making a fuss over nothing. My instincts were to stay away, but I was told otherwise by people who had not witnessed what I had“- I didn’t witness your experience at his apartment the night he lured you in, just as your friends didn’t witness it. My reaction was based on what you shared. I have no idea (!!!) how anyone, based on what you shared with them (if it’s the same as what you shared on your thread) can possibly perceive his behavior on that night as okay, or as him just having a bad day (“They said he was having a bad day“).
“The two versions of my life: the one where I feel grey, controlled, attacked. Or the one where I am surrounded by people I love and who love me back, in a supportive and warm environment“- I wonder if most of the time, when one version is On, the other is Off, as in, it’s one version or the other?
“I’ve been upset today. It’s hard sometimes with my new boyfriend because his kind words and support can be jarring and can catch me off guard“- kind words are jarring and catch you off guard; abusive words (such as the two ex-boyfriends’ words) are calming, in a way (opposite to jarring), something expected?
Abusive words and behaviors/ emotional abuse.. is something you experienced as a child, growing up? (Of course, you don’t have to answer any of my questions).
It might be that abusive men are excite you, in that their abusive behavior trigger your child intense hope that this time, the abuser will change into a nice person, just for you.
“Then when I think humans can be so nice so why are there humans who can be so cruel?“- my mother was both at different times: very nice, or very cruel. I grew up very confused, and only recently have I experienced a much-needed clarity.
“Change the narrative, I found the strength to stand up for myself and I’ve moved forward to a better life. I don’t feel scared anymore. I don’t feel anxious…“- is this the 2nd version of you: the confident, iridescent, loved, very fortunate, and always grateful (your words) version of you?
August 22, 2024 at 12:06 pm #436504Sammie
ParticipantHi Anita
Thank you for your response. There are a lot of things to think about.
The versions of my life are the crossroads I was at. Should I stay in the abuse environment I was in OR reclaim my sparkle. I did the latter, I chose me.
I told my friends the story the way I told it to you. I don’t think they wanted to believe me. I don’t think they wanted to believe that he was capable of these things.
There was an incident where I was going out in the evening with my ex and I wanted to wear lipstick. He wanted to kiss me but I said please kiss me gently because I’ve just done my make up. I said I would take it off as soon as we got home which I did. Then he withheld affection from me for several days. Then when I called him out on this behaviour, he kicked me out. I told my friends about this and they said “oh it’s just because he wanted to kiss you, just don’t wear lipstick anymore”.
When I think about how he used to treat me, he was awful really. I was always on edge because he would always be finding things that were wrong. Silly things like I had cut the celery sticks too short or I didn’t hear him calling me when I was reading my book. My friends, they used to say to me “he’s a sensitive soul”.
I’m sorry to hear this about your mother. That must be very painful to deal with and process.
In terms of abusive words as a child, I never had them directed at me. I witnessed my dad being verbally abusive to my mum though. As I child I would defend my mum and protect my sister. I’ve always been very strong and sure of myself which is why I feel very ashamed that I’ve been with two men who I’ve let treat me terribly.
I have had healthy relationships. I had a marriage where the relationship as a whole lasted many years. We met young and ended up wanting very different things from life. I’ve had another very safe feeling relationship. The relationship I am in now is what I would consider healthy. I don’t feel scared and anxious and I can be myself which is great.
My thoughts that are ruminating on the past and I feel an anger inside me now for what I have gone through. I’ve been very busy with dance and I threw myself into my latest show as a coping mechanism.
I’m trying to focus on the positives. I feel very fortunate as I have amazing friends and family and I’m lucky enough to travel a lot. But there is a fine line between focusing on the positives and not processing things.
August 22, 2024 at 1:46 pm #436507anita
ParticipantDear Sammie:
I will be able to read and reply Fri morning (it’s Wed afternoon here). Feel free to add any number of posts before I return, sharing your thoughts, feelings and insights.
August 23, 2024 at 3:21 am #436527Sammie
ParticipantThank you Anita.
What is on my mind is wanting validation, an apology and closure. I know this will never come.
