
Single & Happy!

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    I am once again single and happy still. Was involved and in love with someone for 4 years, we are still very good friends and have no regrets because it was and has been such a beautiful road. Maybe something will happen again in the future and maybe it won’t, which is completely fine with me. The universe always leads me in the right direction and so I trust the journey.

    Right now, I am working on so many wonderful things. Recently I moved back into my old apartment community that I used to live in from 2008 – 2010 while searching for a home to purchase in the next year or two. The owner of the home I was leasing from for 3 years, was very nice and told me and my roommate Beth, that he would like to start a remodel ASAP and put it on the market quickly. Mind you, we got the notice at the end of July and the deal was that if vacated before August 15th we would only have to pay half the rent for the month. So we moved rather fast and back to the apt community we used to live in a decade ago.

    Crazy part is, we are living right next door to our old unit, so a lot of memories have come flooding in. We looked at it as it was meant to be for some odd reason. The price was right (plus we will be saving money for awhile), we know the layout of the unit well and most importantly, we knew all of our furniture would fit, plus nobody above us. Right now it’s about being smart and saving money to buy our forever home in Arizona. My forever home was to be bought and ours in 2017 that we had lived in for 7 years but the owner  got greedy and thought it was worth 350,000. We knew it was actually worth less than that because of all the repairs and work needed, since we obviously had been occupying that house for so long. Anyway, we knew it was worth 280,000 – 290,000 and offered to buy it for it was worth. Moral of the story of that home, was the relator was being stubborn and we just weren’t going to be ripped off. The house ended up sitting on the market for a few months and after an appraiser came to look at it, they realized there were some serious repairs needed (told ya so.) so the home was purchased for 298,000. We were upset and felt screwed over but we looked at it, sit wasn’t meant to be.

    So fast forward to last week moving back into our old apt complex, walked in on move in day. Dining room light bulbs were out and not replaced before move in, wooden door panel at the very top lock was falling apart, toilet flooded, washer isn’t working properly and now currently – I can’t even take a nice hot shower and shave, without the hot water running out in less than 5 minutes in my master bedroom. Plus the tub faucet in not flowing out properly. Every single day since we’ve moved in, we’ve had to call maintenance to come fix something inside of our casita. I have a lot of patience but I am at the point of being pissed off because this all should have been taken care, wayyyyy before we even moved in. Un-professional of management, tonight I had to put in a work order AGAIN for them to check the hot water heater and the flow of the bathtub faucet.

    After moving during the heat of hell, working in the heat and the stress of all the issues in this unit, I can’t even. However, I am happy and grateful to have nice roof over our heads, a plan to purchase a home soon and to be back in Arizona full time.



    Thoughts and advice are welcomed, thank you… 🙂


    Dear Marie:

    You asked for thoughts and advice (“Thoughts and advice are welcomed”).

    My thoughts: it looks to me that your new thread is about sending Angela a message that you are “Single & Happy!” (the title of your thread). In your earlier thread of a few days ago, you addressed Angela, telling her that she hurt you so badly, apologizing to her that things between the two of you didn’t work out, telling her that you were so angry with her, for so long, expressing to her that you “hope some day we can mend things”.

    In this thread you wrote that you were “involved and in love” with (Angela) for 4 years, and that the two of you “are still very good friends”, and that “Maybe something will happen again in the future”.

    I know that you had a thread here long ago about Angela and we communicated there, but it is not on record under your screen name, so I have no access to it. But it seems like you had a very intense relationship with her, at least on your end, and you didn’t yet give up on it, wanting to resume that relationship. But you are also hurt and still angry at her.

    In this thread, reads to me, that you are talking to Angela the whole time, trying to make her jealous by mentioning a Beth (“my roommate Beth”), trying to make her feel bad  about you moving on, single and happy, maybe trying to attract her by mentioning the forever home you are hoping to buy in Arizona.

    You wrote that you and Angle are “still very good friends”, but if that was true, if you were in close contact with her, why would you be addressing her on a public forum..? (don’t know).



    No… That was def NOT Angela I was talking about. I stopped being in contact with Angela in July of 2014. I had gotten romantically involved with someone else 4 years ago, hence another reason why I stopped coming on this website for years. This person I was involved with is from another country as well and yes, her and I still have a very good friendship.  Also, the title was DEF not to make anyone jealous, it was to give a positive statement that, even though I’m not romantically involved anymore, I am still happy no matter what.


    For the record, I wasn’t speaking to anyone specific either, as I was giving an actual update on what is currently going on in my life. I was on this website way before Angela was, so she may not even be on here anymore. If she is on here, she knows who Beth is and knows  it’s my roommate  and also knows that I’ve never been romantically involved with my roommate. So, NO, there Is no jealous games going on here. So stop assuming please.


    The context of  “a forever home ” is to state that I want a home that I OWN now, as I am tired of renting/leasing a home because every time an owner is ready to sell, me and my roommate have to abruptly move so quickly in the summer, which is god awful. So now we are trying to make sure that we focus on buying a forever home here in Arizona. This is my birthplace and I love it here no matter what. This isn’t to make anyone jealous, this is to once again mention what is going on in my life. If anything, I am more upset about what’s been going on in this apt we just moved into, calling the maintenance every single day for work orders. It’s August and the heat is at it’s peak, I’m  tired and exhausted from moving all week…


    Wanted to get peoples insight on how to handle this apt situation…




    Dear Marie:

    I stand corrected: you had a long term relationship with Angela long ago. You are no longer in contact with her, but you addressed her 4 days ago in your previous thread. After Angela, you had a 4 year relationship with another person, with whom you are still in contact as friends. You have a roommate with whom you do not have a romantic relationship. You and your roommate are currently living in an apartment that requires many repairs, and the landlord has been irresponsible to rent it to you in the first place, being the apartment is in such a bad state.

