Home→Forums→Emotional Mastery→What is the Relation of the Soul to Emotional Maturity?
- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by
Gary R. Smith.
May 15, 2016 at 3:07 pm #104603
Gary R. Smith
ParticipantThanks to participants here who helped me see the dualism of writing about lower emotions and higher feelings, which I have changed to what hinders and what nurtures and supports emotional maturity and mastery.
After working through my thoughts, feelings, observations, research and experience, I have distilled it into a process that works for me to be calmer, less reactive, more at one and therefore at peace with myself and ‘others.’
The process involves a shift in paradigm and perspective. I would enjoy to know how others feel about it, with honest feedback. For me, it is simple, natural and effective. I’ve posted it on the Whole Human blog and copy a portion here, to give a sense of the direction:
“When soul is understood as heart, mind, will and emotions, all questions of its existence are removed.
“That there is an Everything, an All that Exists, is also beyond dispute.
“It is commonly known in ancient wisdom and modern physics that consciousness unifies all that is.
“The being of a human is the essential nature. Pure consciousness is the being of all that is.
“My interpretation of these actualities is that the soul is an individuated expression of the one being of unified consciousness. The original design for humans is to live in daily communion with the one being.
“What has prevented the communion of humans with the one being until now is fragmentation sustained by the grip of fear — the illusion of separation.
“What returns humans to communion with the one being is quality attention to that focus. It is an individual choice and journey, and an in-born capacity. Intermediaries are not needed. Systems, techniques, traditions and teachers impede, interfere with and delay the natural process of aligning the soul experience with communion, with what already is. It is a simple process of letting go of what hinders and embracing what supports or nurtures the unfolding of the soul and communion with the greater flame.”
How does it feel, so far?
For more, the post is at http://www.wholehuman.emanatepresence.com/communion.html
May 15, 2016 at 7:43 pm #104620Evan
ParticipantHi Gary,
I appreciate your intellect and drive to communicate topics that are difficult to express, and to provide a system/framework/understanding that benefits all.
If I may offer my personal experience with your writings to date, is that I get confused and I engage my mind in order to read fully what you are communicating. I feel the shift from my heart/body/present and enter critical thinking to absorb what is written. Perhaps it is within me – I am unsure. Perhaps my vocab needs expanding, however this my experience.
For me, beauty is in simplicity – I would enjoy reading your works, remaining centred and present whilst doing so.
This is not a criticism or an attempt to be derogatory, but genuine feedback as requested. From someone who enjoys your intellect and passion, I hope this is constructive for you…..
May 16, 2016 at 7:17 am #104654Gary R. Smith
ParticipantHi Evan,
Your response is constructive and appreciated. I have been aware that my writing is ‘mental’ and my partner has also encouraged me to write poetry instead. It has felt that I needed to start with the mental for my own framework as well as to fulfill an urge to communicate and contribute. I have considered to stop writing and engage fully in practicing the beauty of simplicity in small, everyday actions.
{{If I may offer my personal experience with your writings to date, is that I get confused and I engage my mind in order to read fully what you are communicating. I feel the shift from my heart/body/present and enter critical thinking to absorb what is written. Perhaps it is within me – I am unsure. Perhaps my vocab needs expanding, however this my experience.}}
It is not you, Evan. That you shift from heart/body/present to critical thinking tells me clearly that my writing has not served the purpose. Heart/body/present is essential and my challenge, if I continue to write, is to use language that evokes feeling and not thinking.
I long to live more as a feeling being, as my partner is. One step for me is to shift my writing from mental to feeling. I would share the words of ‘Communion’ and ask if they still shift you to critical thinking or if you can feel them and remain centered and present:
Nothing is external.
The other and I are one.
The one being is all that is.
I am in the Present Moment.
I listen to what Life is saying.
I let go of what hinders the soul from unfolding.
I embrace what supports soul growth and communion.
I am fluid and grounded.
I act in the flow.
I bring my gifts to the moment with quality attention and care,
and no expectation of return.I merge with what is.
I rest in the unknown, in the mystery unfolding.
I serve the wholeness of Life.
I commune with the one being.
I am the one being in human form.
{{For me, beauty is in simplicity – I would enjoy reading your works, remaining centred and present whilst doing so.
This is not a criticism or an attempt to be derogatory, but genuine feedback as requested. From someone who enjoys your intellect and passion, I hope this is constructive for you…..}}
Many thanks, Evan. Best to you.