He always picked at me. Mostly for very small things. His grievances would be things like I didn’t use pet names enough or I would be too focused when I was working/reading/gaming and sometimes wouldn’t hear him speaking to me.
I can be playful and silly. There was an evening where he had bought some crisps that I really liked and I had a bowl in front of me. When he went to the bathroom, I hid them and pretended I had eaten them all. Obviously, it was a joke and got them out from where I had hidden them.
Two days later, when he was picking at me he said “and you’re SO selfish. Look how you ate all the crisps the other day”. I had to remind him how that was a prank and I had hidden them, not eaten them and we both ate them. He didn’t apologise for calling me selfish, he didn’t even acknowledge that what I had said happened.
Most weekends I would travel to his city because he never really wanted to spend much time in my city. On one occasion he was coming over to my house to see me and I asked if there was anything he would like me to get from the store. He said “wow, that’s so kind. You’re really changing, you’ve never done anything like this before”.
Every weekend I went to his house, bought groceries, cooked and cleaned. I made breakfast, lunch and dinner. What’s more is every time he had come over to mind, I prepared food for him as well.
When I tried to explain that I ALWAY do things like this he then went onto say “well, what do you do for me other than cook?”.
I had to listen to him tell me how bad my behaviour was and how I didn’t support him. He told me I didn’t support his business idea and I said that we talk at length about it and I’ve offered to help with packaging and shipping. His response was “well what’s my 5 year plan?”. I’m not a business owner. I don’t know about 5 year plans so I didn’t know to ask.
He then started quizzing me about how much I knew him and started testing me.
This was not a one off. I was always in the wrong. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, nothing made a difference. I was always an awful selfish girl.
He worked freelance. When he had work, he was a different person. He was happier and more pleasant. He was also more open to me talking about how I was feeling. Unfortunately, due to putting his reputation to ruin, he stopped getting as much work and now hardly works at all. He hardly worked from August 2023 onwards.
He drank a lot, didn’t sleep much and I have reason to believe he was taking drugs. He was also unfaithful. I know writing this, I deserve much better.
If I didn’t laugh at his jokes, he got angry at me. He told me I was insulting his intelligence, he specifically said I did it ten times a day. Yet he could make fun of me and I was not allowed to complain. Sometimes he used to look at me and start laughing at me and he wouldn’t tell me why.
When I tried to speak up about things that were upsetting me, he would turn it back around on me and tell me I was ungrateful. I told him he had upset me and his response was “what about your garden?”, he has recently helped me with gardening. I tried to explain that helping me does not then give you a pass to be mean to me.
I tried to go with the angle of, me asking him what was on his mind and stressing him because he hasn’t seemed ok and seemed to be taking things out on me. He wouldn’t talk.
It continued with the same narrative – I am a liar. I am a manipulator. He told me he valued honesty and he had to make allowances for how much I lie. He told me I had to stop lying about who I am and stop lying about being good at things. He told me I was not normal. He told me I was dark inside. He told me that I need to let people in be so guarded.
I started recording when we would argue so I could listen back to the parts where I was supposedly lying so that I could improve and not do it anymore. I was so convinced that I was the problem that I wasn’t expecting to listen back and realise I was being gaslit. It was harrowing listening to the recording because he was cruel to me. I would be trying to explain calmly why other was hurting me and it was twisted to be my own fault. Never apologising to me.
What I am struggling with is how could someone be so cruel yet so unaware of what they were doing? How could he justify treating me like this?
What I’ve told you is just the tip of the iceberg. It was always like this. I got in trouble because I once accidentally said a burger I was eating had gone cold. I’ve not even really touched on how my body was his and his to have whenever he wanted.
The relationship was exhausting and upsetting. I asked for an apology. I tried to explain how things felt for me. I never got an apology.
I want to have a peaceful and loving life. I want to love my new boyfriend. I trust him. It’s easy to trust him because my instincts are not alarming. My gut KNOWS he is a good person.
I just feel stuck at the moment. Stuck wanting closure from the past.
Thank you for reading.
August 23, 2024 at 11:09 am #436534anita
ParticipantDear Sammie:
Responding to your first post: “Should I stay in the abuse environment I was in OR reclaim my sparkle. I did the latter, I chose me“- the right choice, of course!
