
tired, discouraged, but a few extra dollars in my pocket

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    hi guys. i work 8-5 at a live performing arts theater (and got a good raise recently) but i decided to take a serving job from 5-10pm. it’s only been a couple weeks, and i’m already over it. at best, i’ll make $35 each shift for busting my ass for 5 hours (at 2.13 an hour, might i add). do you guys have any words of encouragement? i’m so close to calling it quits. i took this job to have some extra coins so i wouldn’t have to spend much of my other check because i’m trying to move to austin, tx. but instead of being all empowered about having a little extra money and stuff, i just feel worse. i never get to see my friends, i can’t go out because i have to sleep to get up and do it all over again. my boyfriend lives in new orleans and i’d love to see him soon but my schedule is so hectic. what would you do?


    Hi Chelsea

    I would like to offer you a ray of hope.

    You sound like a young soul with great dreams and goals. Hey, without goals to achieve, life can become meaningless rather quickly. While you are young, you can afford to bust your ass so that your other more beautiful dreams can get a steady direction. Of course, you are not going to continue like this for forever.

    Don’t loose hope. Every dollar counts when you are building a foundation for your life. Perhaps, use this opportunity to experience human expressions and vibes while you are doing the serving role. I am sure it will come handy eventually. Look for ways to make your job fun so that you don’t feel as tired. Feed yourself some good food, drink plenty of fluids, sleep well and practice laughing for no reasons LOL

    You can always catch up with your BF on Skype if you cant get away soon enough.

    Sending you loads of positive energy. You are worth it and so is your little hard work now.



    i think i’m going to work my last two shifts and quit. i’m over sacrificing my happiness for money. that’s been my entire life and i’m done. completely frustrated this morning and ran across this when i got on facebook.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by chelsea.

    Good on you Chelsea.

    Whatever decision you make, I am sure it will be a good one for you. Hopefully, you will learn the lessons that this experience is trying to teach you and move forward.

    All decisions lead to outcomes. If an outcome is not favourable, have the guts to change your path and accept it on the chin. Do not ever develop a habit of regrets.

    You are so worth it all.

    Best wishes,


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