
People see their shadows in your mirror

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    Hi dear community of Tinybuddha.

    First off I would like to thank everyone who over the years have answered my questions and helped me in my Journey.

    I really need some support and perspective regarding a situation/phase with my father. Although the situation is not serious or threatening it still has a great deal of impact.

    In the Recent years I have become much more meditative than I used to be before and my ”mirror” is getting rapidly more clean. Together with this, there is a lot of healing taking place which in my case partly manifests as strong ”shadow-work” such as processing emotions, headaches, and various common signs of transforming the body into a higher state of being.

    A strong grounding in my true authentic self has taken place but with this some rather interesting responses and reactions have developed in people. To summarize, All of this together has made me become very Meditative, still, calm and collected which seems for some people to look like I am terribly sick, depressed or even directly rude. 

    This transformation has been especially hard for my dad as he is strongly Ego-identified and from what I understand this stillness is mirroring his shadows/demons in me. It seems that as the stillness is increasing my dad seems to notice more ”problems” with me that are exactly the things which I see that he is struggling with.  I am still living with him and it is really sad to see somebody completely convinced that I am either secretly depressed or being rude/ trying to offend him by just being quiet and still without the need to engage in trivial discussions. My dad is not spiritual at all so it becomes extremely hard to explain what is happening in my life in a way which would make any sense to him at all.

    As mentioned, the situation is not threatening but if there is anybody with some experience with a similar situation I would love to hear some perspective or advice if there is anybody that has any.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by crawford.

    Dear crawford:

    You shared that you live with your father who is “Ego-identified.. is not spiritual at all”, and because you are quite, still, meditative and spiritual, not engaging with him in trivial discussions, he thinks that you are depressed or rude.

    You wrote: “I would love to hear some perspective or advice”- depending on the trivial topics your father is interested in, maybe you can engage with him in such discussions, inserting your spiritual beliefs and attitudes into the discussion in simple to understand terms (?)




    Thank you for the reply Anita, I am amazed that you are still around Tinybuddha and answering questions. Well done.
    I am Inspired.

    Regarding my father, I talked with him today about the situation and we had a quite pleasant reflective discussion which was beneficial on both ends. I might have been slightly too quick turning to Tinybuddha for perspective 😀

    Kind Regards


    – You are welcome, crawford.


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