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- This topic has 1,633 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
Cali Chica.
December 27, 2018 at 10:05 pm #271207
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Sorry for my rage and venting tone – I wanted to add one more thing. It is hard to explain but perhaps you’ll be able to see what I mean when we speak next.
Its that in a way I act immature and childish as a way to make my mother (and sister) happy. It was always a default to entertain them and make them laugh and feel less alone. It was a default role I was given years ago without asking for it, it became innate – not the personal fault of anyone. It’s that oh when Cali Chica comes home she “lights up the house.” I would have friends over and stories and bring my sister here and there. I helped create a life for her. Entertainment. And as for my mom – well there was so much of that to help make her happy. Of course it never worked. So his is the root of this immature scatter brained silly clownish behavior. That at this age and stage is useless, immature, and clearly something I nor my husband want around. With that – and this is huge. I NEVER learned respect for marriage from my mother. As you know. It’s all about what was over there. Not here. Moreover, and this is difficult to explain – I think I deep down inside feel guilty – so I will quickly push aside respect for my husband and instead “clown around” with my sister. Not because she asks me to – but it is a way I relate to her and also not make her feel like she doesn’t have “me.” This is silly because clearly she and anyone knows that I am a married woman and I have other priorities too. But it’s not them it’s me. I instantly do this and almost downplay my maturity responsibility and my husband/marriage as a priority.
Here’s a small example. Before she left today she’s like do you want to sleepover. She was half joking. But in reality if I didn’t downplay it so much, a younger sister wouldn’t ask her older married sister (whose house she’s at) to come sleepover at hers. She didn’t mean harm by this.
My example is that it’s My behavior. I act foolish. I act childish. I don’t act like a mature married woman. Instead I “stoop down” to a fun kid that I assume would be relatable for her. I disregard that my husband should be my priority and act silly – so that she feels happy and included. I do this all subconsciously. Because see when it’s the three of us hanging out it was always fine. Just like family. But when I act like this it doesn’t help anyone. My sister isn’t asking me to. And she’s younger and influenced by me – so it’s an act she follows. If I act all silly and foolish- and the next day say gosh you being here makes me all frenzied and makes my husband annoyed. Well that’s on me.
Juat wanted to add that. The first post and the example about how she reacted to the gift are still relavent. And those are on her. But in this world I must focus on what I can change. And perhaps that’s my behavior – and allow my husband some space away from the ups and downs.
December 28, 2018 at 6:39 am #271249Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
Regarding the latest interaction between you, your sister and your husband:
1. You: “being around my mother… her presence would turn me into this person who non stop entertains talks, makes people laugh, on on on, a manic energy. And also an angry resentful person… same with my sister… I act like a manic frenzied person when she is around .. feels uncontrollable and automatic”.
2. Your sister: she chose to not attend Christmas with you, your husband and his parents. Upon receiving their gift later on, not in their presence, she “opens it and says thank you and all”. But she is not quiet inside, distress is stirring inside her, so she “begins saying how it’s not something she would use, or a brand she likes”. She is angry. It is not about the gift. Her anger “feels uncontrollable and automatic” to her when she is in your presence, just like your manic energy in her presence.
Next, you “quickly jump in and say oh don’t worry we can exchange it”, as if the problem was the gift.
Imagine if there was honesty in that interaction. If there was, it would be something like this (I am guessing, best I can): your sister arrives at your place, you all sit down, and she says to you: I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!
My input: in the presence of your sister, you automatically become anxious and manic and she automatically becomes angry in a passive aggressive way. There really is no way to fix this unless the two of you attend quality psychotherapy together, both motivated to fix the relationship between you. Really, there is no way for this relationship to be fixed without professional help. It will take a lot of time, insight, lots of honesty, lots of distress to be endured, lots of work on both sides.
Without such professional help that the two of you will welcome and do your hard work in it, individually and together, the contact you have with her is harmful to you and to her. It keeps the same old, same old automatic reactions in place. When the two of you do have fun together, that is only a break from the tension, just as anyone tense gets a break, even war prisoners get breaks, people held captive get breaks when they experience calm and even joy.
