
The times we live in

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  • #367100
    Canadian Eagle

    Many contributors here promote a liberal agenda with deep rooted anti Trump sentiment. Trump rings true to a huge minority in the US ( and globally) . There is a deep seated fear among a large minority that the liberal agenda rubbishes beliefs and values that have sustained communities for decades if not centuries , values like self sufficiency , religious values ( ie the unborn life ) , expectations that your children will be able to settle and raise a family in your community. The liberal media and cohorts have made such a huge thing out of hating Trump that they have created a monster that really does not exist , the US ( Canada where I am from ) and the western world are democracies , politicians are a reflection of who we are at any given time . If you don’t like your politician then vote and if you are moved become politically active …… but don’t fall into the trap of demonising your opponent because by doing so you demonise your neighbour .


    Hi C Eagle

    Tinny Buddha is not a political forum. The majority of the articles are about looking inward for self improvement while the majority of threads are about seeking help for relationships troubles. Other concerns tend to be around existential angst of meaning and purpose. If your looking for political engagement  this is probably the wrong site.

    The treads that may appear to be political tend to be more about the difficulty with communication in a calm and helpful manner with those that disagree with you. Being authentic to ones experiences and values, finding ones voice with healthy boundaries without demonizing opponents. No easy task. Its clear that your post was not meant to demonize yet read from a different perspective could be experienced as a such.

    In one such threads I made a comment were I explored the idea of ‘taking offense’ and preferring the stoic response which someone tagged as inappropriate. I didn’t take offence, my first attempt was badly done and did stray into the political which I regretted.  These thing are difficult to talk about.  I like to think I can uses these experiences to learn from.

    I agree their is a deep seated fear among many in the world today.  This site attempts to help people navigate the fears they may be experiencing by first looking inward and doing so being better able to respond vice react to our fears (which more often then not is false evidence appearing real.) The goal is not to demonize but compassion for ourselves and others. Of course we don’t always live up to our best selves.

    I wish you well Eagle

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Peter.
    Canadian Eagle

    We are all part of the same energy, like rays of sunlight that cannot be cut off from the sun.
    Too often people judge others, but who is qualified to judge?
    The decisive nature of debate must not be personalised or worse demonised. To truly love we must be walk in our neighbours shoes


    Canadian Eagle and Peter I agree with what you both wrote on my previous post. My whole thread was about me trying to find common ground with two dear friends who don’t see eye to eye with me. I don’t want to demonize them, I don’t want them to feel offended by my own personal beliefs. I’m a bit confused why my post got flagged, as no one was inappropriate at all. But anyway, I wanted to thank you both and Anita too for commenting. I am going to keep working hard to build bridges and not walls with people I love who see things differently than I do. Thanks for your words.


    Hi Nycartist

    I  relate with your struggle to find better ways to communicate especially in these charged times.  I to often retreat to silence but then feel as I’m not be honest. Its a work in progress.

    I am impressed that when  your post was flagged (I think due to a misunderstanding) it didn’t silence you!

    Today’s Blog post was interesting: How to know if you should speak your mind



    Canadian Eagle


    how do you feel about it now ?



    Canadian Eagle

    Nice to see a calm and normality descent ….. hopefully a new age of acceptance and understanding

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