
Trauma and emotional release techniques?

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    Dear Crystal:

    Thank you for your last note to me. I liked reading it.

    You wrote: “My heart says please love me”- isn’t it amazing, how simple the heart is? Just love me. Just love me.

    And love is not complicated. A child instinctively detects love. It feels good, it feels safe.

    Here is where the complication is: when a child is not loved, she can not handle this truth. It is not possible for a child to endure the distress involved in such reality. For the child, time is endless. Living without love means not being taken care of, forever. And that is unthinkable. So the child makes believe, best she can, that she is loved after all.

    Making un-love look like love takes complicated thinking, twisting and turning reality so it looks like love. It makes life livable for the child, gives her moments of comfort, moments that are necessary.

    As an adult, the heart still longs for love. The heart says: “Just love me”- it knows it wasn’t and isn’t loved. But the head is not untwisted yet, from all the mental acrobatics of making-believe love was there.



    Anita you are so right. I’ve been in therapy trying to untwist the mental part. I’ll get there eventually. I do think there are a ton of past traumas that need to come out of the closet and be examined. I have to tell I wrote all of your head/heart conversation in my journal and shared it with my therapist today. I think it’s great stuff and I don’t want to forget it! Thank you for all the love and support!


    Dear Crystal:

    You are very welcome, anytime. About the “ton of past traumas that need to come out of the closet”: when you process enough of the core, early trauma (it is a long, gradual, non-linear, patient process), you will not have to process ALL of the traumas, the ton of them. The rest will dissolve by themselves, an emotional understanding here, an emotional understanding there.



    All I can say to every bodies comments in here is Wow!!

    i will need to return and read this again. I’m a male and although I haven’t got the past relationship situation I totally relate to what’s been written about head over heart.


    I wont hijack this thread but it has possibly given me the confidence to start my own. Some wise advice is obviously available


    * Dear Steve:Looking forward to your own thread-


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