3. Your husband: he is a victim of this dynamic, “he is sick and tired of the same thing over and over”.
And it is the “same thing over and over” that he can expect to continue unless you either attend the family psychotherapy I suggested, you and your sister or you cut contact with her. The relationship between you and your sister cannot be improved if only one of you heals, it will take the two of you healing. And for as long as the latter doesn’t happen, the relationship itself between you and your sister will keep both of you sick.
Your husband “spoke the truth. We are back where we started. It feels terrible… Over the last 2 weeks I am agitated and anxious at almost every moment. I have had horrendous insomnia, and my anxious energy of course transfers to him. I’ve been negative and ruminating- and nothing like the progress I have made”.
It is very, very common for people to hold on to sick relationships and sink, remaining sick, undoing prior progress. I wasted decades this way, lots of damage done along the way.
“We made SOO much progress over the past 2 months while at his parents’ house and away. And it feels like it is all undone”- evidence, isn’t it, to what I stated here.
“she does not have awareness of how she comes off to others”- she is angry. I don’t think you are quite aware of this, that she is angry at you. Actually, she is angry at everyone, really.
“I do feel I have been entirely enveloped in her… I need to change my behavior around her. I turn into an immature lunatic with frenzied energy that doesn’t relax”- you can’t change your behavior around her unless you and your sister work hard, over a long time in psychotherapy that you will be attending together. All your efforts to change your behavior without this therapy are likely to lead to is you and your husband’s health deteriorating or either one of you getting into an accident as a result of stress, or some significant mistake done as either one of you operate at work, with patients.
So you and your husband paid for her first two months rent, helped her sell her car, etc. but she is angry with you, very angry. She wants to see you hurt, passive aggressively. She accomplished that. But she can’t help it, she is not well, I suppose. Best you can do for her is exit the dynamic. And you can’t do it except in either one of these ways: the therapy I mentioned or no contact.
“My sister isn’t asking me to. And she’s younger and influenced by me”- you are not seeing that your sister is an adult, no longer a child in her formative years, influenced by you. She is already formed and anger is in her formation. Sometimes she feels affection for you, sometimes she looks up to you. Sometimes she appreciates your help. At the same time, she is angry at you, always, underneath her awareness at times, and at other times she is aware of her anger.
Her anger at you means she doesn’t wish you well. Angry people don’t wish well for the people they are angry at.
December 28, 2018 at 8:00 am #271261Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for taking the time for reading my very verbose posts. This is very interesting. And your statement about there are only two options, either no contact or having psychotherapy together over a long period of time of hard work. I understand this. I truly do. I must process it I would like to come back to this after this post. And I will. Because I do need to get more out. If that makes sense.
What I am struggling with this at this exact moment this morning is the following, I abused her. Never in a direct Sense. More as a result of the interaction with my mother which created toxicity All around. Or more because of the role that I’ve had to have in her life which led me to feel depleted, something I see now more below. But it is true I never actively directly abused my sister out of hate for her. It was that she felt so singled out by my mother, and my mother seeing me as the golden child made it that much worse for her. It is true, and I will be the first to admit my fault. I never truly abused my sister directly. Physically or emotionally. This is the truth. And if you know me well enough by now, I am no enemy of the truth. I would like to admit all of my faults to learn about what can change to increase the better mental health for all of us. Example I actively admit that I have abused my husband psychologically, and continue to do so to this day, as you saw from my previous post. was more about lashing out at her with resentment after feeling overwhelmed by her. That’s it, feeling so angered by the things that I have to do for her and then becoming quite nasty about it after-the-fact. That is very wrong, and In it’s OWN way it is abuse. I agree. But I just want to point that out that there may not be a difference in terminology or effect. Sure. But between active indifference lack of love, meanness and abuse – and something like being angry at my sister for making the same mistakes over and over and me cleaning up her messes – there is a difference to me. Maybe you’ll understand once you read more. Maybe it doesn’t even matter. its not the point of what I want to say. As the point is in the real life examples. The real feelings. The repercussions of what happens
I will try my best to explain and would like to see your feedback. Pardon me for it being a stream of conscious nest, as you can tell I am in a distressed state, this is not me two months ago that was able to write to you eloquently from a state of calm. And that is OK, the path ebbs and flows. This is a time of distress.
