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- This topic has 1,633 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
Cali Chica.
January 11, 2019 at 9:53 am #273875
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Interesting timing. The job requires me to exert a lot of effort on behalf of the practice, managing, directing, marketing etc.
As much as I feel I have the skills for it, i notice that my inclination is to utilize those skills more for a personal endeavor. For so long I have wanted to start a wellness center, to treat patients from the inside to out. Utilize my understanding of the mind and body. With my current job I have the ability to seek such endeavors during down time. And I do hope to in time.
It looks like option B is starting to look like an endeavor that will not be a win-win. I am glad I had the opportunity to explore.
January 11, 2019 at 10:24 am #273883Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Win-Win is the aim in one’s personal life and professional life. As a matter of fact, professional life is personal, as it is you in it, not some robot. I know about your wellness center idea.
I was wondering, as I am considering how much activity to do today, given it is the seventh day following my serious enough foot injury, and the fact that yesterday after walking to the mailbox and doing some work I felt extremely weak and shivering, as if I had a fever, if you think I should do as much as yesterday, or more?
January 11, 2019 at 11:07 am #273893Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
today you should definitely rest! your body is telling you something, the weakness and shivering – time to rest my dear friend. please do.
January 11, 2019 at 11:18 am #273895Anonymous
GuestThank you, Cali Chica.
January 11, 2019 at 12:00 pm #273901Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I realized a few moments ago that my sentence: “I know about your wellness center idea” with no follow up sentence on it can easily be read as : I know about it and I don’t need to know anymore, or some such thing. What happened is that as I wrote to you that first paragraph I was somewhat invested in the drive to walk/ exercise regardless of whether it will harm me, a drive I ‘ve had for a long time, and so I went straight to my second paragraph, asking you on the matter.
After I read your response I thought: but I AM going to walk!
It is definitely difficult when driven to think logically, isn’t it.
Back to your wellness center idea, I want to complete my thought: I know some about your wellness center idea and I want to know more!
January 13, 2019 at 5:01 pm #274297Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I wonder if you did walk Friday, and Saturday,and today. I wonder how your leg is feeling. Sometimes it feels as though healing is lightning speed, oh how wonderful – and at the same time as slow as can be. In any way it is a beauty how the body heals it self — it is visual so we can see it, and tangibly feel it. When it comes to the mind, it is much easier to not “see” the healing that takes place. And like anything else, sometimes things have to feel much worse before they get better – or maybe not “much worse” but different that’s for sure…
I have thought all weekend about my wellness center. How to approach it, how to even begin speaking about it, so much to say, such a whirlwind of ideas. So much authentic passion, and drive – yet a fine line towards anxiety.
I will let this simmer and get back to you about my wellness center later this week. This will motivate me to think of it (or the plan of it) in a more coherent way, which will help me understand my intentions, and also be able to better explain them to others. As I have learned when an idea, plan, or choice comes from a place of frenzy or anxiety – it does not reap the same results as it does when it comes from a place of love and calm. Of course it is not black and white. But I know myself enough now, that there is more “negative” chaotic energy backing this idea, then calm confident energy. Will it remain this way? I don’t think so. I wonder what you will think. We will loop back around to it.
I thought today about how so much is interesting. I don’t want to use the word “sad” – oh how sad. Or how ironic. Nope, because self speech, and the speech we have about our own life, affects and in many ways even dictates the way we feel about our own self. Small, scared, fragile, on the brink? Well, look deep – what is the dialogue you are telling yourself?
I feel like this often, I think. Maybe a lot MORE often than I even realize, as it becomes innate. Innate to self badger, innate to not self-lift. How interesting (first use of the term) that we can be in charge of this. And no, it is not made up. It is not phony. It is not “fake it till you make it.” It is simply just lack of self-judgement.
Today I went to a wonderful yoga class, and took a hot shower after. The whole process took most of my late afternoon. I seldom have this time, but more importantly MAKE this time. Yes, I dedicated half my day to self care. Oh how often I would wish for this time. “oh if only I could spend half a day doing yoga, and relaxing.” Oh how lucky other women seemed, those who had liberty to do such. “oh I hope one day I can do that.”
So here I am today. I did it. Didn’t I? Was it earth shattering? No. But was it natural, or innate? No.
I think about how not 10 minutes would go by, that I would think oh I am relaxing. Almost in a surprise way, like wait – did I forget to worry about that thing. It is hard to explain, but It is like catching yourself off guard.
“forgetting to worry”
So then you quickly snap back, oh right, THAT’s what I am supposed to worry about…and then again, find yourself unplugged not worried, and self reminder.
How interesting this internal watch is. Watching me, saying – hey you, remember you’re supposed to be DOING something. Like a mother voice telling a child…don’t forget to pick up after yourself – while the child is immersed in play. Yes, a lot like that. Except, the child likely doesn’t think much of it at a tender age, but as an adult – we can be snapped out of the pleasant experience we are having.
Yes, the anxiety voice, and the mother voice, aims to do that. It is the enemy of quiet. It is the enemy of “NOT-doing”
This voice reminds you who you “are” – the woman who constantly thinks about something day in and day out. Reminds you that is “you” and your “duty.” Reminds you to not get side tracked and step away from this mental grip.
