
What do you think of chastity rings?

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    First off, I want to say that I really love this supportive forum that seems to have good vibes and I’m always surprised at the amount of support and opinions that are posted.

    Okay, so I’m taking this dance class and there are two pretty cool girls in the class. One seems to like to play games and seems fun and the other seems more caring but wears a chastity ring.

    I personally don’t really enjoy sex when I can’t bond with my partner (releases oxytocin and all that), and moving from one partner to the next (or dating girls who are more “sexually liberated” or loose or who like to play games) can be mentally painful and draining, yet I fear that the girl with the chastity ring would be too religious/superstitious (she is religious), judgy, nonsexual, or unadventurous, and could be self-righteous or critical of unimportant things (like oh no you don’t believe that the earth is 6000 years old, harry potter is the devil, gay people or people with unusual kinks are perverted, you must have children, no sex before marriage and no marriage until you can afford to move out which could be at age 30 and so forth).

    Hypothetically speaking, which would you choose (assuming you were in my position) and why?
    I feel that I could level easier with the nonreligious girl, yet I’m tired of playing stupid mind games and disloyal women. At the same time I really dislike superstition and arbitrary sexual boundaries with someone you want to be close with. Thoughts?


    Hi Trevor, the idea of chastity rings is an interesting one.
    My guess the best thing to do is talk to the girl and have no expectations of what she may or not be like- you might be surprised. Chastity rings are a lucrative thing and I have not had any experience of meeting someone with one. Certainly I understand your worries about how she *could be* but she equally could not be like how you think. Equally the same could be with the more fun girl- who knows she could be just as kind and caring too?

    Just get to know them both- without the labels of religion/ past experiences of sexually liberated girls. In regards to the girl with chastity ring, intimacy can be founded in many other ways other than sex- but worry about that later on down the line. Just be yourself and do not worry about all the thoughts that may entail 🙂

    Sex is ultimately an energy- not the act of sex- and a very powerful thing indeed. Being able to own yourself sexually and know who you are is more important than what other’s may enforce on you 🙂

    I’ll tell you this because I myself am in the middle of a scale for religious, I do have religion. I have chosen to have sex after marriage. Not to say if I do have sex before marriage it will be because I feel ready and am comfortable with it and my partner. I do I believe in intimacy in other forms in a relationship, I believe in exploring each other in different ways and am fascinated by sexual spirituality (not to mention I am open to dominance and submission, shibari etc.- I also work for a fetish lingerie company who’d think? :P)

    The ultimate answer would be I would not want to choose one over the other, everyone is unique in their own way and have their own story that shapes them to be who they are. I’d give both of them a chance and not worry about where it could go and just enjoy the experience of learning about someone/ something different. We come in contact with all sorts of people in our lives so that our views can change and that we learn something valuable about ourselves. I hope this answers some form of your question!


    Well, seeing as you are completely free of judginess and any tendencies to criticise unimportant things, I can see why you’d like to avoid that in any potential partner.

    Ba-dum tish. ¬.¬

    But OK, this is Tiny Buddha, so hang on a second while I put my –.~*kind*~.– face on and see if I can be of any assistance, as a decidedly “sexually liberated” (scarequotes yours) and loose lady, who at least shares your aversion of game playing.

    Chastity girl has given you a very clear signal about what she wants in a relationship, and what she doesn’t want. She does not want to have sex without a wedding ring. It is something she feels so strongly about that she’s advertising it to literally everyone she meets. It’s pretty clear that this style of chastity is not something you would like in your relationships. You consider her boundaries (which she has set clearly and explicitly) “arbitrary” and list “no sex without marriage” in your list of unimportant things some people get annoyingly judgy about. Man, some people, right! (For the record, I am with you on this.)

    Seem this is not a match, dude.

    If you get in a relationship with this girl, you will either be unhappy and frustrated all the time about her “arbitrary boundaries”, or you will somehow talk/manipulate/convince her into going against her deeply held (and clearly stated! at the outset!) principles. The first scenary is no fun for you, and the second scenario… what kind of a person are you? If you’re not into game-playing, you don’t do that.

    Why are you considering getting with this girl? Why are you worried about her attitudes to Harry Potter and whatnot – you are clearly incompatible, simply based on her expressed desire to be chaste. Not a match. Move on.

    The other girl? Well, you don’t tell us much about her, but it seems you reject her based on your negative experiences with loose, game-playing girls. Do you really know she’s even like that? And if she is, dude, this is not a two-girl world. It’s not a dating sim where you have to pick one of the available options. If this girl is not what you want either, keep looking. There may be girls in this world who are both open to (loving! bonding! oxytocinised!) sex, and honest/game-free. But don’t write her off too early, it seems you might be pre-judging her a little based on your negative experiences with some other chick. That’s not really fair on her. Give the lady a chance.

    Finally, to answer the question in your subject line, I think chastity rings are messed right the hell up. I think it’s deeply wrong that young girls are talked into making decisions about their sexuality before they have a clear idea of what they’re even making decisions about. I believe it is setting them up for self-hatred and a disfuctional sex-life. However, I also believe girls have the right to self-determination. So when it comes to a specific individual, like this particular girl, if she says chastity is what she wants, then our job as strangers/aquaintances is to respect that. We don’t know what brought her to this decision, or how she feels about it. There could be perfectly legitimate reasons to wear a ring like that, for example to keep horny teenage boys out of her hair.

    Maybe you can question her a little: “how come you wear that ring?” “How old were you when you made that commitment?” “That’s pretty young, how do you know you won’t change your mind? Is it really fair to future you to make her decisions for her?” And then you listen to her answers, nod politely, and drop it. In my opinion. Well, you asked.

    Good luck, give the lady a chance!

    No wait one more thing: (Geez, do I ever shut up?) Oxytocin does not do what you’ve been told it does. It’s more complicated than that. There is some serious BS out there about oxytocin, and I encourage you to do a little research and learn more about brain-chemistry. Brain chemistry! Aw, man, what’s sexier than that!

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Will.
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