So here’s an example, I am a mother of a 16-year-old daughter. The daughter gets pregnant, by accident of course. She tells me. I am just stressed beyond believe, losing sleep, losing my appetite. Feeling so much emotion. Feeling angry at my daughter for her getting onto the situation. Feeling sorry for my daughter for now having the situation on her hand, and wishing that she didn’t have to go through it. Feeling angry again that finally when I had some peace and quiet that of course another bomb dropped into my life. So many things. But most of all feeling so upset for her and worried about her. It is unexplainable, it is the stress A parent feels when their child goes through something difficult or has been given a difficult piece of information.
Now you can say, well the daughter didn’t ask me to feel like this. But that is entirely irrelevant. Because by the nature of the relationship, the mother will feel this. Well a mother that cares of course. This is an something that people dissect that often, because it seems pretty obvious. The mother of course is not complaining about how she feels, because you’re focuses on her daughter at this time. The way she feels is just of course a part of nature of events and her being the mother.
Well, this exact thing happened to me a week ago. Now I by no means am telling you that I am a mother. I am not overstepping my boundaries and calling myself a high and holy mother. But in reality Anita I have had to take on this role for my sister. Not because she asked for it, and not because I forced it. It just is. So for listening/writing sake let’s keep it at that.
My sister last week started having these very strange symptoms, I told her to go to the urgent care of course. But she was home with my parents, who are beyond controlling. She explained some of this to my father, and he told her to come to the urgent care where he works at. Clearly an appropriate, as the symptoms she was experiencing were private and feminine in nature. He said that one of his female colleagues could see her, but once again inappropriate, as he would have access to the chart and read all of it and then of course be right her about anything. So my sister continues to tell me her symptoms and how she is scared and suffering, and lets me know that she is now deciding to go out to dinner with a friend that she met randomly. She is using this as an escape to get away from my crazy parents. Understandable. But here I am Anita stressed out about what she is going through. Once again not because she told me to be, but because I am a caring older sister. In that moment I have no idea what I was doing, I could’ve been climbing a mountain, or cleaning my bathroom, all of my attention and energy was focused on that. I guide her and tell her that she should ask her friend to take her to an urgent care on the way to dinner so at least that she can be checked out and get a diagnosis, and that I will pay for any expenses. Anyway it turns out that she has a pretty horrific diagnosis. No it is not cancer or that she is dying. It is not pregnancy. But it is something that is quite appalling without giving too much detail. I am besides myself for the rest of the day and night I could hardly sleep. I was so distraught over this. I felt like how could this happen to my sister, and why. I also felt sorry for her for dealing with the repercussions of this. Now just like the example above with the mother, the daughter did not ask her mother to do this. But it was the natural way for me. Of course my distress and anxiety over all this rubbed off onto my husband. Like you said it affected his health. It was his first day back to work as a surgeon Now in nyc.
Ironic isn’t it Because rewind back to two years ago when we first started our jobs elsewhere, the same exact thing happened, but it was because of my mother. I am not comparing as it is not my fault that this happened to my sister. But it’s just an example. It really doesn’t even matter this example because as you know with these things is the pattern of everything overall. Here is more.
Two years ago my sister got a training position in Phoenix. It was July a few months before wedding. A background about what was happening at that time, is that my mother was terrorizing us every day. She would call my now in-laws and send them nasty messages, call their community and try to let them know that they are evil people and that my mother is really concerned that I have to marry into this family, calling us at midnight pretending my dad is having chest pain. So much, terrible stuff, this was at a point where I literally felt like I was dying every day. You know this we talked about this all the time it is what led me to my own breaking point Anyway, it was Fourth of July weekend, my husband had that weekend off for the first time in years, he and I never get these sorts of weekends off together. Forget the holiday, what we truly needed was 24 to 48 hours and just other piece. Well my mother and sister call me the week prior and say OK well she is moving to Phoenix so when should we book your ticket? Of course as reflex I immediately start planning, I don’t even think about how my husband and I need one to two days to her self. Of course not, of course I have to jump in and help my sister. So I book a ticket and I’m ready to go. At this time my husband was not as outward as he is now. But he did mention, that he was hoping that we would have at least one or two days of peace given that we have been through such a hell storm. And that literally he and I are not sleeping or able to even function (it’s a miracle how we perform in our jobs). I say to him I totally understand, but I have to be there for my sister. Later on in the day I am telling another friend about how I am going. She said something that was very interesting to me. She says, wow that is so nice of you it is only a few months before your wedding and you have been through so much, yet you are jumping on a flight to go across the country to help your sister. Don’t you think that she would be able to manage on her own, because it’s not like she’s really moving anything physically. I said to her yeah, but she’s my baby sister so I always support her. It’s her first time moving out of state.
