
Giveaway and Interview: Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein

Update: The winners have already been chosen for this giveaway. They are:

Have you ever met someone, and then instantly felt a sense of rapport and respect? That’s how I felt earlier this year when I met best-selling author and speaker Gabrielle Bernstein.

After a stellar introduction from a mutual friend, I felt intrigued to meet this woman, known as a “happiness guru” in the mainstream media. Much to my dismay, I woke up that day feeling slightly under the weather and far less, well, happy, than usual.

It was just one of those days. And for better or worse, I am someone who acknowledges what I’m really feeling. So I told her when we met, “I’m feeling less than 100%, with incredibly low energy today, but please know I am truly thrilled to connect with you!” (Except without the exclamation point—really low energy, remember?)

Despite meeting a shadow of my bubbliest self, Gabrielle exuded non-judgmental kindness and love, and engaged with me in an insightful conversation about living an empowered life. I didn’t yet know much about her writing or speaking, but I knew there was something beautiful motivating them.

Earlier this year, I received a copy of Gabrielle’s latest book, Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles. Part memoir and part self-help guide, Spirit Junkie offers a modern twist on the teachings of A Course in Miracles.

Touted as a role model for Gen-Y women, Gabrielle writes in a casual, down-to-earth tone, almost like a loving sister imparting wisdom for inner peace and joy. Throughout the book, she takes readers on a journey through her former drug abuse and romance-addiction, exploring the spiritual path that has helped her transform her perceptions and her life.

With unflinching honesty and self-awareness, Gabrielle inspires us to all to challenge our egos and live joyful, authentic lives.

Though she explores some weighty topics, the book has a light-hearted tone and empowering message–that we can choose to cower in fear or create miracles through love.

I’m excited to share a little from Gabrielle and also offer 5 free copies of Spirit Junkie. To enter to win:

1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Tweet: RT @tinybuddha Giveaway and Interview: Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein http://bit.ly/oMxStR

You can enter until midnight, PST on Sunday, September 18th. I will email the winners directly on Monday the 19th and update this post with their names.

1. What motivated you to write Spirit Junkie, and what made you choose this title?

Many of the people who read my first book, Add More ~ing To Your Life, wanted to hear more about my personal journey. I often received emails from ~ing readers asking for me to share more of my story of how I transformed my own life. It became clear to me that my second book had to be my memoir. It was time for me to share my own experiences in an authentic way. In this book I do just that: I share how I transformed my fear-based perceptions to live a life beyond my wildest dreams, and I guide the reader to do the same.

2. You are a motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur. What are three things people couldn’t learn about your through a Google search?

Very cool question!

  • I’m a closet introvert. I love being at home in my pajamas. I think people perceive me as an extrovert when I’m actually quite the opposite.
  • I love to cook! I prepare meals as often as I can. I cook very healthful food and enjoy every second of the process.
  • I like to draw and paint. I have tons of art supplies. My time spent drawing or painting is very meditative for me.
3. In Spirit Junkie, you explore your experiences using A Course if Miracles to transform your life. What do you think is the most important lesson the course has to teach us?

The most important lesson from the Course is that we have a choice to live in fear or love. When we make the decision to project our fears onto the world, fear is what we will experience. When we begin to shift those fear-based perceptions to love, then miracles occur.

4. What would you say is the greatest miracle you’ve experienced?

I’ve experienced many miracles in my life. The Course teaches, “There’s no order of difficulty in miracles.” Therefore, no one miracle is greater than the next. With that said, I feel blessed to have experienced the miracle of releasing my addictions to drugs and romance. Both of these addictions kept me stuck in fear. Today, I am finally free.

5. You emphasize prayer and meditation a lot in your writing. Does one need to be religious to benefit from your book and the teachings of A Course in Miracles?

Everything I teach is non-denominational, as is the Course. I am a spiritual teacher. My work is to guide people to create a spiritual experience of their own understanding.

6. As the founder of HerFuture.com, you’re often referred to as a role model for young women. Have you found that men also connect with your writing and speaking?

I’m thrilled to say that my work is well received by men. Though I speak in a language that women can relate to, the content is for everyone. My new book Spirit Junkie is much less gender-specific than Add More ~ing To Your Life. This work is for everyone! Let’s face it—we all want to be happy.

7. You’ve also been referred to as a “happiness guru.” What does this mean to you?

I perceive myself as a spiritual teacher and a guide. I have accepted my life’s mission is to lead many people to new perceptions. I’m not really caught up in semantics. I’m just happy that those who need a teacher have found guidance from my work. They can call me whatever they wish.

8. You write a lot about choosing love over fear. What do you think is the key to overcoming fear-based thinking?

The key to overcoming fear-based thinking is to be willing to see things differently. We cannot release our fears if we’re unwilling to let them go. If we practice willingness one day at a time we will be guided to all of the teachers, assignments, and lessons that will help us release our fears.

9. What is the core message you hope people take away from Spirit Junkie?

My intention and hope for this book is to guide readers to open up to new perceptions and a faith that there is a more loving way to perceive the world.

You can purchase Spirit Junkie on Amazon for $13.71. For more information on Gabrielle Bernstein, visit Gabbyb.tv.

FTC Disclosure: I receive complimentary books for reviews and interviews on tinybuddha.com, but I am not compensated for writing or obligated to write anything specific. I am an Amazon affiliate, meaning I earn a percentage of all books purchased through the links I provide on this site.

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here.

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