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    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    what would happen then, little Cali Chica, what would life be if you were lucky, tell me?

    Then, things would be better.  People would be nice and everyone would play together. our family would invite us and be nice to us, they would be happy for us.  and then everyone would be happy.  and if you tell them something good happening in your life, if then they are happy for us.


    When something good happens in your life, little Cali Chica, is your mother happy for you?


    Cali Chica

    dear anita,

    my mother is sometimes happy, because then she thinks – wow look good things happen to us too!

    sometimes she doesn’t care becuause now she wants something else


    When she thinks something good happens to us too, is she nice to you, because you made something good happen?


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita ,

    I can’t say whether she is nice or not, but I will say she keeps talking about it. For example if someone calls on the phone such as my aunt or someone, she will go on anon about how I made something good happen for us. She will talk about it all day, she will tell my dad how I did such a good thing, and how she is so lucky to have a good daughter like me who made this good thing happen.   But whether she is nicer to me, that I’m not sure, because I noticed that she just continues to talk about it to other people


    How do you feel when she tells others she is lucky to have a good daughter like you, what do you think when you hear her say that?


    Cali Chica

    I feel happy that I made her happy. I am glad I did a good thing to see her happy. She deserves it because so much bad happens for her. So I am glad when she feels that way

    Cali Chica

    I also think about how I am doing a good job when I hear her say this. Because it is important that I make her happy, who else will? It is important that I do a good job and that she can be happy.


    Can you make me a list of all the things you did that made your mother happy, 1, 2, 3, anything that comes to mind, in no  particular order in time?


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    what a good idea!

    I won an award once, and I have to do a speech. They asked me who my role model is or who inspires me. I said my mother, and I talked a lot about how my mother is the reason why I won the award because she has motivated me so much and has made me live up to my potential and make the most of myself. My mom was very happy about this.

    My mom was happy when my dance team won a competition, she said that we did a very good job, and that it is good we had so much fun.

    My mom gets happy when I make plans to go to peoples houses. Or I do things that make it easier for her, such as make sure that all of us hang out at my friends house, and we have a ride to get there, instead of burdening her with everyone over our house and her having to drive me somewhere. She doesn’t mind driving me places sometimes, but other times it is too much for her.She is happy when I have plans to occupy myself. She worries a lot that during summer vacation, it is so long, and I will get very lonely. She always talks about how our summer vacations are too long, and it is tough for parents to entertain their kids this whole time. She said that the mother should complain to the schools about having such a long vacation. So if I have good plans with friends during that time she is happy.

    Cali Chica

    Here are some more I thought about,

    My mom is happy when I perform dances at weddings and parties, it is common for us to do this sort of thing in my culture. I usually do a great job as I love dancing, and I will get a lot of compliments, people will come up to myself and my mom after the performance and say what a wonderful job I did. She’s very proud of this and she loves to tell people how she used to be a great dancer and that her kids take after her. It is very important to her that we are good dancers because she never got the chance to for fill her dancing talent in India because her parents didn’t have money, so she put my sister and I am to dance at a young age so that we would have this opportunity


    It is easier for your mom when you are not at home, when you are away, in school or at friends’ house, entertaining yourself, away from home. Do you feel sorry sometimes when you are home, because it is too much for your mom, a burden, to entertain you?

    (I will be away from the computer for an hour and fifteen)


    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Sometimes I feel bad that my mom had to send me to camp one summer, because she didnt know what I would do at home all summer – that I would get bored and lonely. She says how the camp was such a great one and so expensive – but a good idea because I had company and went everyday.  It was a good camp, we did so many activities like swimming.

    I know my mom likes it when I am home too, because I give her company, we talk, and I sit with her when she is in the kitchen.  We go to the mall and library and other places.

    Sometimes she is happy when my good friends come over, because it makes the atmosphere more lively.

    You know Anita, there is this saying she always says about me – like something like “I bring life and laughter into the house”

    That without me – the house is quiet and cold, but when I am there, “it is full of life” that I bring the “good energy”

    She always says this about me, to my dad, and to others.  And if I am gone for a few days or something – she says it

    you know Anita – I bring life and laughter into the house, and into her life.

    Cali Chica

    you know Anita,

    sometimes my mom gets so mad and wants everyone to be quiet so she can be alone. but she hates being alone, as her biggest enemy is loneliness.

    in fact, I am not sure if my mom knows what she wants.  you know she always makes fun of people who watch TV all the time, she calls them lazy.  when I go to my friends houses, and she knows that their moms watch TV and soap operas – she says how they are so lazy and don’t do any housework.  my mom does SO MUCH housework.  she does more work than anyone I know. And she does it all by herself.  No one to help her. that must be a lot.

    there are some days where she gets mad and says fine! i won’t do all this work, I’ll sit down and watch TV like everyone else. but you know she goes to the couch to sit down and watch – but she doesn’t really enjoy it. you know, I don’t think she really likes to watch tv.

    i have some good memories of tv time though. we watch indian movies sometimes, my sister mom and I.  sometimes my dad joins, and he likes some of them too.  we have fun.  we sing along to the songs too sometimes.  when we do this, we alll enjoy tv.  i guess it is fun when we do things together.

    well, my dad likes to watch the news while he is getting ready for work in the mmorning. my dad is someone who is very organized and has a good routine.  not me.  he says I am messy and frenzied, and my mind is scatter brained.  he always tries to teach me to wake up and eat a good breakfast and take my time, and not always rush.  i eat really fast and go to school and don’t take my time.  he says that is bad, and its important to take my time. to do one thing at a time properly.

    anyway he likes to watch the news while he drinks his coffee before work.  sometimes my mom gets mad at how long my dad takes to get ready in the morning.  she talks about how he is so slow and he watches tv in the morning.  i guess they are opposites arent they?  my dad likes to do stuff llike that.  not my mom, she does everything quick – she doesn’t waste time..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Cali Chica.
    Cali Chica

    You know what else Anita. When they talk about heroes and role models at school, I say my dad because he is a doctor.  It is a good job because he helps people.  All of his patients love him, and we are familly friends with some of them.  They always say he is such a good doctor, and sometimes if we see them at the store or at a party- they say my dad helped them so much.

    Everyday when I talk to my dad on the phone or at home, I ask him “how are the patients?” and sometimes he tells me some stories.  i have been asking that ever since I was a baby I think.

    a few times I visited my dads office, everyone there is so nice to me. my mom told me that my dad’s partner has jealousy of my dad, because he has a good wife and kids – and that the partner got divorced so many timmes.  she said that he is cunning and makes my dad work more than he does.

    my mom says my dad is a really good doctor, and he has “really good hands.” that a lot of doctors don’t have good hands. but that my dad is especially good.  she also says how his job is good, but he could have even got a better one, but he didnt because if you’re from India it is harder.

    my mom always says the hardest job is to stay at home.  You know that?

    she says only a very strong person can stay at home.  because at home there is no one.  at work you can talk to people.  but if you are home at work all day doing work, like her – you have to be really strong.  she says how so many people can’t do it, like some of my aunts, so all they do is talk on the phone all day because they are lonely. or they always go drive somewhere.  because they aren’t that strong.

    she says that one of the hardest jobs is a housewife because you have no where to go, all your work at home.  you know if my dad is home for a day, and he is tired or they have to do some house stuff – my mom always says “look see how hard it is, imagine if you had to stay home all day..”

    she says how people who go to work, i mean moms who go to work, they come home and they dont do any work.  they dont even have to cook and clean!! that their husbands do that stuff, she says its so easy for them.  she says some people are okay with dirty houses, but not her.

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