
Separation confusion

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    I don’t think I’ll ever understand her reasoning behind her wishing to separate from me and a number of my friends who also know her well said the same thing. I do feel that what he wanted from a man changed and like you said she got “bored” and unexcited in being with me as she got older. When I last spoke to her she said that spark went. I’m guessing I’ll have to accept that there is nothing factual but emotionsl reason which can’t be explained.


    Dear Martin:

    What you wrote above makes sense to me. And, thinking about it, one cannot argue with a … spark as a reasoning, just you wrote, a spark igniting and then disappearing cannot be explained. A spark is really not a solid basis to a relationship, because it is unpredictable, because it cannot be explained (and even if explained, an explanation is not necessarily going to re-ignite it).

    A spark is here today, gone the next. Better be with a partner whose reasoning for being and staying in a relationship is not that elusive spark.



    I just wish that she saw the bigger picture with me instead of that elusive spark. I am a kind,supportive person with good career in the emergency services . She felt like our relationship was bumbling along despite me looking forward for her to move in with me and looking at buying a place together.We talked about children. I really don’t understand how she didn’t see a future with me unless I could have been more overt and positive to her in what I wanted.


    Dear Martin:

    I suppose she doesn’t think like you, logically and reasonably. I think that most people don’t operate logically and for their own best interest. She is not unique in this regard, I believe. Maybe your “separation confusion” is about not understanding that people operate a lot of the time not according to logic and best interest, could that be it?



    Think you are right Anita. There was affection in our relationship but my ex didn’t have that logical, reasoning and analytical thought process like me. Maybe there was that clash in personalities. I know opposites attract however maybe she didn’t appreciate my mindset.


    Dear Martin:

    Opposites may attract and get together, but staying together and in a good relationship, that takes a meeting-of-the-minds, I believe, that is having shared goals, values and motivations. No two are identical, of course, but there needs to be enough in common.


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