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    Am I projecting now? To what extent are we all projecting on this forum?
    Could someone clarify this (Freudian?) term?

    As I try to be objective, I suspect that my unique childhood is somewhere in the background, trying to express itself.
    Our lens is always tinted. We all view the world differently. So am I any closer to the truth than you? No, I’m not. Truth is subjective, whether we like it or not.

    Sorry, this thread just came out of the blue and I felt a need to start it.Feel no obligation to reply to any of my threads.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.

    Dear Jack:

    I disagree: I believe truth is objective, not subjective. We ALL project because everything goes through our brain. Even what we see with our eyes gets processed in our brains before we see it. So all is projection- there is no other way for us to perceive the world but through our brains. Regarding truth: just because people believe different things does not mean truth is subjective. The principle behind Buddhism it to peel away from what we see all the inaccurate projections and see the BARE MINIMUM of what is. And that bare minimum is the objective reality. For example we all die- this is objective truth. Some believe they will be resurrected, it is their objective truth, they believe it. I believe otherwise. I believe I see this issue in accordance to the objective truth.

    We all project. Do we project accurately, that is according to the objective truth or do we project inaccurately, that is not according to the objective truth, this is the question.



    OK thanks anita


    I wasn’t sure I was clear after I typed the above earlier: we all die so nobody can deny it is an objective reality (unless completely insane/ Jehovah witnesses who believe that if they live to Armageddon, they will never die, physically never die).

    But is there heaven and earth after death? Some believe there is, and some do not- these are two different beliefs BUT there is only one objective reality- there either is heaven and hell OR there isn’t.

    People believed the Earth was flat. they were sure of it. But the objective reality is the Earth was round then as it is now.

    There is such a thing as objective reality and it is for each person to see what it is. I prefer the scientific method of thinking and researching and experimenting rather than putting my trust in a bible, a church, etc.



    My friend is an interesting case just now.

    Has pushed all his friends away and decided he doesnt like any of them then in the next breath is complaining of being lonely and feeling like he’s pushed put and never gets invited to stuff.

    Um. Yes you do and you chose to reject them, feelings are not facts.everyone is waiting for you to pop your head back out so we can all be friends again.


    * I don’t see your example, Pomplemous, as one of inaccurate projection. Your friend correctly sees that he is not invited to things, doesn’t he? I mean, in reality he is not invited when others do get invited. What he doesn’t see is the Cause and Effect connection, that is, that his rejection of his friends is connected to his friends not inviting him.


    um. no. that’s not accurate but I appreciate I didn’t put in very much detail

    he gets invited. he gets invited and when he comes he has a lovely time. then behind their backs he slags them all off. they invite him some more and he makes excuses not to go or doesn’t even reply at all. then he moans to me that he’s lonely and that no one invites him to things. he is projecting the feeling of rejection onto the friends rather than actually remember that he rejected them.

    I have reminded him – do you remember that time you were invited to this thing and we had a great time? and that time you invited us to your place and we laughed and smiled and we were really happy?

    ah yeah but I don’t get on with these people? why
    they are not intelligent enough
    but people know people and they are always pleased to see you.
    yeah but that doesn’t count
    what doesn’t count about that?
    … um….

    it’s projection alright

    … I must admit that there are times on this forum that I feel like I can’t get things right. I feel on occasion that I am the idiot of the bunch when I am very very much not. it’s like wall that comes up in front of me and I cam beginning to think it’s me – these people think I am an idiot and there is never a delete button,. I cant even delete my profile and not come back like I’ve often wanted to. I’m tired of that. it takes every ounce of self esteem I have occasionally to keep myself afloat here. I assume it’s me projecting that on to yous. feelings are not facts. but the feeling is a fact.


    Dear Pomplemous:

    I do have a tendency to correct others to their detriment. Meaning, it is more important to NOT trigger your Toxic Inner Critic than it is to make a point about what is projection and what is not. Point well taken. Thank you.



    Oh fear not dear lady, you are a vital piece of this forum. I in turn tend to steam rill over everyone my opinions . I was just feeling defeatist at that moment . All cool. Xx


    I probably meant transference anyway. Um doh.


    Dear pomplemous:

    I was not in fear when I stated my tendency to correct others should be… disciplined some. It is part of the healing process, rehabilitating the Superego, re-creating a healthy Inner Critic (the genetic, evolutionary part of our brain that is intended to make interactions with others a Win-Win)- so no, I was not in fear. It is ongoing, correct myself.



    Hee. I’ll be honest. I understood each individual word of that post but together it lost me.I had to look at Freud as part of my course but I could not get my head round him at all. I has several girly tantrums over writing that assignment I csn tell you


    Psychological projection, also known as blame shifting, is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

    I admit I am also confused on the definition of projection. that was a definition from wikipedia.
    if I look at myself, I don’t like rudeness in others. I might be unaware of rudeness in myself, that is true. But I think it is more to do with inverse projection, (where one of my strong points is politeness). I pride myself on politeness. So anyone who communicates in an arrogant bullying fashion, triggers in me an aversion to that. In fact, dismissive behaviour in general is a real turn off for me. It could be that I really idealise a more educated, reserved approach to communication. A dismissive overconfident style of communication equates to a lack of education! And I idealise educated, uncommittal communication. To some it might appear as “sitting on the fence” but on the other hand it says to me, that the truth is not so simple. There is more than one answer. Sometimes there is no answer because truth is a mystery. Our attempt at understanding truth is just an attempt. That’s all. We are not meant to understanding everything. Language restricts us. I think this was what Jung was getting at.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.

    As I reread my last post, I see that this is a core issue for me in life. I lack tolerance for people who either have little or no intellectual ability, pride themselves on a pragmatic, unintellectual view of life or have no tolerance for the educated. Like a them versus us scenario. Some of my brothers are my exact opposite. They view life very simply nor are they interested in the meaning of life. But because they are my brothers I make allowances. And they do too towards me I admit. But for strangers I am less tolerant.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.

    This is why people like me aren’t in charge of commonsense operations,, 🙂
    Where decisions need to be made on the spot!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
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