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- This topic has 1,633 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
Cali Chica.
April 22, 2019 at 8:38 am #290119
Cali Chica
ParticipantPersistent tenacious amazing. Thank you. That sure means a lot- especially from you.
But I do worry Anita, worry that I will squander this new found trust. It is exactly right. It is a wounded and traumatized individual inching towards me with trust. Trying it out, building the strength to trust me again
yet I do not know/think if I am grounded enough just yet to harbor and protect this delicate and fragile trust. I do not know if I will respect it and cultivate it. I fear I will not and I will just throw and spill it in a frenzy. Back to my mental chatter and rush of life. I do sense I will do that…i don’t just worry / I feel I will.
April 22, 2019 at 8:42 am #290123Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
You must not squander his new found trust, you have to not “throw and spill it in a frenzy”.
You have to “protect this delicate and fragile trust”!
Maybe if you brought to your awareness how you felt when your delicate and fragile trust in your mother/ your father was betrayed, then you will know for sure that you don’t want to make this happen to another person.
April 22, 2019 at 9:36 am #290133Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I will think of it like this:
What could be more important than move and respect for my husband?
For my marriage?
For the person who led me and guided me up the mountain of this journey?
What could be more important?
Life will throw me many distractions, but it is up to ME to carve out time and focus, compartmentalize time away from work and others for him – and only him..
April 22, 2019 at 10:29 am #290141Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“What could be more important?”-
– for many people, what is more important than the person or people loving them now is the person who didn’t love them before. The lack of love most needed before, the betrayal of love early on, is intensely painful and a very powerful motivator, motivating millions of adult children to make their aging parents love them while neglecting and mistreating their spouses and their own children!
Parents betray the love of their own young children while chasing their own parents, investing more and more in the quest of that absent love.
April 22, 2019 at 10:38 am #290149Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Explain to me, if you don’t mind, how the neglect from the parent, the person who didn’t love them before – is a powerful motivator.
Motivating millions of adult children to make their aging parents love them while neglecting and mistreating their spouses and their own children
April 22, 2019 at 11:20 am #290155Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
What I meant to say is – according to you – and your experience/opinion – what is the link between having this sort of unloving experience, and then people “neglecting and mistreating their spouses and children.”
April 22, 2019 at 12:38 pm #290157Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Ex., my mother told me again and again and with much emotion, that everyone was bad and hurt her, she was the victim of so many, everyone was fortunate and she was not, they didn’t deserve their fortune and yet had it, but she who deserved fortune, had none of it. I loved her so much that I hated everyone. I wouldn’t love anyone because they all hurt her. I was loyal to her that way. I went as far as mistreating people, I wronged others so to make it right for her.
April 22, 2019 at 12:44 pm #290161Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Oh my goodness!!!! – never in the last 2 years of our conversing about this topic did I think of things in this way. Ever.
I loved her so much that I hated everyone. I wouldn’t love anyone because they all hurt her. I was loyal to her that way.
Anita…do you believe that I am still loyal to my mother, the mother voice? And that many of my actions,annoyances, and attacks on my husband – and the missing, just now developing full respect for him, as he has for me – has to do with this loyalty?
April 22, 2019 at 12:50 pm #290163Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I loved her so much that I hated everyone. I wouldn’t love anyone because they all hurt her. I was loyal to her that way. I went as far as mistreating people, I wronged others so to make it right for her. ‘
Anita – I am responding so quicly without waiting for a response – but this is what I visualize.
A young Cali Chica, going out with a bat, batting out the bad guys, catching them on their legs, watching them fall down. “That’s right – that’s what you get for being mean to my mom.”
And then an older one, calling my friend and saying – “well if you are jealous of me then we can’t be friends…” feeling triumphant – screw her!!! but also torn and unsettled at the same time
And then the adult Cali Chica, making fun of my mother in law with my mother, laughing in unison – a unity! relating Yes mom, I’m with you – don’t worry – I don’t like her!
When it comes to my husband this visual is a little less clear — maybe it goes something like this, “I know you aren’t really that great after all, I mean after all who is! Let me figure out the real you! Let me push you and push you and push you until you crack! See look you cracked! LOOK look at you!! look how bad you are! See I told you so!!!”
meanwhile pushing this person over the edge, dangling on a cliff, of course he – or anyone, will show frustration and a “different side”
April 22, 2019 at 12:54 pm #290165Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Yes, I think so. Not long ago you wrote yourself that to be a good daughter you have to be a bad wife. If you look back a few pages, you will find it in your own words. All the people your mother hated, you had to hate them too, because you loved her. Love, loyalty… there is nothing stronger than a child’s love for her mother, even though you are not aware of love for her, it is there, formed so early on, deep and strong.
April 22, 2019 at 3:36 pm #290177Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I think so too. The deep rooted loyalty I have to my mother makes it “impossible” to love someone else. Others may love their parents but also soon grow to love a spouse with equal or more respect and loyalty.
