
Winter came and went, but the love didn't

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    Dear Anita,

    This is my problem. I am scared that he will not be happy to hear from me. Because he had a really bad times in his life. And I was not around – but i wrote him during this. But writing is not enough. I wish i could be around.

    The fact that i already initiated all the time a conversation hurts my pride but i cant get enough – i am constantly thinking about all that . I am locked in a cycle. And I dont know how to end this. Because earlier I thought that by writing him I will end the cycle, but it didn’t. And when I don’t write I feel this urgency to write. Like a damn circle.



    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    This urge to write him now, what would it be that you would write him: will you post it here?



    I think, i would just ask him how he is doing. Because I am really concerned how is managing…

    Asking him about our relationship seems to be not the most important thing.

    For me it would be enough to get an honest answer from him whether he is doing ok.




    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    What if you write to him, asking if he is doing ok and also, ask him if it makes him unhappy that you wrote to him (“I am scared that he will not be happy to hear from me”, you wrote earlier).

    What if you ask him if he would like it if you continue to write to him (and how often) or if he prefers that you don’t write to him at all. Maybe an answer from him, or non-answer, if he doesn’t reply, will put an end to that cycle you are locked in.



    Dear Anita

    I feel like the only way i could really break the cycle would be if I will meet him again. Because what I’ve found out , that it’s so easy to be misunderstood via texting. Or even manipulated.    That’s why i don’t want to write him . I don’t trust anymore . But then again, if it is the possible way to break the cycle …

    on the other hand , my pride is what really stops me . I’m not used to write man first all the time . Just in case if I Was just one if his flings ,


    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    I think it is not knowing that is keeping you locked in that cycle. It is like being in the dark, not knowing if you are just one of his flings, if you are as special to him as he is to you. being in the dark like this, you can’t see the way out. Remaining with this imagery I presented, information, that is light, is what you need.

    How to get the information you need, is the question. You say texting may not bring you that light because it is easy to be understood via texting. Even a very clearly stated text? I don’t know if you mentioned not having his email address, did you (could be clearer on email). Maybe face-to-face is the only way for you to get the information, maybe not (one can still be manipulated face to face, or too excited to listen to what is being said).

    Got to get the information, the light-in-the-dark. Somehow. And the sooner, the better.



    Dear Anita,

    Your are right. The fact that I don’t know the truth , the information i need, keeps me wandering in dark. And I want to know it more than anything, honestly. Months i am thinking about it. But it seems like its only me who’s struggling. And that’s killing me.

    And I really can’t say, whether he really loved me. I just had this trust that came from nowhere. It just felt natural, being with him and trusting.

    How can I know that he will be honest with me this time? Because I don’t have this natural trust anymore. I am just guessing, wondering.

    But somehow i feel like he could be doing the same. We are really similar , the way we think . Maybe that’s why he is not writing me. Because of this confusing mind flow.

    But I still want to talk to him . Though i know we cant restore our relationship, because there is no real life communication going there. We are far away. And the only way is the online.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.

    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    We need evidence so to know what is going on. A woman can feel strong love for a man and feel that he loves her too and …believe that he does because she feels that he does.

    And then the woman puts together any and every word he said as evidence that he does and let those words he said sustain her feeling that he does love her. A woman can imagine a whole lot about a man that is not true to reality.

    This is why we need evidence, information.

    You wrote: “we are really similar, the way we think”- in some ways you are similar, not in every way. There are probably ways you are very different. You don’t know what he thinks now, you only know what he thought when you communicated with him the few times that you did, long ago.

    You wrote: “Maybe that’s why he is not writing me. Because of this confusing mind flow”- this is something you imagine, a guess you are making, an assumption. No evidence, only guessing.



    Dear Anita ,

    I am almost ready to write him.

    I think about the consequences. First of all , my parents. Now, that I am older, I am almost independent from them. But making them sad makes me feel bad . Being with him is what my parents don’t want. But I can’t do always what my parents approve , now when I’m grown up.

    of  course , there are other things I do , what my parents wouldn’t . So I guess, this is just how life works – you can’t make everyone,including your nearest one , happy wth your actions. Their dissaprovence they build on a thought, that genes play the main role in this situation . They mean by that, that if his parents did bad to them , he will probably be the same towards me.  With what i can’t agree. Of course, you do be partly like your parents. But , then , you are a whole new individual .

    What do you think?