And then it occurred to me, there was no question about me going. It was just assumed, it was assumed by my sister and mother, but equally it was assumed by me. Not once did I question whether I had a choice. A CHOICE. Doesn’t this sound familiar Anita, just like with my mother, I never thought to myself that I had a choice to engage in a conversation with her even if I was in the middle of something important with my husband. Never did I think I had a choice to perhaps not pick up the phone if I was in the middle of a work emergency. Nope, my mother was always a priority, it was instant yes. Similarly I jumped on this plane and went to Phoenix. The entire time I thought extremely guilty about my decision knowing that I really didn’t need to be there at all, all it was was my mother and I hanging out with my sister while she put some things in her apartment away. But of course I was there for support. But what did Cali Chica need that weekend? did she need to take a six hour flight to Arizona for 24 hours and rush back. And have perhaps six hours with her husband before they go back on their crazy call schedules as doctors. Know what she needed was some mental peace for at least 12 hours. But she never preserves that, she didn’t know she had the choice. No choice at all. Family above all. No thought. Of course this was not even in the question. I ended up mentioning something slightly before I left for my flight. My mom made a snide remark about how I was only staying for 24 hours. And I said to her, or TRIED there’s only so much I can do, the fact that I came across the country just for a day, that’s all I can because I am trying to get back to spend some time with my fiancé. I FEEL SO SO GUILTY saying this is hardly comes out without me brushing it off. My sister remarks, well of course you would come, I’m moving across the country. Of course you would.
And that’s JUST it. Of course I would come Anita. Of course!!!! Of course! Without a question. Assumed. And why not, whh wouldn’t it be. It was never a pattern to be otherwise. why didn’t I say to them, sorry I can’t make it I know that you are moving across the country but you have mom, and I can’t make it for just 24 hours, my fiancé and I really need this time for my mental health. Why didn’t I say that? Of course I didn’t say that. Do you want to know why Anita? Because this is what my mother would say, and my sister would believe it too. My mother would say oh, now that you have a man in your life you forgot about your own family, look how quickly your priorities change, look how you are helping him and not us. See if it was him you would jump to do anything (not true at all as I threw him on the back burner and did nothing for him and everything for Mom and sis) but look she would say you forgot about your poor sister and helping her. What kind of sister does this, what should we expect of you when you get married, figured You will just throw out your family and your sister. I not only felt guilty by this I truly believed this, so of course without a thought I ran over. Always. Of course. This is a key paragraph.
So what about this?
The Phoenix story, and my being there for her strange diagnosis two weeks ago. These are just two, these things happen almost every month. While in Phoenix she was dating some guy, it didn’t work out, and she was so distraught that she thought that she would have to leave her training program. I had to Set her down, over the phone of course, and talk to her and tell her that she would be OK, that it was going to be fine, I then got on the phone with her director, and was able to explain to her that she was having some mental health troubles and that she would need some personal days. I got her in touch with a psychiatrist of course continue to follow up.
