Hi all,
When I’ve finished a physically demanding challenge, like a long workout, climb, sex etc. my body totally relaxes and I notice my mind is much more focused – i.e. as long as my body is in this relaxed state (can be for a day after) my mind can actually function at peak. Usually I’m really restless, find it hard to focus (except when physically doing something), but when I do I’m very intellectual (working on my second Masters Degree now).
It’s like I have *too* much physical energy, like when I’ve done a workout a hundred mini-engines suddenly stop working and without all that noise my mind actually has peace and quiet to work. The contradiction is that I often mentally exhaust myself trying to discipline myself to work!
I have no idea how to get into this state without exercise, and given the time demands of life a big workout isn’t always practical. Also I worry that having to effectively ruin myself during exercise to find peace is quite a self-destructive intent. Plus, when my body starts responding to the exercise it starts demanding it, which furthers the distraction.
I do deep breathing but it never really seems to hit the spot for me, it makes a difference but not the one I need.
Can anyone relate, or provide some advice?