“I told my friends the story the way I told it to you… I told my friends about this and they said ‘oh it’s just because he wanted to kiss you, just don’t wear lipstick anymore’.. My friends, they used to say to me ‘he’s a sensitive soul”“- the wrong kind of friends: siding with your abuser, minimizing and denying his abuse of you. There is a saying: With friends like that, who needs enemies?
“I was always on edge because he would always be finding things that were wrong. Silly things like I had cut the celery sticks too short or I didn’t hear him calling me when I was reading my book… I’m sorry to hear this about your mother. That must be very painful to deal with and process“- thank you. My mother criticized me similarly to how your boyfriend criticized you, about trivial matters, and I was indeed a child/ a teenager/ a person almost-always on edge when around her/ people in general, fearing the next and the next, and the next criticism.
“In terms of abusive words as a child, I never had them directed at me. I witnessed my dad being verbally abusive to my mum though. As I child I would defend my mum and protect my sister“- your empathy was with your mother, you felt her pain; so it was as if your father’s abusive words were directed at you.
“I’ve always been very strong and sure of myself which is why I feel very ashamed that I’ve been with two men who I’ve let treat me terribly“- you were very strong too early in your life, at an age when you needed someone strong to rely on, someone to defend and protect you. A child’s strength when it comes to defending a parent (role reversal) cannot be counted on as the kind of strength to serve you as an adult. It’s like building a house (strength) on ground that is not solid (mature) yet.
“I have had healthy relationships… I’m trying to focus on the positives. I feel very fortunate as I have amazing friends and family and I’m lucky enough to travel a lot. But there is a fine line between focusing on the positives and not processing things“- a fine line between focusing on the positives and not processing the negatives..
When you say (in the quote above) amazing friends, are you including the “friends” who repeatedly and from the beginning sided with your abuser (most recent ex)?
I am wondering if you are focusing on the positives and denying (not acknowledging and therefore, not processing) the negatives.
Responding to your second (most recent) post: you are welcome! “I can be playful and silly. There was an evening where he had bought some crisps that I really liked and I had a bowl in front of me. When he went to the bathroom, I hid them and pretended I had eaten them all. Obviously, it was a joke… Two days later, when he was picking at me he said ‘and you’re SO selfish. Look how you ate all the crisps the other day’. I had to remind him how that was a prank and I had hidden them, not eaten them and we both ate them. He didn’t apologise for calling me selfish, he didn’t even acknowledge that what I had said happened“- this is very meaningful. It means that his motivation is not to respond to what is truly happening around him (you being playful), but to what happened around him a long time ago, before he ever met you. Someone else was selfish around him (his mother, I am guessing, because you shared that he had problems with her), and he projected her into you.
“On one occasion he was coming over to my house to see me and I asked if there was anything he would like me to get from the store. He said ‘wow, that’s so kind. You’re really changing, you’ve never done anything like this before’“- it’s like he is talking to his mother, responding to the then-and-there, not in the here-and-now.
“When I tried to explain that I ALWAY do things like this, he then went onto say ‘well, what do you do for me other than cook?’“- if he wasn’t abusive, I would have felt very sad for him because he is carrying with him lots of anger at his mother because she (not you) was probably very selfish or self-centered and deprived him, as a boy, from the attention and consideration that he deserved.
“I had to listen to him tell me how bad my behaviour was and how I didn’t support him… He then started quizzing me about how much I knew him and started testing me… I was always in the wrong. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, nothing made a difference. I was always an awful selfish girl“- nothing you said or did made a difference because he was not hearing you, he was not seeing you and he was not responding to you.
“It continued with the same narrative – I am a liar. I am a manipulator… He told me I was dark inside“- this is someone he grew up with: his mother (and/ or his father, or another caretaker, I don’t know his childhood circumstances or history).
“What I am struggling with is how could someone be so cruel yet so unaware of what they were doing? How could he justify treating me like this?“- I think that he is stuck in his childhood, trying to resolve severe emotional conflicts he still has with people in his childhood.. in present circumstances, with new people (you).