And I was glad I was there for her, but it continues to go in circles, not in a straight line. Two months later or something similar, another boy, not that that’s the case. But feeling like she can’t pass the exam that she has because she can’t stop thinking about all this crazy stuff. Then again later a breaking point over the summer, when she was at my parents house and they were driving up up the wall and she hit another breaking point. I know what you may say perhaps, or perhaps what anyone would say. That I’m not supposed to be her therapist, and that she needs professional help. Of course, and she does have other resources. But that is not the entire point. Just like my example above, the mother of this newly teen pregnant girl is still going to be affected. She can seek therapy and so kind a daughter. But it is hard to not be affected and consumed by such. And the funny thing is Anita, I’m not even a parent yet
My mother and sister have hardly any respect for my relationship for my husband. And let’s take my mother aside, the thought of my sister. I have never made it a priority. I didn’t act like a 32-year-old before the Phoenix example and say. I know sister that you are moving across the country but I know that you are going to handle on your own just fine. And that we have set everything up (I found her apartment and all for her and other logistics) This is an important time for me to have some mental health and sanity or else I will be at my breaking point. So I will not be able to come for 24 hours to Phoenix. I hope you can understand.
Nope I never did say that. There was ZERO space for it, because as above, and I don’t want to reiterate, this would be the response of my mother, and quite possibly my sister
I don’t want credit, but my health and my husband‘s health is depleted and on the line. We made so much progress and instantly and the two weeks that she has been around we feel entirely different. It is because of me. Is is not her fault. It is because of the way I act around her, it is because I become consumed by her and what she’s going through. Yes I know. Because of the ingrained patterns that we have, over the years that are so deeply entrenched in us.
I know I am not really the mother of this teen parent. But in that scenario it was nothing different. She was the teen girl with this new horrific diagnosis. And I was her supporter. That’s it. The teen girl goes off and lives her life and accepts it and is relatively fine, but the mother was affected too. And for examples sake, the mother’s new boyfriend is affected because this mother has been so distraught and disheveled over the last three days it has affected him too creating angst for him.
I know all of this might not be that coherent, as it is a stream of consciousness. But what I would tell someone like me is this, you need to focus on your own health and your husband’s health first right now. Yes your sister might see you as an abuser in the past. Yes she has passive aggressive anger. Yes. All that.
But what about me? (For analogy sake) What about the fact that being this mother to those teen pregnant child has now made me lose my “boyfriend” Has now made me have to go on antidepressants. Has now made me have trouble coping. See the teenage girl is dealing it with her own way but she is out with her friends living her life today. But what is Mom doing?
She comes home and says mom, I’m fine, why are you so upset? And then the mother may lash out. (Which is not the right way) but She feels angry and frustrated. But all in all, she doesn’t know how to not feel like this because she is a mother after all.
What about coming back from Phoenix depleted, and that not having any energy or reserve for my husband so feeling like I want to lash out at him, but also feeling resentful that my sister had no understanding of such. What a lose lose situation.
She may be angry Anita, she may see me as abusive in the past Anita but what about all this.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Cali Chica.
December 28, 2018 at 8:51 am #271277Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“It is because of me. Is not her fault”- not true, your sister is as responsible as you are for the relationship between the two of you.
If you are currently abusing her, then she is abusing you no less.
As a child and growing up, you were in a very, very difficult situation. You cannot be held responsible for a whole lot of what happened there.
Your mother taught you to be loyal to her and to your sister. She taught you to not be loyal to any other, including to your now husband. So, to be a good girl you are loyal to your sister and not loyal to your husband. To be a good girl, according to your mother’s teaching, you must be a bad wife.
Basically you keep helping your sister because your mother told you that you are a good girl if you do and a bad girl if you don’t.
I wrote to you earlier regarding having no contact with your sister as one of two options. Maybe I was to quick to suggest only two options. A third option is to no longer help her at all. I mean, really, no help whatsoever.
If you don’t help her at all, you may be surprised at her reaction. I wonder what it will be. It will definitely give you some much needed information.
I feel certain about this: best you make a firm decision to provide your sister with zero help from now on: no financial help, no practical help (ex., locating an apt), no psychological help (trying to encourage her, push her to do this or that for her own good, talking to her about her/your childhood, what you learned and so forth).
No Help At All. None.
You are not her mother. She is not a child. And although you share the same parents and home of origin, the two of you are very different people. You have more in common with lots of strangers than you do with your sister.
My sister and I also share the same parents and genes, but my goodness, we always were so very different.
December 28, 2018 at 9:18 am #271285Cali Chica
ParticipantDearest Anita,
this is IT!!!
Many mother taught me to be loyal to my sister. Essentially be a good sister and bad wife.