How interesting, that they say with practice, that this voice can become distant. That relaxing becomes easier, just as something such as say running. That to commit to an activity, even one of NON-doing takes practice. After all, like you say, it is rewiring of the neuropathways.
So how interesting, that your whole life you want those moments. Of serenity, of time. Of solace, and self care. Yet, they aren’t exactly what they seem from the outside. They aren’t perfectly still and quiet. But hopefully with time, and protection, these moments will separate from the voices, and become their own.
January 14, 2019 at 7:46 am #274431Anonymous
GuestDear Cai Chica:
“not 10 minutes would go by, that I would think oh I am relaxing. Almost in a surprise way, like wait- did I forget to worry about that thing”- worry is about what can I do to prevent trouble/ danger in the future. So you think now how to prevent it. It becomes a mental habit to worry, neuropathways well established and activated multiple times per day, per hour.
Fear is a powerful emotion, the most powerful emotion of all because the number one priority of all animals is to avoid danger so to survive. Fear feels as intense and distressing as it does because of its function: to motivate an animal to take action immediately, NOW!
Relaxing/ mindful yoga is an excellent way to remove the focus from the worrying brain to the still body, to feel the body instead of being lost in thoughts. I suppose yoga will be part of your Wellness Center? Maybe Tai Chi as well, that slow motion martial art, an excellent way to slow down the brain in those slow, intent movements. Meditation… a center will all in it. Plus a medical doctor on site.
My leg is healing slowly. I took a 2.5 mile limp-walk yesterday, Sunday, the 9th day following my injury and it took me twice the time.
January 14, 2019 at 9:51 am #274483Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
A center with all in it! Oh, how I want this. I feel quite overwhelmed with the prospect.
2.5 mile walk! Anita – that is a long ways with a hurting leg! Does it throb today? How does it look? How does it feel? Twice the time, it humbles us doesn’t it – when we see the true way our limbs serve us, mind and body.
So as far as the wellness center goes, so much negative frenzy in the brain:
the true things that go through my brain constantly, here’s the stream of consciousness without filter:
- others can manage this, but why can’t i – some of them aren’t even passionate or caring about patients, just great business people
- god, how unfair, the people who actually have the spirit and true authenticity and honest care for patients don’t “succeed” and it’s those phony people who get popular
- gosh, I feel so exhausted, how would I even begin to think of such a venture…what a shame, my talent and passion will go to waste. someone like me could do so well with this concept, an help so many! I am MADE to do this – sigh…
January 14, 2019 at 10:32 am #274487Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
It is not throbbing, but I am limping still, no worsening though after the longer walk yesterday. I intend to do the same today.
Your Wellness Center (let’s refer to it as WC?) has to be a place where a person will feel good the moment of entering the place. People like quick results, many need it to be quick! So the music has to be calming, those decorative water fountains, so there is the sound of moving water, the colors, interior design has to be such that a person feels good entering the place. Next all people working in the WC, including you, has to appear calm at all times. No rushing, no multi tasking. It will be like a pocket of calm, a pocket of sanity in the big-busy-noisy city. And then there would be the yoga classes and tai chi classes, all of the slow motion type, with relaxing music or none at all.
I have more ideas but the above just flew out of me.
January 14, 2019 at 10:33 am #274489Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
These sound wonderful, so much so that i can visualize it, and myself with a radiant smile. i see it! i do!
But what about the thoughts, and the anxiety? What about the fact that it feels “others” “get away” with achieving these goals, but someone who “should” will not..
oh sounds familiar doesn’t it..
January 14, 2019 at 10:37 am #274491Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Tell me more about the “‘others ‘get away’…”. I am not making a connection at the moment to a familiar pattern of thinking.
January 14, 2019 at 10:41 am #274493Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
When I said “familiar” I meant the mother voice.
“oh look how talented my daughter is, but the other girl got famous she didn’t”
“oh look how much we have, and those people who don’t care, they get away with getting all that.”
In this case it is like this – for broad example’s sake:
There’s a girl, let’s say Emily, she’s talented young and passionate, she authentically wants to sing and enrich the lives of others. But taylor never makes it, every year there are plenty of people who continue to surpass her and make their mark on the world, many of whom don’t have nearly the same talent or authenticity that she does. Sigh, what a shame. Emily never did make it did she. She has so much potential, yet look at these others who “got away” with rising above, many of them phony!
January 14, 2019 at 10:56 am #274501Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
You and I have this in common: we have an insane woman‘s voice in our heads.
Look at one of her statements: “look how much we have, and those people who don’t care, they get away with getting all that”- how does she know whether the people over there care or not. And about what? And what is it exactly that she cares about? How is she superior or more worthy of good things than those other people???
January 14, 2019 at 10:58 am #274505Anonymous
Guest* one more thing: “many of them phony”- and she isn’t phony???
January 14, 2019 at 10:59 am #274509Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
so true!!
but here is something. i HAVE seen with my own eyes, people building “wellness centers” or the likes – with no medical background or interest in people’s betterment. just great at business ventures.
when i see that i feel sad that someone who actually cares and has the authentic training and background is NOT doing this, and also angry / frustrated that such people “get away” with it…
makes sense…?