    I can understand your desire to own a forever-home and no longer be a victim to irresponsible, corrupt landlords. I am sorry you are in this situation, I have been in quite a few such situations myself, for long periods of time. Maybe you have the option of suing the landlord in small claim court or other legal option. Maybe you have the legal option of hiring someone of your choosing to fix what needs to be fixed and take the expenses off the next rent. I hope you know all your renter legal rights in your area.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .

    Yes, I mentioned Angela 4 days ago to state the facts of how I feel and where I stand with her. Regardless if she’s here or not. It felt good to express myself.

    As far as my current apt/casita is concerned, it’s an apt complex, so I need to have a talk with management, or the corporate headquarters.


    All of my other landlords in my previous homes/houses I lived in, haven’t been this bad as to needing so many repairs immediately after move in. I will say that, prior to moving in, they were running a special of 700.00 off the rent for next month (September). I lived here a decade ago and don’t remember needing so many repairs at move in.




    Dear Marie:

    You are welcome to express how you feel anytime. You mentioned Arizona. In the website ipropertymanagement. com/ laws/ Arizona landlord tenant rights (no spaces), there’s lot of information, including:

    “certain rights are granted to the tenant under the law (Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act). These rights include the right to continuous utilities, and structural sound rental premises.. Also, check county and municipality rules which often provide additional rights and corresponding rules related to landlords and tenants..

    “Specifically, landlords are responsible for providing * Hot and cold water *HVAC equipment * Reliable plumbing *Reliable in-line electric outlets and lights, *Proper sanitation facilities, *Trash cans (for the purpose of garbage removal), *Elevators (only in buildings that necessitate their use).

    “After receiving a request in writing, a landlord in Arizona is requested to make all necessary repairs within 5 days…” (if tenants perform major repairs in their apartment, “they can deduct the costs associated with that repair from the next month’s rent”

    The website includes rules and rights regarding rent increases, eviction, lease termination, housing discrimination.. lead, bed bugs, landlord entry into the apartment, changing locks.. and much more. There are additional resources provided there.




    Thank you for that, I appreciate it a lot. I will save the link. I will give maintenance one last opportunity to make things right this week. If something else comes up, I will be seeking legal advice and honestly, I’m too tired to move again. It’s too hot right now.


    We are hoping to find a house ASAP because I’m used to living in a house and not an apt, it’s a little odd but I adapt easily and for now, we are waiting for the house market to crash, so that we can buy a huge home in the neighborhood I desire. The positive side, is that we will save money in the mean-time. When we move again, it will Def not be in the summer, which is why I did a 15 month lease for it to end In the fall. In 2010 when we moved Into our first leased home, it was December and cold out. I am hoping to do the same thing again, being the earliest by next November 2021


    Dear Marie:

    You are welcome. It certainly is very hot where I am as well. I understand not wanting to move again, especially when it’s so hot. Moving in Dec (in Arizona, where there is no snow and ice) is a much better idea. I hope that you manage to save money, and find the affordable house that you desire.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .

    Thank you, I appreciate that. If we get lucky, I desire to break the lease earlier than 2021 by paying off the lease in advance, in order to move into our new house. Just as long as it’s NOT during the warmer months, as in June of 2017 we moved on my birthday during record breaking temperatures of 120 degrees, luckily it was a faster process then. Fast forward to 3 years later, July 2020 and it’s hot AF out. Our lease agreement when we moved into our second home, in June of 2017 was for 2 years and that it would specifically end in November because we knew it would be cooler weather and didn’t want to ever move again in such extreme heat. Well, the lease expired last november and we didn’t get a renewal to extend the lease. At the time we were ok with that, then COVID-19 came along and turned our world a bit upside down.


    The owner of the home, has 2 leasing properties (including ours), plus he owns/resides in a 700,000 property not too far from us, so we think he just wanted to hurry up and do repairs/upgrades on both properties quick, to sell and obtain the equity ASAP, either before the house market crashes, maybe to pay down his home loan on his current property he lives in. He’s a financial planner and does well for himself so who knows. Obviously it’s about profiting, which is totally fine with me because I 100% get it, as we are living in scary times with everything that is going on right now in the world.


    Also, I just wanted to make clear that I didn’t have any bad experiences in the 2 homes I leased and lived in from December 2010 -2020 The first house in 2010 was beautiful inside and out as well, we needed to do small little repairs from time to time, nothing major but when the real-estate company tried to come at us with 350,000, the common sense reaction was, ” ya’ll haven’t even done any upgrades on the house in 7 years, as the ceiling has a long hairline crack in it and little did we know, the bottom of the pool had crack in it.” According to the real estate agent we were in contact with at the time,  the pipe burst from the washer into the master bedroom, that caused mold shortly after we vacated the premises. We understood that the zip code and the location (is very desirable), the home had a lot of value with that alone but when you haven’t done any upgrades or repairs to it and then the market value at the time in June of 2017, we knew it wasn’t worth 350,000. It is what it is now, the home had a lot of sentimental value to me and really wanted to own it and was approved for the loan but we looked at it, as it wasn’t mean to be. The journey has lead me here, where I am today and I 100% completely trust it, as I am happy and at peace with everything.


    If you trust in the universe, stay positive, show constant gratitude and believe in good karma, it will always take care of you. One of the biggest things I am going to miss the most during the hot months right now, is to freely be swim in the pool naked. For 10 years, I loved the innocence and purity of being able to swim naked in the privacy of my pool in the yard.


    Anyway, thank you to everyone who reads and comments.

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