May 16, 2016 at 12:16 pm #104684Evan
ParticipantHi Gary,
What a graceful response! I appreciate your openness, and receptiveness. Your demonstration is appreciated.
I do not want to discourage you by any means. I enjoy your intellect, and would encourage you to continue, as your passion is palpable and sincere. I am unsure how much latitude I have here…… but I will also show my courage in return as you have.
Rereading your Communion, there is still a shift, the reason being the use of ‘I’. If I may….
Nothing external.
No other exists.
One being is all.
Be Present.
Listening to Life whisperings.
let go, be unhindered, the soul unfolds.
This allows the mind to disengage yet the wording is similar. I am certainly not a writer, and I apologise if my efforts disturb you, however, I intend only to offer what keeps me grounded/centred without engaging my mind.
Also to note – I am one in a Dillion eyes that will read you works (if you keep going that is ::hint::) so please continue.
May 17, 2016 at 11:52 am #104796Gary R. Smith
Participant{{What a graceful response! I appreciate your openness, and receptiveness. Your demonstration is appreciated.}}
I feel the same towards you, Evan.
{{I am unsure how much latitude I have here……}}
Your latitude with me is unlimited, especially when your write with courage and sincerity as you have.
{{Rereading your Communion, there is still a shift, the reason being the use of ‘I’. If I may….}}
Yes, there are still shifts to come. An earlier version of the Whole Human site had a page called ‘Holy Shift’ as tongue-in-cheek humor. I like what you wrote, and am continuing to explore depths in myself and write them. Sharing does sometimes require courage. I am aware some of my writing will be met with resistance and am stubborn to write from authenticity not from aim to please readers. And, I see holes in my own writing. Words will never fully convey whole truth, as universal truth is fluid, not static and words solidify. Truth, the actual, can only be experienced in the beauty of simplicity, in the present moment and the mystery unfolding.
{{This allows the mind to disengage yet the wording is similar.}}
I value your reflection and contribution and trust this type of inter-action will be on-going, as it is helpful to both of us on our converging journeys. While sitting with Aura (our Siberian Husky friend) yesterday, overlooking a lake, new words came to see with the eye and hear with the ear of the one being.
My earlier comment, ‘I long to live more as a feeling being, as my partner is. One step for me is to shift my writing from mental to feeling.’ needs some correction to be balanced. I *am* a feeling being, it is just that I feel the mystical and abstract more palpably than most human activity. The longing is to have the opportunity to inter-act in a fully human way with those who are on a similar frequency, who value wholeness over the common fragmentation and act from the heart/body/present.
This morning I awakened in a sweet space of timelessness and near bliss, and words flowed within. As soon as I checked the time, I went from that spacious feeling to mental contraction as the schedule demanded I get up and drive the grandsons to school. My thoughts on the road were mental and fragmented and although aware, I could not change it. It was the clearest example of a shift, in this case from feeling to mental.
Just in the middle of writing this, my partner came back from an encounter with a person in the house. She was in a space of serving wholeness, and the young man was engaged in a war game. As a sensitive being, she became overwhelmed by the vibes of violence and came to our yurt distraught. We are finding that our idea of creating an oasis of lived wholeness in the midst of chaos, drama and fragmentation is not fully effective. We have traveled widely and visited several intentional communities and so far found that they just repeat the old patterns of fragmentation, even if they talk about being a conscious model of something new. So we are considering our next move.
{{I apologize if my efforts disturb you, however, I intend only to offer what keeps me grounded/centered without engaging my mind.}}
I am grateful for your boldness and caring to reach out. Your comments are valued and will be integrated. If you are up for personal communication, my email address is emanatepresence at live dot com.
Nothing external.
No other exists.
One being is all.
Be Present.
Listening to Life whisperings.
let go, be unhindered, the soul unfolds.
This allows the mind to disengage yet the wording is similar. I am certainly not a writer, and I apologise if my efforts disturb you, however, I intend only to offer what keeps me grounded/centred without engaging my mind.
Also to note – I am one in a Dillion eyes that will read you works (if you keep going that is ::hint::) so please continue.
May 17, 2016 at 2:12 pm #104812Evan
ParticipantHi Gary,
I enjoy our communication, and will send an email to you throughout the day. Presently 7.12am in Australia 🙂
You are certainly following you heart in your writings and life. Your intuition is sound…. Be safe, and I trust we will continue to share here and via email.
May 18, 2016 at 7:20 am #104884Gary R. Smith
ParticipantG’day Evan,
Kati asked me to express her gratitude also for your comments. English is not her native language, and she had difficulty to convey how I could bring spaciousness into my writing. She said that your suggestions are exactly what she was trying to tell me. So, thank you from both of us. We (you, Kati and I) have co-written the next version with your suggestions. What would you add, change or remove?