Yes yes yes. You put it into words. Oh what an epiphany. This is like the last one I hold onto daily :
the good is not here it is over there by this delusion I seek over there
Now this: to be a GOOD girl I must be a BAD wife
oh so brilliant – I have a slight release/joy right now for coming to this epiphany via route of your wisdom
You feel sure of and confident of Number 3 no help at all. I feel 100 percent sure of this in my bones.
But of course able to be done by understanding first. Respecting and savoring it. And With practice. Yes with practice
But anita – do you believe that by doing so I can get back on track and to my priorities. Which I was working so hard to do To my inner self and husband? Its like this. All this stuff with my sister doesn’t have me just frenzied in regards to her. It’s ocerall. It’s forgetting if I turned the stove off because my mind is a mess. It’s not asking my husband how his day was bc my mind is in circles. You get the idea and you know this pattern. It’s not living because it’s being consumed with anxiety and toxicity. I feel so off track today off the path that I quesion it. So I am asking you to explain to me the link – how will removing myself from helping her – allow me to go back to say , Cali Chica “en route of good progress” 2 months ago. I am almost there and do believe it somewhere deep down. I just need a reminder. That it is possible. And by doing number 3 I will be able to facilitate the process back on path better
December 28, 2018 at 9:57 am #271291Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
You ended contact with your parents, that was a huge move and a resolving of your relationships with your mother and father, having none. But your relationship with your sister was not resolved, so no wonder it came up and took you back to a pre-healing mental experience, just like before you cut contact with your parents.
You are on the Healing Path, the second biggest hurdle is in the process of being removed, or resolved, right now.
Key is to not regress and keep no contact with your parents, do not panic, you are doing well!
Now No Help to your sister, that is all you have to accomplish, to resist that automatic urge to help her. And practice loyalty to your husband, be attentive and keep the intention to do so.
December 28, 2018 at 10:36 am #271305Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
the first biggest hurdle was accomplished yes. And by daily practice continues to be.
Now onto the second. Yes there are plenty hurdles in life But in this case there is 1 and 2. The main one which is above and beyond, my parents. And the second one. My sister. It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel like there was one, and two, and what will there be three for five more? Sure life will always throw me hurdles. But it is important for me to separate what one and two are. Because they are primary. And when I don’t tackle them they become jumbled, and all of life is a jumbled. I no longer no myself in this jumble. So yes. Number 1 and number 2. I know in my heart these are the two main ones. I know it, and you reminded me thank you. I am in the process of resolving number two. I was able to resolve number one, and continue to do so every day. And will continue to do so. I am so confident and capable of resolving number one.
so number 2—
I have the courage and capability. I am not superhuman. No I am relinquishing that hat slowly. But I am me. And that is unique and able to do anything after conquering number 1. I am not superhuman, I am only human, but I have the insight, awareness, and intelligence to Conquer number one. And therefore now I am on number two. And I can do it. I can do it. My life in this moment (overall) my progress thus far. My interaction with you. Is all proof. It is living proof. I am me. I conquered number one. So I have the tools. Now to number 2, my life isn’t on hold. It is not backwards. It is not regressed. It is a pause the path is waiting for me. Patiently. But do I want to get back on? Yes I do. In fact I am already on the path! A stumble to the right is not falling off! But to get back on the straight line – I just have to attend to number 2.
December 28, 2018 at 10:48 am #271313Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I told you before, repeatedly and it is time to say it again: you are amazing.
Yes, you are on the path, definitely. When distressed, as you have been recently, it feels like not being on the path, and this is when most people do get off the path. Keep at it through the distress.
I am so very tired this morning, woke up too early and will very soon get away from the computer. I do wish you find a way to relax, you’ve been suffering lately, a whole lot. I wish it wasn’t so, but it has been so.
Rest, resolve this hurdle, shift your loyalty to your husband and make your well being your number one priority, above all else. I hope to read from you when I am back to the computer in about seventeen hours.
December 29, 2018 at 9:58 am #271381Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I do hope you are rested some, calmer. Let me know how you are feeling, will you?
Anything you want to discuss further about the current struggle we’ve been talking about, let me know what part of it you want to look at further, or maybe you want to organize your thinking on the matter, please do so and let me know what kind of input you would like from me, if any.
