
Wanting more for my life..

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    I had it rough growing up, my family wasn’t really there for me. I was shunned for some unholy reason. Anything I did would be passed on down the family, and many awful things were said about me. So all my life I’ve had to grow up a lot quicker then I should have. I graduated highschool in 2011 and went straight in to College – as I was entering college my mom became ill with cancer. So I had to juggle college, my mom, 4 animals, cooking, cleaning and so on. It was hard and so mentally draining.

    After college I moved in with my current boyfriend. We’ve been together just over 2 years – and I’m feeling like I want to do more with my life. I feel like I haven’t really lived the college life. I’m 21 right now and my partner is talking about moving in a house, having kids in a couple of years ect.. I thought I wanted that too – but with a little more inner thinking – it’s not what I want at all.

    I feel like I have “small town syndrome”… I DON’T want to live in the same place all my life, I want adventure, I want to meet new people, wake up on my own terms, and be independent.. And that’s not my partner at all.

    I feel so guilty feeling the things I feel though – but I wouldn’t be feeling them if something weren’t wrong, right?

    Someone give me some inspiration, some glimmer of hope…


    Hi Elfie this is my first post here. I just wanted to reply after reading your post. I don’t know if you can relate to my situation but I hope it helps.

    I’m 31 going on 32. I spent my 20s with no goals or plans. I went to school, work, home, hung out with friends and basically just lived without much thought about my future. But now I look back and regret the time I wasted in my 20s. I look around and see other people around my age who have a successful career and a bright future and I realize they were working hard and chasing their dreams while I was sleep walking through life. If I could turn back time and go back to my 20s I would do everything differently. I have just now started to take my first steps to turn my life around and I believe it isn’t too late, but I feel like I have to work twice as hard to catch up with my peers.

    What I want to say is…don’t waste your life going with the flow. If you don’t chase your dreams now with ALL OF YOUR HEART you will look back 10 years from now and regret it. Your 20s is FULL of potential. Don’t settle for what happens in life MAKE things happen. Work hard, play hard, and do amazing things.

    Good luck!

    The Ruminant

    Hi Elfie!

    I believe that we all need to aquire certain things during our growth as humans. Whether that’s according to Maslow or the Chakras or some other theory on developmental stages. I believe that one of the things we need is the feeling of being an autonomous individual and have control over ourselves. I think that many people equate freedom and independece with travel and meeting new people, and travel may give a sense of freedom for a while just like food can give comfort for a moment. I’m not trying to tell you that you shouldn’t travel 🙂 Just that it’s more important to listen to that need and that there are other ways to provide for that need. You can live in a small town and feel free and independent. You don’t have to, but you can.

    I have a history of codependence and lack of boundaries, and because of that, a low tolerance for people who try to tell me what to do or what to be. The small child in me starts to scream in panic and lashes back. I love to help people and I even have a tendency for self-sacrifice, but when I notice that it’s no longer happening on my terms, I feel like I’m losing myself and I get very anxious. To prevent this, I need to cultivate my boundaries and the feeling that within those boundaries, I am in charge and in control and nobody else. It is my autonomous territory and nobody else is allowed to occupy it. I am free to think and feel what ever I want. Knowing that and treasuring that alleviates my anxiety greatly.

    I have traveled a lot and lived abroad and have been a bit of a rebel. Those things did not give me the peace I desired. Don’t get me wrong. I still love to travel, but I’m not expecting it to provide for my fundamental need for personal freedom. I could be a prisoner and still feel free. What you want will be found from within you, not from outside sources.

    So my suggestion is that you start to gently cultivate those boundaries. Take a moment to reflect on your feelings when anything happens and then compassionately follow your own truth. Compassionately and slowly and calmly. Find your center and imagine your boundaries. Focus on that area and be present in there. It takes practice and since we are talking about such abstract matters, it’s hard to give truly practical advice.

    When you have your autonomy and your freedom, what you really want might be something different. Or perhaps it’s exactly what it is now. Whether or not you are a person who wants to travel or a person who wants to get married and have children early on is a separate issue from having a feeling of control over yourself and a feeling of personal freedom. You will have a better grasp of who you are when you occupy your own space and keep healthy boundaries. Just don’t let your fear or anxiety to make the decisions on what you should do, because that’s no different from allowing another person to decide for you. You can feel free regardless of what you end up deciding to do.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by The Ruminant.

    Hi Elfie,

    I’m very glad to see that you have that fire in you to achieve and become something in life. That’s a very good sign, and you’re just out of your teenage!

    In no way it is a problem.

    Put down on a piece of paper what is it that you would want to do or achieve.
    Take up higher education in a different city/country?
    Which field would you want to pursue based on your interests AND
    which field/stream has better scope for career. #basichomework.

    Let the fire ignite and turn the guilt into dreams/vision/mission/goal/aim.

    Wish you All the Best!! God Bless you!

    And if there’s something you don’t want; don’t do it unless it’s not for you too.

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