The one being, ever-present and aware.
Knowing it is there, whether sensed or not.
Consciousness pervading and unifying all that exists.
All universes, all dimensions, all humans, one being.
Creative source individuated.
The one being in human form.
Self-aware and aware of Source.
Seeing with the eyes of the one being.
Hearing with the ears of Source.
Being the observer and the observed.
Border-less and defined in the same moment.
Being in the Present Moment.
Being the Present Moment.
Acting in the flow.
Alive in the flow.
Being the flow.
Being the river of light.
Being fluid and grounded.
Feeling the wind through the trees.
Being the wind mingling with the flowers and the grass.
Being the tree and feelings its roots, trunk and leaves.
Knowing the tree as a living being, namasté.
Feeling the mountain, its massive presence and the consciousness of its atoms.
Acknowledging the mountain as a being.
Seeing the stars as the atoms of the great being, oscillating consciousness.
Feeling the pulse of the stars through the veins.
Nurtured by Source and able to nurture.
Feeling fragmentation and wholeness.
Feeling compassion for fragmented humans.
Letting go of fragmentation.
Choosing to be and make whole.
Letting go of what hinders the soul from unfolding.
Embracing what nurtures and supports soul growth and communion.
Merging with what is.
Bringing gifts to the Now.
Accepting the unknown.
Being the unknown, the mystery unfolding.
Serving the wholeness of life.
May 18, 2016 at 1:38 pm #104931Evan
ParticipantG’Day Gary and Kati,
I am humbled! I would not alter anything, and simply wish to express my appreciation for your openness, and your demonstration of refining yourself, your writing, and your essence. For me this is a ‘true action’ from your heart, and simply being part of this process is reward of the highest level.
This works for me and it is beautiful. Well done! I felt a depth reading through, and two parts especially jumped out for me….
“Being the observer and the observed.
Border-less and defined in the same moment.
Being in the Present Moment.
Being the Present Moment.”
Seriously Awesome!
And also….
“Accepting the unknown.
Being the unknown, the mystery unfolding.”
I feel a transition in your expression also – your feelings within the words are very apparent.
You stated previously “I long to live more as a feeling being, as my partner is.”, and it appears your answer has found you. Removing the ‘I’, or mental component, your artistry is shining, and is your soul unfolding.
With sincerity and gratitude
May 19, 2016 at 9:49 am #105052Gary R. Smith
ParticipantG’day Evan,
Your last reply was a delight at the end of our day. Heartfelt thanks from both of us. – Gati
Yes, removing the persona of the ‘I’ dissolves the mental contraction and makes the line more spacious and universal.
Removing the statement from the line also shifts it from mental to feeling.
Contracting thoughts such as a judgment or anything that isn’t actual like a musing from the past or a worry for the future, if caught quickly, dissolve in the replacing thought of ‘letting go of fragmentation’ or ‘being the present moment.’ If I engage with any fragmenting thought, shifting becomes much more difficult. Even dwelling too long on thoughts *about* consciousness contract me into mental mode. Consciousness itself shifts me into expanded feeling, and it will fill where space is made.
Evan, if you are applying ‘One Being’, I’d love to know in what ways.
May I have your permission to publish this dialogue with your name, as a Whole Human blog post? I would edit it some and send you the link. I like that it reveals the shifts in writing with your participation. My request is made with no expectation or attachment.
Kind regards,
May 19, 2016 at 1:43 pm #105082Evan
ParticipantHi Gary,
You are more than welcome to use our communications. Our true gift is sharing 🙂
I have read ‘One Being’ a few times now, and will allow things to evolve and get back to you. From past experience, life reveals itself slowly on a personal level, and tends to include others who benefit greatly. This happens naturally, and the results usually brings joy, and laughter at the synchronicities at play.
Watch this space 🙂
May 19, 2016 at 2:26 pm #105087Gary R. Smith
ParticipantHi Evan,
Our dialogue here is now posted on the Whole Human site at http://www.wholehuman.emanatepresence.com/realizations-blog/one-being
If you see anything in the dialogue post you’d like me to change, please let me know.
{{… allow things to evolve and get back to you. From past experience, life reveals itself slowly on a personal level, and tends to include others who benefit greatly. This happens naturally, and the results usually brings joy, and laughter at the synchronicities at play.}}
Love it!
Keeping my eyes open.