December 29, 2018 at 6:08 pm #271437Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you so much for checking up on me. Sorry for the delayed reply, but I do know that you are are a few hours behind in time zone I think.
I feel incredibly better, almost like a 180. I wanted to actually talk to you about that. If this was about a year ago, I would attribute this as ups and downs, almost like a “bipolar” sort of way of feeling. One day super low distress, and the next day super high and OK. Of course, ups and downs all the time or not a great way to exist. But I see things like this differently now, now that I am on the path.
I see anxiety, although not useful or productive, can be an indicator – only when we know our self. When we know our self well. There is a different between acute and chronic anxiety. Just like in medicine with acute and chronic disease. I suffer from chronic anxiety for obvious reasons and background. And of course some days are better than others. This is a background state.
But what I experienced recently was acute. It was terrible. It was distress disproportionate to my current “state of life.” In short – it was an alarm.
It was a state of dis-ease that was alarming me to something – that something must change. Find it fix it. It must change. And so you try and you try. But nope it persists.
But then there is you. And our dialogue. And it is like being on the brink of solving an algebraic equation but not having the mental capacity (due to confusion and distress). So your trusted friend jumps in and finished to the right of the equal sign.
And that is just it.
Good girl = Bad wife
that’s just it. No wonder it feels like I can’t do both no wonder I feel an automatic pull to help even at the detriment at my own personal life. O wonder! Oh it makes so much sense Anita. I explained this to my husband today – and it made great sense to him too. And the next part of not helping.
And yes. This is #2 struggle. There is one and two. Sure life will throw me more lemons and hurdles. But that’s life. That is not 1 and 2. No those are extraordinarily difficult circumstances that are brought to me only as a result of my trouhled, traumatized, and warped upbringing.
All else is the rest of the world. The rest of life. I have the power and means to tackle this world only when I can be me. And this is only when I resolve 1, and now 2.
It makes sense and it is quite beautiful. Beautiful because it is- simplicity and …truth.
Thank you once again for helping me see the truth. As you have said – the truth will set you free.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Cali Chica.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Cali Chica.
December 30, 2018 at 6:07 am #271487Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
You are welcome. Good, let this understanding sink in further, let it settle.
December 31, 2018 at 10:48 am #271681Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Sink and savor, like a cup of tea – steeping. It takes time for the tea’s essence to infuse, it takes great temperature to extract.
You can’t get a cup of tea without that heat, time to steep, and cool down process. No, you can not – it is necessary.
So then how can thoughts and concepts sink in, steep in, without the same dedicated process. They can not.
It is unreasonable to think that new teaching and concepts can quickly pass you (me) by and stick – and stay. It is no fault of mine that they don’t, as they would not for anyone in this manner. There must be time to steep.
For so many years, since adolescence – I would find myself coming across values, goals, and teachings that I “admired.” Perhaps it was the way a friend handled a situation. Perhaps something I read. Most likely random delusions fed from my mother. All sorts of things. Some of them innocent enough, some of them quite false and self deprecating.
So I would come across something. Say – “oh look at her she doesn’t feel the need to go out on a Friday, she seems so comfortable staying in and relaxing in her own company.” I should do that. I should be like that. Why aren’t I like that.
So the thought or concept is flung onto me, and without any time to process, observe, or understand- it’s quickly flung back out as – “something I should be.” And this happened for all sorts of things. Ideas of who I wanted to be, what I should be doing.
But we can not expect ideas to bounce off of us like tennis balls, and stick for good. We are only human. I am only human.
Never did it occur to me, Anita, that people take time to let things settle. “let the dust settle” — or let life settle. Let it sink in.
Here I am, after all these years of schooling and training, you would think I would know the value of taking time and dedication. Well, not exactly. I never prioritized taking the time to do things in a way that was best suited for me, or my mental health.. What did that even mean? I just did them, on a whim, on the fly – it always worked out – the results and outcome always presented itself – so what was so wrong?
My sanity, my nerves, my being. Who I truly am is buried in the frenzy. It was buried in the dust – I never let the dust settle. I never let the tea bag steep, no I chugged it all at once instantly – wondering why I ended up with a scalded tongue year after year.
