
Thank you everyone

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    I have been reading TinyBuddha for a while now, both the articles that are posted and the forums in which so many great conversations and helpful information is provided. I’ve never posted anything before but again, have been reading a lot.

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who provide such great insight and perspectives on things. Although not every single topic I read about relates directly to me, I can definitely feel for those who it does effect. And for the ones that I can relate with, it’s so helpful knowing that there are others in similar situations (although I don’t wish for them to be) than I am. It’s great to be able to read people’s responses who have gone through those experiences. This is truly a great community and am so glad that I happened to have come across this site when I did.

    I don’t know if I’ll ever really personally post anything, but just wanted to share my thanks, as I’m sure everyone here feels the same.


    hello kind soul Edwin Ng
    Thankyou for writing… Thanks for being such a nice person.. 🙂
    God Bless You.. Always…
    take care


    Thanks Edwin @edwinwng 🙂


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