
Something Strange is Unfolding Upon Earth (FAO 'Lightworkers')

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    I suppose I didn’t fully believe it all until yesterday afternoon. I still have grave doubts about speaking openly about it to family, which is why I am here. I have already documented my struggle with coming to terms with the Kundalini.

    I was at a garden centre with my parents yesterday afternoon. We had already been to one garden centre, but it was the second one we visited which really opened my eyes. Whilst I was there, I experienced horrendous stomach pains around the navel area. As this occurred, my father, who was in another part of the garden centre some feet away from me, also started to experience intense stomach pains. When we arrived home I was in considerable pain and took several trips to the toilet. Unbelievably, my mother also started to experience the same stomach pains. It became clear to me that I had affected them both. By 3 o clock I was in bed. The pains mysteriously disappeared an hour or so later, as did my parents’ pains.

    I went on the internet later where there was talk of a global group of 144.000 people known as ‘Lightworkers’. Not sure what to make of this, but after one experience I had a year ago I felt I had a very strong connection to Neptune, either the god or the planet. But what I do know is that something very profound is happening on this Earth at this moment in time. And I have had some weird dreams. From one dream I had, it is possible that a ‘War of the Worlds’ scenario could be played out to stop humanity destroying Earth. Things are really that serious. I don’t think humanity quite realizes how serious the situation is. Humanity thinks that Earth will go on as before. But it is sleepwalking into a global catastrophe. You must understand, the physical Universe isn’t the only one that exists. And the Earth is a very precious tool or resource. Preserving it comes above preserving the lives of humans.

    If there are people out there who think they might be one of the 144.000, these so-called ‘Lightworkers’, please contact me. I would like to talk about our experiences. Thank you.

    Best wishes,




    A wall of silence then.



    Dear Tannhauser:

    I didn’t answer this thread before because your request here was/is: “If there are people out there who think they might be one of the 144.000, these so-called ‘Lightworkers’, please contact me. I would like to talk about our experiences”-

    Well, I am not a Lightworker. I found this definition of a lightworker:

    “A Lightworker is a monad (consciousness intensified) that has incarnated in a human body with the intention of providing assistance towards awakening, activation (when the body’s energy system, in particular the seven main Chakras are active), and ascension (the process of creating a stronger connection between consciousness and the body) of individuals.”

    Maybe this definition will help a potential reader who identifies himself/ herself as a lightworker reply to you.




    * didn’t submit correctly


    It doesn’t matter. It’s all too vague, too niche and far too secretive.

    In short, it could all too easily be dismissed as bullshit.



    Dear Tannhauser:

    It can be easily dismissed, many would and do dismiss this Kundalini concept and all it entails as untrue. I, for one, believe it is untrue. Yet, you strongly believe it is true, based on your very intense and long-term physical/ emotional experiences. If I had your experiences, I suppose I would believe in it too.

    This Forums are open to people who believe differently. There are individuals out there (a few have answered previous threads by you) who believe in what you believe. Some believe very strongly. I just wished someone who believes the same would answer you in a way that will be helpful to you.

    It is frustrating to me that although these concepts/ beliefs are shared by many (enough to bring these concepts into existence), that none, so far, has been able to be helpful to you.



    I am not sure about the light people, but I do believe that my kundalini was  awakened too quickly and cause me great physical pain.



    Dear Tannhauser


    Calm your mind and don’t ovethink it.

    You’re missing clarity and to me it seems like you have got all the pieces of the puzzle at place but you’re blocking your clarity about it all.


    When you will reach the fully understanding of unseen force and religions as a whole – without judgemental ego assumptions.  You will find your balance and peace.


    Work on that and you’ll be fine.


    And don’t lie that no one offered you help because you may check our conversations in you kundalini blog and then rewrite your truth.

    Love and light(clarity ) for you.


