
Unable to make a decision

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    Hi all,

    I am confused and would love fresh perspective and comments on my situation. Here is a long post….

    Two guys have asked me to marry and I am not sure whom to say yes to. One is an old friend with whom I have a history as we have been good friends and support for each other and also have spent a lot of time professionally as we are in the same field so I know him well. But never had romantic intentions as when we met, he was separated from his wife pending legal divorce for a long time (years and years of it!) and in my eyes he was still not single so off limits. So although we used to spend time together and had lot of discussions about his problems and mine etc, it was more like platonic best friends. But I suffered with him for his issues, including his problems with the divorce. I used to actually proofread his applications and also help him reply, in hindsight this was not good for me and I realise that.

    I must admit, I did occasionally develop thoughts of ‘what if’ when he is finally free again, do we stand a chance? And somehow ideal situations used to develop in my head, but it never materialised. He used to live separately and they were just waiting for formal divorce, but still it felt complicated.When he used to tell me his problems and sometimes would say if only things were different etc, I would feel hopeful and yet lost, not knowing how long and whether to wait at all. I used to feel really bad for him.

    Then I finally started working on myself and let go of old patterns and began to work and mix in other circles too, travelled, studied and started enjoying my life. Then I met a guy who was very interested in me from day 1. We became good friends and everything seems right with him. I have felt light and more me(if that makes sense) after meeting him. He has gone down on one knee and proposed to me!! And I am delighted!! Life was finally feeling as it should be..

    Out of the blue I get a call from the other guy saying his divorce is final and he is free. And he proposed to me. All those years of being with him (sounds weird as we didn’t have any relationship, but still) came flooding back.

    He is 10 years older than me and had a kid in joint custody. Ex wife is not on good terms and creates issues. But I have known him for more than 10 years as a friend. He is well settled and has clear plans for the future.

    The new guy makes me feel alive and happy. It felt right from day 1( bonus for good looks!! 😉 ) he is never married, he is very close to me and is close to my age. But he is still settling and wants to see how life goes. But he wants me in it.

    I love him and want to be with him. But saying no to the other guy makes me feel guilty (???) as he has no one else. He has been supportive of me and has been my best friend for so long too.

    Both of them are good men and I am really lucky to be asked by both. Both want me to be happy. I don’t want to hurt either of them but I need to let one of them go. They are completely different and have different lifestyles too.

    I don’t know what to do and have overthought this to the point of mental breakdown now.

    Please help!! Anyone with experience in marriage please please provide inputs on what really matters?? Love, attraction, money, excitement, playfulness or what else should I be seeing?

    I would love to combine their qualities make a fictional man for myself!!

    I feel selfish for wanting it all, but I need to be true to who I am too. And I need to make the right choice for all of us.

    Thanks a lot!!


    Hi Littlered.

    It seems clear to me in reading this that you much prefer the second man as it feels more authentic to you. It would not be right to be with a man just because you feel sorry for him or feel guilty if you said No. This is YOUR life and lively hood and your answer must come form your heart and not your head. If there is still confusion maybe it could be that neither are right for you right now? Take some time to think. Tell them No the time is not right. Why must you rush into such a big decision…..and it really is a big decision….marriage. You do not owe them anything , but you owe it to yourself to be TRUE to YOU . I always tell my children ….if you cannot decide …its a no . Be happy and time will reveal .lssings to you – leigh K.


    Dear Littlered:

    Welcome back and good to read from you again!

    From first reading of your original post on this thread, it seems to me that the second guy is the one I would vote for, but I want to take more time thinking about this, re-reading your previous threads as well as hopefully reading your next post on this thread in which you will share, I hope, more about the second guy.

    I also wonder how it is that the first guy is so much in a hurry to remarry following the very difficult and long drawn divorce, any ideas?

    I will soon be away from the computer. I will be back to your thread and reply in about sixteen hours from now. I hope you take a break from thinking about this for a while and relax.



    Hi Inspired,

    Thanks a lot for replying.

    Your sentence about if I can’t decide, it is a no has really got me thinking. It is so true. On the surface it looks like a simple choice, but what is bothering me so much? Even I don’t know.

    Guilt is playing a large role too. I have been struggling with guilt and shame for a long time in my life too, so it is a very strong feeling whenever it comes up.

    Rather than what I like, I am thinking how can I make them both happy and take the right decision. I am still so focused on people pleasing!! Oh this is so not good for me!! 🙁


    Hi anita,

    Thank you and it is good to hear from you too.

    About your question on why he is keen to marry again, it is probably because he was separated for a very long time and wanted to get out of the marriage long ago as she cheated and used to abuse him verbally. The time gap between separation and legal process of divorce was very long and he has been waiting to start his new life including professional (due to alimony etc) after all formalities have been completed. This is my best guess.