    The second thing is , how do I deal with break ups makes me fear. Though it seems to me  that it was truly love at least from my side, I fear , that he is almost over it . And when I will write him, he will just laugh at my weakness .  Because it is a weakness. When we broke up he hit me with words , which were chosen really accurate to make me feel bad.

    But at the same time , i know everyone is flawed , me, you, him. I don’t want a prince on a white horse , I am prepared to be open and to take person the way he is. But only if he understands his mistakes . And he did act this way after. He apologized every time he said something harsh.

    It happens, right ?


    I feel like a little child, who needs guidance . But at the end , my true feelings and motives will make me do the action. But having your advice is  helping me to deal with it.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.

    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    You are welcome.

    Regarding your parents’ feelings on the matter: better not share with them then what is not necessary to share. If you were about to marry him, I suppose you would have to share that with them. But the situation is not even close to marriage, and so, there is no need to share with them your thoughts and feelings regarding this man, even the communication you are thinking of sending him, nor his reply.

    It will hurt your parents if you will share with them such things, and it will not help you if you do. So it is not a good idea to share with them anything on this front, at this time.

    Regarding “genes play the main role in this situation… if his parents did bad to them, he will probably be the same towards me”- I strongly believe genes has nothing to do with this, not at all. If the two of you were to get married, the relationship between the families (if you and him were to interact with both families) will have a big part in the relationship between the two of you. But genetics have nothing to do with him being trustworthy or not, good or bad.

    Regarding the fact that in the past he “he hit (you) with words, which were chosen really accurate to make me feel bad”- this is a non-genetic evidence of cruelty on his part. Your fear that he “will just laugh at my weakness”- the belief that he is capable and inclined to laugh at your weakness is disturbing, not a good basis for a loving relationship. A non-basis really, that is, it makes a loving relationship impossible.

    You wrote that you are “prepared to be open and to take (him) the way he is. But only if he understands his mistakes. And he did act this way after. He apologize…” – yes, it is a good idea to allow for imperfections, to allow people to correct themselves. An apology for inattentiveness is enough, I suppose. But an apology for cruelty (choosing one’s words carefully so to hurt you) isn’t enough. There needs to be sincere remorse and correction of such behavior over time, way beyond one apology.

    Keep letting me know your thoughts and feelings and whether you will send him a message soon.



    Dear Anita,

    I actually think it could be different. If I didn’t tell my family.  I didn’t tell them to the moment, when I couldn’t hide it anymore. It was when I came back home too late and was put on a interview  – where were you, with whom did you go etc etc. And so I’ve told them. I regret it.

    I never lied to them , even when the things got pretty tough, eg when I said that I am an atheist, and my parents are really religious and conservative.  I always tried to be myself, to not hide what I am and what I believe.
    Therefore , standing for my choices wasn’t a big thing for me. And so it was in this situation. I just said how it is, though i hid it for months. And I think it might scared him pretty much. Knowing that my strict dad doesn’t want him.

    Stupid from my side?

    I messed up. I feel like maybe I hurt him too much.

    He thought he has found something nice in his hard life. A person, who will always be by his side . And it turned out to be as ordinary as always. Nothing special . We were so close to start something beautiful, but it was cut.

    I guess, I can’t always be honest with everyone.


    You know what hit me just now – he has the whole right to doubt me too. He knows me as little as I do him. Looking from this perspective explains some things… When we texted after we broke up , he was really mad. Now I totally get why . He said ” It seems like you just came here, was with me for some time and then went away. Like you used me. You deserve this. ”

    That what hit me straight.

    I hate it. I didn’t think about it earlier. That he sees me completely different. How strange I was acting , when I couldn’t speak and all that stuff… Wow.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by tidalwave.

    Dear Tidea Janamori:

    You told your parents about this man while being under an interrogation, under the stress of being questioned. I understand.

    You mentioned that he had or has a hard life. How is it so; how has his life been harder than yours, I wonder?

    I also wonder what could possibly be behind his statement that maybe you used him during the few days you saw him?

    I will soon be away from the computer for about 15 hours. I hope to read from you when I am back to the computer (if not in the next fifteen minutes or so).



    * didn’t reflect under Topics


    His life was full of struggles.  His family  moved into another town. His parents got very sick. He needed to work hard in house building. After we broke up , his parents passed away.

    That was the reason i wrote him after long time of nothing.

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