    Best regards eight x


    Tannehauser I was going to respond to your invitation to answer the question you presented, but I cannot dissociate myself from what Anita and Eight have offered because both of their thoughts are the same as I would offer. I think that before you can come terms with Kundalani, you must first come to terms of who you are and what you want from life. If there is a religion or an event going on that you “dismissed as bullshit, yet you find that others are deeply rooted in their beliefs contrary to what you believe, there is one very good thing you can do if your quest is to come to terms with Kundalani, or any other religion for that matter. That one good thing is respect other people’s choices.  Other people’s religious beliefs are, and have been, a safe harbor for them to go to for whatever reason they may have. Their particular practice of their chosen religion is a choice they made for their benefit. For them it works. Personally, I do not invest thought process in Kundalini because of me, I have no reason to believe it is true. Tannehauser what ever your belief is, I respect your position on it. It does not mean that I agree or disagree with you. If you find yourself associated with, or being attached to, or involved in someway, with a particular belief that somehow disturbs you, you can very easily disconnect to those things. This will allow you more freedom to find peace and happiness, to come together with someone who can help you. Please allow me to share with you a quote that is deeply private to me. The quote comes from a great Native American Chief, Chief Joseph. He said, “…My heart is sick and sad…”From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.”

    in peace…

    Pearce Hawk


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by PearceHawk.

    you must first come to terms of who you are and what you want from life.

    That’s the problem. I don’t know what I want from life. And I don’t really like who I am, if I am being honest.

    Other people’s religious beliefs are, and have been, a safe harbor for them to go to for whatever reason they may have. Their particular practice of their chosen religion is a choice they made for their benefit. For them it works.

    Well, organized religion has been useless to me in all the experiences I have had. As there are career politicians, so there are career priests. They have never failed to disappoint. When I needed their help, they told me to get out more or see my GP.  I ended up being humiliated. (Humiliating those under their ‘care’ is something that men of the cloth are particularly good at) I shall never put any trust or confidence in organized religion ever again. It’s all basically play-acting theatre. There’s nothing really spiritual about it.

    I still have energies pouring into my body most days. They enter through the head, go through the body, and exit via the palms of my hands and my right big toe. The energies can cause considerable bone joint pain, and I lost an entire night’s sleep the other evening because of it. I just had to go and sit downstairs for the duration. But, of course Pearce, it isn’t real. I must have imagined it.

    Best wishes,



    Tannhauser you have been talking in depth about many things that disturb you. I think that your expressing your discontent with religion is a road you are traveling and at some point I feel that you will make a turn at your choosing, and in doing that you will have many of the answers you are looking for. To me that’s exciting, to see someone relentlessly pursuing answers to questions rather than giving up on themselves and just go with the flow. Only dead fish go with the flow. I wish more people reached out and talk about their negative experiences with religion like you do. Stay the course my friend. You know how to get to where you’re going.


    Well, more than a month later, virtually no one on here really got to grips with this topic, and that’s because Tiny Buddha is more about giving relationship advice than anything else. Well, all I can say is **** you. However, here’s one factor you won’t be able to ignore: increasing cases of suicide and suicide attempts.

    That’s because the world, animals and humans are going through a change, an awakening, and some people just won’t be able to live with the strange feelings these changes will bring. They will find the new conditions uncomfortable; they will think they are going insane and will want out, like I have wanted out several times in the past four years. You will hear about depression and especially suicide/suicide attempts more and more.

    Watch out for it.

    Best wishes,




    You can’t expect everybody to know anything about this topic or have all the answers because I certainly don’t. I do actually read your posts but I haven’t responded to any of them because I really don’t know how to reply. Yes, TinyBuddha does centre around spirituality to an extent but from the 3 years I have spent on this site, the main focus is more on mindfulness and wellbeing and not on things like that which you have discussed. I don’t know about other members here on the forums but I am not qualified to give you a definite answer . I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, spiritual leader, guru, shaman, doctor or lightworker, and I don’t think many of us are these things.  I have never came across any advice or articles with regards to things like kundalini, spiritual experiences or lightworkers here on this site, and I have never experienced any of those things before.

    I am sorry we are not able to help or give definite answers but being angry and telling us “f**k you” is not going to help. I think you are expecting too much here on the forums when nobody is able to give you a straightforward answer.

    All the best






    I seriously doubt that the people offering advice here on Tiny Buddha have all the answers. What they do have is a heart and soul of which they continue to share with others in a kind, loving way. Almost all who ave embraced this are either helped in such a way that they thought was not possible, or, they are finding the support they are asking for and the strength to embrace that.  I have read many of your posts and have searched my soul very deeply with the hope of giving you answers, many times of which they are rejected. That is your right and I was in no way offended. I can assure you that your f**k you has absolutely no value here. It is only a reflection of you and your inner self, something that I hope you take responsibility for.

    Wishing you the very best,



    Well, I shall leave you all in your ignorance and your spiritual play-acting then.



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