    About the second guy, what exactly do you wish to know more? Maybe I can give you an overview, he is young and hence about my age, enjoys many things like I do, is very playful and how to put it, is very close to how I am. Maybe it is the age, maybe it is the personality, or maybe we share a great chemistry.

    I look forward to your wise insights.



    Number 2 sounds the logical choice to me.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by HoneyBlossom.

    Dear Littlered:

    It hurts when it happens: I typed you a message complete with quotes from this thread and previous 2017 threads, neat, organized, submitted it and… all gone. Ouch!

    I will re-write without the quotes then, from memory. You can look at your 2017 threads yourself and see your own words as they fit what I am about to suggest.

    You feel guilty for taking anything from anyone, for receiving anything from anyone, including a stationary from a co worker. You automatically feel indebted to the giver. Even when someone shares something personal with you, you feel that you have to share something personal in return. No wonder then that you feel indebted to both men. Maybe more to the first because he gave you, and you received, more of his time, and he shared more with you than the second.

    From your description of the friendship with the first, you gave him no less, and probably more, than he gave you, but the core belief of indebtedness is strong. I suggest doing a CBT exercise challenging the thought that you are indebted to him (first and/ or second man), that you owe him marriage. You can phrase the thought you want to challenge and do it here, if you want.

    Other suggestions: ask any man you are considering to marry something that is reasonable to ask, testing the man this way: is he okay with you asking, is he happy to give you what you asked for, or does he do so begrudgingly? You must not marry a man who discourages you in any way from asking what is reasonable for you to ask. (No matter how uncomfortable it is for you to ask anything of anyone, better you do this experiment, repeatedly, with any man you consider marrying).

    Make sure that any man you are considering to marry is always respectful of you. Spend enough time with a man to see that when he is impatient, in a hurry, rushed, and/ or angry, that he is still respectful, not disrespectful, to you. The comment a supervisor said at work long ago affected you badly for so long, that really, it is clear to me that respect is not optional and must be there for you always in a marriage.

    See to it that the man you are considering marrying is not aggressive, not a bully (you were bullied for ten years) and is not critical (you grew up in a critical home).

    And last, for now, see to it that in a marriage you are not only not a victim, but also nor a rescuer. that the two of you help each other.

    I will be glad to communicate with you here for as long as it takes you to make your decision.



    Dear Littlered:

    I figured marriage is a very important decision in your life so I went back again to your past threads, you can too as there is good information there, solutions that you started practicing before and which worked for you, better keep doing what works, patiently as progress is made in small increments and over a long, long time of persistent practice. I will now quote from your May and August threads of 2017 and follow with my comments:

    “I always end up in situations where something or the other is an obstacle and I feel helpless (truly helpless, not just feeling that way, as in there is actually nothing I can do no matter how much I want to and I end up watching helplessly in pain) and there always has to be someone else who needs to do something for the situation to change and they don’t. No matter how much I try, it would be beyond my control”- it is so very important that your marriage will not be one of these situations, where you will truly be helpless, where your husband will have the power and you will not.

    “I had to suffer in silence praying and begging god to make this go away.. I used to cry in protest .. but in vain. I would be scolded and silenced… Childhood was one horrible time with my mostly crying in silence watching others ruin my life and my caretakers not do anything. Recently I see this pattern even in my adult life”- better this pattern does not continue into a marriage!

    Make sure the man you choose does not and will not silence you. Make sure he will protect you if and when someone is aggressive toward you. Make sure your husband is not aggressive toward you in any way, shape or form.

    “The general theme like I said is I feel powerless over my own life”- better this theme does not continue into your considered marriage!

    “I used to stand and watch and not get involved because if I did I would be yelled at too… shouting while I hid in the corner and cried or stared listlessly”- make sure the man you consider marrying never yells at you and except in extreme cases, does not yell at all.

    Your place in a marriage is not in a corner.

    “Asking and getting was always associated with guilt so I still feel bad to ask anything… If I ask a colleague for a charging cable or something equally small, I feel I have to give them something back… ‘indebted’. That is exactly how I feel when I ask something… If someone tells me something personal, rather than listening, I feel I must share something personal too”- better listen, that way you learn about the man you consider marrying. Notice your thinking about what you should share so to return..t he favor, and refocus on listening.

    Ask small, reasonable requests repeatedly, practice. It will get easier.

    “It was an incident more than 5 years ago where I used to work. I heard an argument… the senior partner said something very dirty… Each and every word is etched in my head.. Even today that sentence burns in my mind… I cried and cried and still cry over that one sentence”- make sure the man you consider marrying does not use that type of language, is not crude like that senior partner was, that he is respectful to women in general and to you specifically.

