
Perfectionism / Lonely / Anxious / Early 20's

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    Hi everyone,

    I’m so happy to have come across Tiny Buddha, everybody here is so genuine and it brings me a kind of warmth to find replies not only to my posts, but for others that are struggling with their day to day lives as well.


    I ran away from home when I was 15 years old due to cultural issues, and have been living independently since. I managed to graduate high school and have been working entry level jobs to keep up with the bills etc. I finally started college this September as I have been seeking change of some sort and I guess some sort of accomplishment / room for advancement type thing..

    Basically, I am used to doing things on my own, but it only just recently hit me that I actually feel really lonely. Maybe perhaps even afraid of it. I really scrutinize how I feel when I’m out and about doing chores like grocery shopping. The trip there and back is basically only walking distance, but my anxiety gets so bad I even pretend to be talking on my cell phone with someone…

    I have a lot of things I want to do. For instance, I want to learn how to swim, but part of me is saying I’m too old nobody at 22 takes swimming lessons. Same with wanting to go to the gym, for some reason I am always trying to persuade a friend to go with me instead of just taking the initiative to just go on my own.

    Many of said to just “do it” but for me , it’s not as simple as just going to do it. In fact, earlier this evening I sat for about 2 hours contemplating as to whether I would go to the mall to do my homework or to do it at home. Literally sitting down thinking the same thing over and over again. It’s hard to kick myself out of that mindset of just thinking. Indecisiveness is a thing but sitting for 2 hours, I’m not so sure. Sometimes I can do it all day, to the point where I am overwhelmed with thoughts of stuff I need to do and I end up becoming a hermit staying inside and becoming more and more depressed at my lack of efforts / lack of productivity.

    Another thing I have noticed to is that I am a crazy perfectionist. I have to have things a certain way or else it is not good enough. It’s all or nothing for me. I remember one time in grade 8 there was a huge socials project we had to do, and the day before the due date, I completely destroyed my visual and accepted a 0 as a mark instead of getting what probably would have been an okay mark..

    This is starting to become a pattern and I don’t want it to start effecting my life to the point where I don’t even attempt trying anymore. Is this a normal thing for your 20’s? Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to start doing things?
    What am I afraid of, if anything? Failure and Loneliness? I don’t know.

    I AM independent, but I’m not.

    Thanks in advance for all of your input. I don’t have any family I can talk to, and the majority of people my age that live here are all party animals and could care less, as harsh as that sounds. I’ve had people say that I don’t look depressed or lonely or sad and that I should be thankful that I can even afford a place at my age.. It’s not even that I’m not thankful, but I’m exhausted of having to explain to people who don’t have any understanding..


    Dear Birdyy,

    you are not old for nothing, I was still dealing with depression in your age, but I knew I had to do something, no matter how small it seemed, because I did not want to spend my whole life in that miserable state. With small steps every day towards your healing and better living. You lack of confidence and I`ll be short in writing here, but I will give you these two articles, maybe they can help you somehow.

    Actually, I`ll be glad if you find them helpful and implement those tips in your life.

    Here they are: http://wanderside.com/how-i-overcame-depression-and-i-know-ill-never-go-back-there/
    and http://justbereal.co.uk/feel-beautiful-about-your-body/

    Big hug for you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by LovelyBlue.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by LovelyBlue.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by LovelyBlue.
    Nina Sakura

    Dear Birdy,

    I admire how you are handling your own matters at such a young age. Truth be said, what you are feeling is normal actually and this disconnect is more glaring for you because you miss connection and companionship.

    It’s hard being alone. I won’t shy away from saying this and I don’t buy the whole we have to stop needing people in our life to be “independent” – we are inter-dependant to be precise and need someone to understand and connect though of course, we can do most things on our own.

    Maybe you could head to a local religious center and share your thoughts with an elderly person there, sort of like a kind and friendly soul…not asking to become religious, more like just to have a friendly, sensible and caring person to talk to…maybe go help out at a children’s home..when I was away from everyone and feeling anxious, disconnected, that effort to drag myself out of the house every week to see the kids, spend time with them was somehow really spirtiually uplifting. Most of them have really tragic backgrounds but somehow their strength, laughter and the happy energy of little kids brings me to life and makes me feel less alone somehow.

    I know it feels weird to do things alone and most of these friends are at a different stage in their life but I think having just 1-2 meaningful connection really helps.

    Having just someone over for simple activities makes things more bearable.

    Regarding perfectionism and anxiety, many of us have this problem but I think with time and social support, you will feel more relaxed. Tthe whole grade 0 thing….well I had this habit of ripping off pages the moment I made 1 mistake in a spelling or something here and there – I was that um….perfectionist

    So you ain’t alone in this at all 🙂

    I am kinda curious though, what happened at 15? What do you mean by cultural issues?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    – Nina


    Hi birdyy
    My question for you. Who says learning to swim at the age of 22 is not cool? Or you are too old to learn swimming . Please take this out of your mind . And if you want to learn to swim please do that. Your first step to feel little less lonely. I myself have learned swimming when I was 24 years old.
    And same with gymming you don’t need to wait for anyone to join with you. Rather once you’l join gym and after when your friends will see you enjoying gyming they join with you .
    So 2 things you can do that you want to do and that will definitely make you feel more fresh positive and will take the feeling of being lonely.
    Its good that you want everything to be perfect. But like you gave your 8th grade example if it doesn’t turn out to be what you expected you muststill keep your hopes high for the result.

    And because you are feeling lonely you must read this why spending time alone is a gift


    Mishika 🙂

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