“What I’ve told you is just the tip of the iceberg… I’ve not even really touched on how my body was his and his to have whenever he wanted“- I am guessing that he needed and wanted his mother’s (or another caretaker’s) attention and presence in his life, so badly, but didn’t get it. Fast forward, projecting the caretaker into you, angry, he took your attention/ your presence/ your body whenever he wanted.
“I want to have a peaceful and loving life. I want to love my new boyfriend. I trust him… My gut KNOWS he is a good person. I just feel stuck at the moment. Stuck wanting closure from the past“- closure from the past with your most recent ex, the one before him.. and closure from the past of your own childhood, which was not peaceful and loving?
August 27, 2024 at 5:54 am #436650Sammie
ParticipantHi Anita
Thank you for your response. I have been thinking on what you have said to me.
You are right, the wrong kind of friends. The amazing friends I speak of are the ones in my city. The horrible things happened in Manchester however I actually live in another city about 50 miles away. I always felt like the outsider which is why I don’t think they believed me (or wanted to believe me). Fair weather friends, as they say.
Thank you for sharing how you felt around your mother. I can understand this, I too was waiting for the next criticism. It’s so difficult because we try our best and try and meet their expectations but the goal posts continuously move further away from us.
I have been focusing on the positives in my life (because there are many) however I agree, I have not been processing the negatives.
How can people like that go into someone’s life and cause emotional destruction and they be let off all the pain? I didn’t want to let him win by being upset so I’ve kept pushing on with the positives. He doesn’t cry over me so I wanted to try not to either. That was my logic. Now I am exhausted though.
How you have explained his projection of his mother onto me has been very useful to read. Him focusing on the then and there instead of the here and now. This makes me realise that it was not me, there was nothing I could do differently.
Interestingly, he has struggled with addiction in the past and my supportive friends believe he has a substance abuse problem.
There was never going to be anything I could do. The course was set from the start.
Thank you for reading.
August 27, 2024 at 11:10 am #436667Anonymous
InactiveHi Sammie
Congratulations on being selected to perform a new routine. You must be really talented to be a professional dancer! I hear that it is very hard to get into.
I’m glad to hear that you are receiving professional support.
I think that he picked apart your confidence to manipulate you. Someone with high confidence is harder to manipulate. It was never about you or who you are, it was about making you feel small, so you would not fight back.
You are still the same amazing person you have always been. He was actually threatened by that. There is frankly no truth to the things he said.
Your friends are not great judges of character. It would be better to ask someone else about these kinds of things.
Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏
August 27, 2024 at 11:31 am #436671anita
ParticipantDear Sammie:
You are welcome! “The amazing friends I speak of are the ones in my city. The horrible things happened in Manchester… I always felt like the outsider which is why I don’t think they believed me (or wanted to believe me). Fair weather friends, as they say“- fair weather friends: supporting you if it’s easy and convenient for them. I see.
“I too was waiting for the next criticism. It’s so difficult because we try our best and try and meet their expectations but the goal posts continuously move further away from us“- sometimes children (and adults) stop trying. It’s called learned helplessness, as in, I am not trying anymore because what would be the point..?
“I have been focusing on the positives in my life (because there are many) however I agree, I have not been processing the negatives“- unresolved negatives block our view of the positives, like dark clouds blocking the sun. Processing and resolving negatives clears the view, dispersing dark clouds, and we can better see the light blue shade of the sky.
“How can people like that go into someone’s life and cause emotional destruction and they be let off all the pain?“- abusive people abuse because of their unprocessed and unresolved negatives and pain. They spread their pain around, passing it on to other people.
“How you have explained his projection of his mother onto me has been very useful to read. Him focusing on the then and there instead of the here and now. This makes me realise that it was not me, there was nothing I could do differently“- I agree! Similarly, there was nothing I could have done differently, as a child, so to get a better treatment from my mother. She projected other people into me and reacted to them, not to me.
“There was never going to be anything I could do. The course was set from the start“- There was nothing you could have done to change the course of your relationship with him because it was set at a time before he ever met you. Similarly, the course of my relationship with my mother was set at a time before I was born to her.
Thank you for reading.“- you are welcome, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here!