    “the other partner didn’t stand up for us… it has actually been why didn’t someone stand up for me or help me”- make sure the man you consider marrying does stand up for you and helps you when a third party insults you or otherwise hurts you.

    “something bad happened to me, unprovoked by me, and the bad people got away… I didn’t look at it this way ever. It has always been what did I do to deserve this”- be aware of this automatic thinking, see to it that you don’t place yourself in a marriage where bad happens to you, where a husband does not stand up for you and help you when something bad happens to you, and correct your thinking when you notice that you take responsibility for what is not yours to take.

    “I was the victim and rescuer”- see to it that you are neither a victim nor a rescuer in a relationship/ marriage. Help each other, stand up for each other. Ask and give as is reasonable.



    Hi anita,
    First and foremost, a big thank you for such detailed response including analysis of my earlier posts. That definitely brings to the surface the real issue.
    I was so caught up in a myopic view of this situation that I failed to see into myself what is it that really is coming up for me in all this?
    Guilt- yes I am automatically feeling indebted to them for treating me so well. But guilt cannot be the reason for marrying someone. Some part of me feels really bad and guilty that the first guy who has been a good friend all along is now alone, literally. I don’t think, atleast in the near future, that I can maintain regular talks with him without it being uncomfortable for either of us or weird for my marriage to anyone else. He is a good person and I mean it. He is really a great guy and I truly wish he could find someone to spend his life with happily. And I feel guilty about saying no to him because then he will be truly unhappy. It hurts me as a friend.

    But yes, I read the quotes you have mentioned against each of my previous words and it is clear to me now that I need to ensure that I pick a guy who fulfils those conditions. Who can support me, respect me and understand me.

    I need to think about the CBT thought challenge which you have mentioned. CBT has helped a lot to me and it would certainly help if I do that now. I will work on that and get back to you, if I come up with a good thought to challenge.

    Guess I got so caught up with rescuing everyone that I am drowning myself with their weights, and consequently drowning them too.

    Hard fact, but maybe true. Maybe I need to sit with your message and piece by piece soak it in.

    Thanks a lot for this!!


    Hi HoneyBlossom,

    Thank you for the objective opinion. It helps! I have been leaning to the same option myself.




    Hi anita,

    one of your lines actually triggered some thoughts and I am deeply pondering over it.

    I have realised this-

    What if my first friend had a girlfriend or close friend or some other emotional support system? Would I still feel the same way? Maybe not, as you rightly highlighted earlier, I feel as if I am the rescuer so I need to be there for my friends and family.

    But most importantly I realised that I feel responsible for his happiness. As a friend, but still responsible to ensure he is happy. Why? Because in the past due to both of us being best friends used to share all problems and help each other by providing support. But why should I take responsibility of anyone else’s happiness! Not just him, even family. Why do I feel this way?

    why am I so ready to dim my shine, considering leaving my dreams and what I want to make someone else happy?

    still thinking and would love your inputs if you happen to see any pattern.




    Dear Littlered:

    You are welcome.

    “why am I so ready to dim my shine, considering leaving my dreams and what I want to make someone else happy?-

    Because when you were a young child, mentally you were unable to see yourself as a separate person from your parents. When they were unhappy, you were unhappy, no separation. To feel happiness you had to make them happy. It was impossible for you to be happy unless they were.

    “why should I take responsibility of anyone else’s happiness! Not just him, even family. Why do I feel this way?”- you still feel this way because you didn’t make that mental separation from your parents complete. You are still too attached to them. Because of that over-attachment to them, you feel overly attached to anyone and every0ne.

    This may be difficult to absorb, has been for me before I finally understood this adequately.



    Hi all,

    Thanks to the fresh perspective I found here, I think first I need to say no to the first guy.

    Atleast that needs to be clear before I can move on with my life. I don’t know what will he say or how bad I am gonna feel. I am really worried that I might lose our friendship and that really makes me sad.

    but I cannot keep dragging this out.

    Does this sound right?





    Dear Littlered:

    Yes, it sounds right.

    You wrote yourself: “I love him (second guy) and want to be with him”- enough to say no to the first guy. But then you continued that sentence: “But saying no to the other guy makes me feel guilty… But guilt cannot be the reason for marrying someone”.

    So, yes, sounds right, you clearly pointed it out yourself.




    Hi anita,

    i net him for coffee and explained to him that I cannot be with him today. He was very understanding and tried to explain his point of view too but I said no.

    Sadly he said he cannot be friends too as it is too painful for him to remain in contact with me. So I lost an 11 year friendship today. He wished me a good life and happiness in life always. I can not control my tears. I am deeply sad to have lost him as a friend but if that is what is required then I have to do it.

    feels quite empty


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