
Trying To Find Peace in Madness

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    Today is August 26th, 2020. I feel very emotionally tired. There has been a lot of stressors in my life. My safe haven is Darla, my pug and fiance. I have been trying to stay positive but I am enduring a lot of trauma. My sister attempted suicide, left to be in a mental hospital. Darla got sick. My fiance has been struggling with depression. I am stuck in a rut of wanting my family to be healthy and happy, no matter the circumstance. I feel like that puts a lot of pressure on my plate. I want everyone to be happy, as I stated but what is life without a few bumps in the road? I find my peace in everyone in my life but what if that is not enough? I try everyday to impress my boss, but she always seems to focus on the negatives of my work ethic more than the positives. Is she having a hard time with life herself? I need to understand she wants her business run her way but what if others input is what makes a business great? I will never fully comprehend why we don’t praise those who are doing a job for us, instead of putting down those who are just trying their best. I have been through a hard life but that doesn’t make me bitter, it motivates me to be the best person I can be and help those who are struggling as well. I want to flourish and thrive, but what is holding me back? Nothing I can see. Life works in mysterious ways. I believe my rock bottom has gotten me farther in my life than I could have imagined. It will be okay, I have faith.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by tinybuddha.

    Dear Megan:

    I can imagine you being very tired having a boss who criticizes you while you are doing your best, your pug being sick, your fiancé struggling with depression, and your sister being in a mental hospital following her suicide attempt.

    Why did she attempt suicide?




    She attempted suicide due to serious of unfortunate events, she was sexually assaulted a few years ago, my family and I moved to a different state to be with my mom’s side of the family. Along with that, her and her long-term boyfriend have been having loyalty issues. I think everything got the best of her.



    Dear Megan:

    I hope your sister heals and gets better and better. You wrote that you had a hard life. If that includes a difficult home life as a child, then I imagine your sister experienced that difficult home life as well, didn’t she.

    You expressed that you do your best at work, but your boss, instead of focusing on the positives of your work and  praising you, she focuses on the negatives and puts you down. You wondered if she has a hard life and that’s the reason she is bitter. You wrote: “I have been through a hard  life but that doesn’t make me bitter, it  motivates me to be the best person I can be and help those who are struggling as well”.

    Some people who suffer from aggression in their home, an aggressive parent, let’s say, identify with the aggressor, making a decision (with very little thought, as it is a quick decision) to never be in that weak position again, to be instead in the position of power- the position of the aggressor. For them, human relationships are  Win-Lose prospects: either one wins, or one loses. So they go about life trying to Win, which means to have power over others via aggression, verbal aggression, facial expression/ body language aggression, and otherwise.

    Do you think that’s what behind your boss’s behavior?




    That would very much be a possibility. It is a family based company and she works with her husband and daughters as well. I feel as if maybe she has too much pressure on herself to make things perfect. I have heard that a lot of people quit because of her, but I don’t want to be in that number. I want to remain strong and show her that I am worth appreciating.




    Dear Megan:

    If she is a Win-Lose person in the workplace, and if there is no shortage of people able and willing to work for her, then she is already showing you that she appreciates the quality of your work by keeping you as an employee, but she will not express her appreciation by praising you because (as a strictly Win-Lose person, if she is that), she is afraid that if she praises you, you will think too much of yourself and challenge her power, that is- make a Loser out of her.

    If she is strictly a Win-Lose person, then the only way you can get her praise is if you show her consistently, day after day, month after month, that you are inferior to her, always obedient, never questioning, never suggesting anything new to he. Then maybe she will feel safe enough to praise you.

    In general, when you are dealing with aggressive and abusive people, understanding their motives, having empathy for their difficult lives, will not help you in your dealings with them, because they are not interested in your understanding or empathy; they are interested in your obedience.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by .


    I am struggling today. I have an interview for another job, but it more hours. I do not know what to do. The girls at my job make me feel like there is something wrong with me, never greeting me, complaining when I ask them to cover me while I use the bathroom…I don’t know if I should stick it out or pursue the other job with more hours… My fiance is not supportive of the other job…but it is MY happiness, right?




    Dear Megan:

    There is no point in following your fiancé’s advice (to stay in your current job) so to make him happy,  because he is struggling with depression, and he will still struggle with depression no matter what job choice you make.

    Plus, if you choose to stay in a job where you are miserable, then it will not be good for him (whether he is aware of it or not) because a distressed fiancée will make his life worse.

    Therefore choose the job where you will feel better. The problem with the job you are considering is that it involves more hours, but better have more non- miserable hours than fewer, but miserable  hours: when a person is miserable, time feels very long; when a person is okay, time doesn’t feel that long.





    You are exactly right. I am going to follow my dreams and nail this interview and to ensure my happiness is secure. Thank you so much.




    Dear Megan:

    You are welcome. I believe that you are doing the right thing for yourself (and for your fiancé). You are capable to make your life better and I am rooting for you!

    Post again anytime, and I will be glad to read from you and reply.


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