
secondary infertility

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    My 3 year old son asked me to grow him a little sister. I told him my body has to be ready. But I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to get pregnant. I am not up for IVF and fertility treatments. I’ve been to the doctor and I know my anatomy is normal, I’m ovulating on time every time, my husband’s sperm checks out. I don’t know why we’re not getting pregnant. I can be happy with one child, life is actually very good right now. But I always thought we would have a little girl, too.


    Dear kate:

    I wouldn’t feel pressured, if I was you, to get pregnant because your three year old asked you to “grow him a little sister”- as cute as it is that he asked for that. Maybe he saw a baby girl in the park or in preschool and he feels like having one of those in his home, similar to wanting a toy. It doesn’t mean he knows what he asked for, that he is aware of what it means to have a younger sibling (at least 4 years younger than him).

    How long has it been possible for you to get pregnant (not on birth control) and yet, you didn’t?



    I didn’t have a period until he was a year old, bc I was nursing round the clock. We started trying once my period had started again, and that’s been 23 months now.


    Dear kate:

    Because you are okay with not having more children at this point, and you saw a doctor, found  out that your anatomy is fine, that you ovulate on time, and your husband’s sperm is normal, why not let it be as it is. Revisit the situation in a couple of years. Focus on your life as-is.



    Thanks. I think that’s the best answer, too. Even though it’s hard sometimes.


    Dear kate:

    You are welcome. What is “hard sometimes”?



    You should do what you want, not what anyone tells you to do. If you ever want to get pregnant faster in this day and age, you can take a course of pills that will help.

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