
Struggling to cope with childhood experimentation years later

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    I’ve been fine for a few months. but memories of things i did as a teenager have been resurfacing.  i tell myself that i was just a kid and didn’t know better. and that it’s not as bad as i remembered.  but alot of times it isn’t enough.  i just want to forgive myself and move on and be happy.  i just feel so alone and ashamed most of the time.


    Dear Jacob:

    The first thing that comes to my mind as I read your short post is to ask you: what is it that you did??? From the extent of your emotional pain, it sounds like you did some terrible things, things like hurting someone badly, causing someone severe injury. Is that what you did?

    In the title of your thread, you mentioned “childhood experimentation“. Perhaps you are referring to sexual experimentation, one that occurred between you and another kid of about your age?

    You are welcome to share about it if you feel comfortable enough to do so. Whatever it is, I will respond kindly to you, I promise.

    Generally, in regard to what you did as a kid, ask yourself: (1) Did I hurt anyone, other than myself? (2) How did I hurt the other person/s? (3) If I talk to the person about what happened, will bringing it up hurt him/her? (4) Is there anything I can do to correct any part of what happened (ex., sincerely apologize, offer monetary compensation)?

    I hope to read more from you, so that maybe I can help you- if only a little-  to resolve this conflict from childhood and ease your emotional pain.




    I would like to read from you again, Jacob. How are you feeling today/ tonight?



    Hello, sorry i was away.  and it was sexual experimentation.  i still feel terrible about what happened.  i try telling myself that i was young and didn’t know better.  but i feel like it’s irrelevant what i tell myself at the end of the day.


    Dear Jacob:

    What you tell yourself at the end of the day is relevant if what you tell yourself is true. I mean, if you tell yourself things just to make yourself feel better, no matter true or not, it won’t help you.

    I communicated with many members about childhood sexual experimentation for years (that years-long thread has been deleted), so maybe I can help you. Would you like to share about that experimentation in a non-detailed, general kind of way?


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