Yet in my world the mother voice was omnipresent. I was out there as warrior queen fighting battles to right all the wrong that was done to my mother (similar to you) – this also includes mistreating others. It includes mistreating others who have never harmed me, and have only loved me (that part I am wrapping my head around)
April 22, 2019 at 6:03 pm #290185Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I was wondering about your mother’s saying about you being a lion at home and a lamb (or sheep, was it?) in other people’s home, if you have been trying to please her, or be loyal to her by being a lion with your husband, as in: see mother- I am a lion here too, with him too, not only with you! ?
I will be back to the computer at about 9 am your time.
April 23, 2019 at 7:57 am #290237Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Good Morning. Once again, after reading your last post about the lion and the lamb – the same visual came to mind. young CC out there with a bat and a roar – ROAR you’re not gonna bring us down! my mom will win! I’ll show you! Who do you think you are.
Yes, my loyalty over-arches any of my “innate” behaviors. In fact – what is my innate way?
I am only developing it now, right? The mother voice became my voice, and the mother need became my “need”
So I, warrior Cali Chica (WCC) went out into the world to fight the battle my mother could not.
Go she said: Go young daughter and make it right for me, go fight! go make it right for your poor momma – i trained you well, go out there, you are young and bright! go got em! make me proud
so like a young cub, I would run back and say – look mom! look who I attacked today, I got em! I put that person down! set her in her place. arent you proud. look the truth will prevail!
April 23, 2019 at 8:28 am #290239Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“young CC out there with a bat and a roar- ROAR you’re not gonna bring us down! my mom will win! I’ll show you! Who do you think you are. Yes, my loyalty over-arches any on my ‘innate’ behaviors. In fact- what is my innate way?”-
My answer: you loved your mother more than anything- your love for her was and is your innate way. This love for her was and is not about who she is, but about who you are. A child loves her mother no matter who the mother is, because a child automatically loves her mother.
It is not different than it being the innate way for a fawn to follow its mother deer.
“I am only developing it (your innate way) now, right?”- no, your loving-your-mother innate way was always there as it is in every young child and mammal.
It is the HOW of your love, what kind of love it came to be that is not innate to you: “warrior Cali Chica (WCC) went out into the world to fight the battle my mother could not” because you loved her.
If your mother was a different person who didn’t present herself as weak and a victim, you wouldn’t have become that warrior.
“Go she said: Go young daughter and make it right for me, go fight! go make it right for your poor momma- I trained you well, go out there, you are young and bright! go got em! make me proud”-
– I think that young CC took it upon herself to fight that war, she took on the WCC role, motivated by love. Young CC gathered her mother’s and others’ here-and-there messages, that CC is special, eyes with green and light skin, a doll, and bright and she was energized by these messages, taking them into the battle field like weapons.
Notice: if your mother wanted you to fight the battle for her, if she “trained you well” to go out there and fight her battle, she wouldn’t have shot down her own soldier. She is not looking for you now, is she, to fight her battle. Her complaints, that you were a lion at home was about shooting you down when you stood up to her (ex. telling her that other mothers don’t overreact, like she does).
WCC is a role you took upon yourself because you loved her so much.
“so like a young cub, I would run back and say- look mom! look who I attacked today, I got em! I put that person down! set her in her place. aren’t you proud”- when you made fun of your mother in law with your mother, “laughing in unison- a unity! relating Yes mom, I’m with you- don’t worry- I don’t like her”-
– there was no unity, only a moment of a feeling. A young child needs this unity with her mother, desperately, will do anything for it, and if a moment is all a child can get, then a moment it will be.
There was no unity because she aimed and fired at her own soldier, not seeing you as her soldier. All are enemy in her mind, you included. So she treats others at times as friends, but only for a moment here and there.
April 23, 2019 at 12:12 pm #290257Cali Chica
ParticipantWCC is a role I took – to achieve – if only fleeting – that feeling of unity. To seek this love of my mother (that doesn’t exist). I see this is innate. I understand that more daily.
>To go back to the post prior, the concept that those who lacked this love from their mother (like you and I) will often go and mistreat others.
Thank you for putting your personal example, of going out there to “make the wrong right for your mother.”
This is based on loyalty. And yes my loyalty still exists.
Of course it does, as you say there is nothing as strong as the love a child has for its mother. I observe and I see many examples of this around me. Adults, fully functional, living their adult life with “bias” “loyalty” or “predilection” based on how they were raised. Of course. This is the evolvement of a human, taking that what you were taught and incorporating your own flavor.
Trouble is this loyalty of mine – I only see superficially. I see it as appeasing my mother and being a good daughter in the way my mom wanted. I don’t see that this loyalty also includes abusive behavior. I felt that my abusive behavior was my projecting my own distress. But I see now that it is more than that. It is that plus the idea that others have done my mother wrong. Everyone has. So I can’t take someone’s kindness and niceness and appreciate it. my drive to fight as WCC takes precedence. I am unable to love another person because that space – the space that would exist. Is filled with the warrior drive. Seeking for that lost love.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Cali Chica.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by