It felt wrong to take the time to let it steep. It felt unnecessary, or guilt-worthy, or perhaps a luxury I did not have.
Interestingly, my father’s biggest gripe about me was exactly this – I never take the time to do things, I am always rushing. Here and there everywhere, physically and mentally. Oh how ironic, the people who put the most immense pressure on me to do all and be superhuman and attend to their mental health, also berate me routinely for being frenzied, and never taking the time to steep. No wonder it was always a conflict. No wonder I couldn’t look at it with clarity. It wasn’t a simple, let me slow down – it came with baggage, repercussions, and feelings of guilt and obligation.
And that’s just it. I see what is burdensome now. I see who is burdensome now, what people or types of people. What scenarios, or types of situations. I see them this way because – I do. Not because of what I should do. But the hard part is the follow through. To recognize what feels this way, and stick with it. To not give in to instant gratification, patterns, guilt, and “shoulds.”
Because when I do, I then beat myself up over this – and the vicious cycle continues. Recognizing what is right, not going along with it, and then hating myself even more.
But if you set yourself up to fail, time and again – you are destined to live in a cycle of sabotage. And allowing people and scenarios that don’t serve you, or bring out what you need at this time – takes away from your ability to thrive – it sets you up to fail. So then why do it? As above, because of instinct, innate patterns, and fear.
Fear of not doing enough, fear of not being who I “should” be, and fear of not being a “good” girl.
Well then – perhaps the definitions have to change. What is good what is bad. What is right what is wrong.
Because in my book today, good and right – is what FEELS good and right. That is simply it. My moral and internal gauge is enough of a compass.
I know now what is good and right, I just have to allow myself to sink and savor, to steep for a while.
I may only do this if I create an environment in which I have the clarity to do so. When I can set myself up to thrive and feel great.
sometimes you just have to let yourself steep, no other effort required – because with a little bit of time, and some hot water, you have yourself an excellent cup of tea.
December 31, 2018 at 11:05 am #271683Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
I read some of your post, so well articulated and I have the beginning of a thought or two to express to you, but later, tomorrow morning, when I am rested and refreshed, I hope.
Tomorrow is the first day of a new year, will read/ re-read your post in about sixteen hours.
Happy New Year!
January 1, 2019 at 7:30 am #271829Anonymous
GuestDear Cali Chica:
“So I would come across something. Say- ‘oh look at her she doesn’t feel the need to go out on a Friday she seems comfortable staying in and relaxing in her own company. ‘I should do that. I should be like that.”-
– used to have this misunderstanding, that because another person did not have my specific distressing pathway (or set of pathways) it meant that she was healthy. Not so, she has her own distressing pathways that I don’t have. For example, in your observation of the woman who seemed comfortable staying in Friday night while you were too distressed to do the same, it may be that she stayed in getting drunk Friday night, preferring to do so alone, feeling comfortable anticipating being alone, drinking, and not having anyone telling her not to drink.
Millions of people have millions of combinations of pathways, many of which create distress and dysfunction in multiple ways, endless combinations of pathways.
“Who I truly am is buried in the frenzy… buried in the dust”- an excellent description to what happens when fear is so strong in us. We live in a frenzy and dust disrupts our vision.
“Interestingly, my father’s biggest gripe about me was exactly this- I never take the time to do things, I am always rushing”- he was able to see the result of his actions (his part for causing your rushing as a way of life), but not his actions. This is very common, parents criticizing their children, minor and adult, for all kinds of supposed character faults that really are the results, or consequences of their own actions.
And we do criticize each other, other people for character faults that were born as unavoidable consequences of their early experience, their parents’ actions.
“Perhaps the definitions have to change”- yes they have to, should change. Lots of badness of people’s behaviors is about the adult child still trying to be a good daughter to … a bad parent. Your mother when teaching you to hurt your future husband, was bad for teaching you that.
I wish you a good, hot cup of tea this New Year Day.
January 1, 2019 at 1:40 pm #271921Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita, I am having a beautiful cup of tea. I hope that you are having your own version of such, or whatever makes you happy. Speak tomorrow, happy new year. Happiest of New Year’s to you
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by