
Platonic Relationship with ex (i'm male)

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    Hi, this is my first time posting, i’m a 28 year old male.

    One could put this in the relationships topic, although i believe this fits here better.

    It’s been a little over a year since i broke up with my ex of 5 years. It was not a good relationship and it ended pretty badly for both of us, although we had the sense to call it a truce and wished each other luck though it was purely ceremonial.
    This break up deeply affected me as i was terribly ashamed in how i behaved and reacted towards her, it was not the man i thought i was or wanted to be. There were many faults of hers towards me, although none of that i can control. So i won’t focus on it. It was my first relationship and i guess this was a fantastic learning experience and i learned many things about myself.

    I recently stumbled past my ex unexpectedly. I rode past her as she was in her car. My heart rapidly shot up and i remained nervous for the remainder of the day, with feelings of bitterness and just a negative base human emotional cocktail of jealousy guilt and hate. This spoke to me profoundly, wether i liked it or not, she was still a big deal and mattered to me. So in the spirit of constant self improvement i extended myself to her via email.

    I expressed to her the same sentiments i mentioned above and that i believed it would be nice to catch up for dinner sometime to get some closure on this relationship. Essentially trying to let go of the past and truly forgive each other and even offer each other support.

    Next morning to my astonishment all my hate and resentment was replaced with a genuine love for her (care for her). I had finally genuinely forgiven her.
    I contacted her expressing my gratitude that she was good enough to do this, as her treatment of me had been haunting me the whole year.
    I did mentioned to her my slight disapointment at first glance that we only scratched the surface. One of the things i learned albeit very late that communication is a big issue and as we were together for 5 years i believe feelings lie deeper than what we touched on during the night. For this reason in search for further closure posed the question “what do you want out of this relationship”. So that perhaps this time, we can both be on equal footing and work from there.

    In saying this, i made the effort not because i want to bring up the past, but perhaps so we can both acknowledge alternatives to what could have been done.
    I genuinely believe it would be good for the both of us going forward and going into new relationships.
    I realise and acknowledge the fragility of this situation yet know my motives are pure and in the best interests of both parties. Although as fragile as this is plus this being completely new territory for me, would anyone care to give their opinion on the matter? Any thoughtful response is always appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by misterman.



    Im not sure what you are asking here. Is being friends with an ex ok? or is your approach legit?

    I know the feeling you are going through. I had a dream last night that had my ex in it. Just that alone was enough to make me wake up and feel the emotional cocktail you refer to. I would like to also reach out, however I know I will not get the kind of reception I would be hoping for. I more than likely wouldn’t not have an invitation to meet up for dinner accepted. So I spare myself the grief and will let it be.

    There is something to be said about needing closure, the two of you coming together and talking like adults about what went wrong what was right. Affirming what you meant to each other but coming to a consensus about the way it ended. Ive gotten this from all my ex’s except the most recent one. I think its legit to ask her what she wants out of a platonic relationship with you. Like you said that way they are clear and out in the open, leaving no room for assumptions or unmet expectations.

    I can relate to feeling like you werent the person you wanted to be in your prior relationship. Its tough to forgive ourselves and move forward without playing the “what if” game. I related to it being a learning lesson about myself. Just sucks it had to take all this for me to wake up.

    I think you are proceeding forward with a level head. My only concern is that you are not over her, and will attempt a reconcile that she may not want. Only pushing her away again. I suppose you can have some expectations of her but do not be completely invested in their outcome. Be happy with whatever time and energy she is willing to give you, as Im sure her defenses will eventually drop further as additional time moves on.


    Yes i guess both questions would qualify to what i was asking.

    Thanks for your response, it’s somewhat reassuring to hear these events and feelings aren’t exclusive, to hear your insights on it. In regards of a romantic reconciliation, we’ve had 5 years to make it work. It won’t do anyone any favours.


    Be honest with your intentions.

    Are you looking for a do-over? Knowing what we know now, can it be different?


    Why do you want a do over? Is it for the girl? or to prove something to yourself? That you are not “that”man that is so distasteful to you, to in other words change the ending or last memory of that relationship with a better one?

    In other words, is this about love or more self serving and about you and healing?

    Often, we think its about the person but its really what we’ve made that person into. What they symbolize. The power we have given them or the relationship.


    i’m under no illusions that this is doesn’t have it’s selfish tendencies, although at the same time i acknowledge and embrace the fact it can have the same effect on her aswell. You have nailed it on the head, i am trying to prove to myself i have changed, without doubt, though what come first? first and foremost i fee is to embrace my compassionate side, then everything else falls into place, discipline is required aswell which also comes down to compassion if you have the foresight to acknowledge that any lack of can result in further pain for both parties.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by misterman.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by misterman.
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