
Painful Memories Returning with a Vengence

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    Are you familiar with the DBT therapy? I bought a workbook tonight on a whim and plan on looking through it tomorrow. I am working on breaking this cycle so hard! I have refrained from making any rude or destructive comments for the rest of the day but I still feel that it’s difficult.
    For example, in past relationships I was abused and possibly also abusive or at least unstable. this is hard to come to terms with because I was able to get over the person because I could blame them. It is scary to now take that blame even though I still disliked myself.
    In this relationship, I came into it with open arms, and was loving and accepting of our differences. Nothing about him bothered me, in fact I could relate to it. Now I feel like where do I draw the line between accepting again but maintaining these boundaries. I don’t feel like I have that personality to just go with the flow and love everybody even though I wanted to be that person so badly. I will see how the workbook goes 🙂



    Dear Gigi:

    Yes, DBT was part of my therapy. It is widely used in treatment of the BPD diagnosed. The core principle of it, is to use “and” instead of “or” in our thinking, feeling and relating. For example, instead of blaming the man in your life OR blaming yourself, you blame him and you. To use a better word than blaming, it is about seeing that both, the man and you are responsible for what is going on.

    Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): the “Di in Dialectical means two or both. Another example: instead of seeing a particular person good OR bad, you see the person as a combination of both good and bad.

    In your relationship with your boyfriend, you are responsible for your participation in every interaction between you and he is responsible for his participation in every interaction with you. If you figure this out, who is responsible for what, you will make great progress.

    When you feel like making rude and destructive comments to your boyfriend, being so distressed you almost can’t help yourself and you have to say a rude comment … no matter how strong the urge- don’t! it’s like an itch, that urge, isn’t it? And you feel that you have to scratch?

    Well, don’t. If you truly not allow yourself to “scratch”, the itch will weaken, you will see. As long as you see it as a possibility, to scratch, as long as you rationalize it (maybe it is okay, maybe I am right), you will “scratch”

    Be firm with your self: No scratching/ no rude comments, no starting a fight. Not an Option!

    I did it. Drove me nuts to not scratch, but then scratching was only making my nuttiness worse.



    Yes it is so difficult not to “scratch”! I have gotten through the beginning of make a distraction plan, and relaxation plan. The sad thing is I gave myself the exercises for today of reading a news story without passing judgment, and sitting in traffic without complaining. I then proceeded to pull up an old acquaintance on her profile and judge something she wrote. Sigh, this is going to take some time!


    Dear Gigi:

    It is going to take a whole lot of time and patience. Most people give up because it takes so much time, so at one point they say: “&^%$ it, it is not working!” and give up. To heal, to improve, to make your life better it takes patience, and then, more patience and gentleness with yourself, not beating yourself up for “failures”- in quotation marks because you can use each “failure” to learn from and proceed. At the least you can learn patience when you …fail. Each time.

    I call this kind of patience “excruciating patience” because, sincerely, it is too much. You think you got it- and boom, the old feelings return and there is that urge to automatically react like before.

    One step at a time, it is the nature of the process. It takes a whole lot of time to weaken existing neural pathways in our brain and create and strengthen new ones. It is a long term process. So relax into it the best you can. All the efforts you do now will pay off later.



    Hi Anita,
    I wanted to ask kind of an unusual question. What is your opinion on books, shows, or movies for a person with possible mental illness or some sort of issue like myself? Personally, I like thriller and horror themes and this is what I seek out. My partner argues that these types of shows, books and movies are causing more problems for people. He really likes love stories! I told him I cannot stand sappy and corny things, and my personal choices are easy for me to relate to and get a glimpse into the mind. He said those things scare him, and he likes more mindless things to watch and read. I know neither of us is right or wrong but do you find you’re drawn to a specific theme?



    Dear Gigi:

    I too was into thrillers and horror movies. The first horror movie I watched when I was a teenager was Psycho, the original. I was hooked. Jaws, the original was next. In the last few decades Fatal Attraction is memorable to me, psycho thrillers was/ is my favorite genre. Blood and gore movies make me sick but I like the parts in between the blood and gore. And then I read True Crime, strictly. And accounts of World War 2, the holocaust, Auschwitz, death camps. It is only in the last few years that I no longer read True Crime, no longer attracted to this genre.

    I am thinking now about the reason we both like these themes. It is the experience of it, isn’t it? When you watch this kind of movie, there is a problem, a building suspense, the heart beats faster, we are fully alert, we are paying attention to the screen and to nothing else (a welcome, welcome break!) and then the climax of the movie and … we feel much better, peaceful. Is it like this for you? My life with my mother was a horror movie, really. So when I watched a horror movie I got to kind of watch my childhood from a safe distance, knowing I am safe there watching. And watching the whole movie to the end was sort of… resolving my fear, temporarily: there I was afraid, the movie is over and I am okay.

    What do you think of the reason you are drawn to such?



    So glad I’m not alone! I actually just watched fatal attraction for the second time, and my favorite is Shutter island. I also used to watch TV shows like Snapped but don’t anymore. I agree there is somethino about the adrenaline and watching a scenario play out in a different way. I’d say there’s once in a while something I find too triggering but very rarely.
    I caught myself starting to think I should like happy stories as some sort of escape? But I always find myself cringing or rolling my eyes. I want to see the real problems in life I guess that a romantic comedy just rarely shows!



    Dear Gigi:

    Romantic comedies is my last choice of a movie. To my surprise, I relaxed at times into some nothing-much-is-happening movie such as My Sister’s Sister. I can’t explain it. And then drama movies, I actually like now, The Bridges of Madison County: nothing scary (but not a comedy)- I really like this movie.

    And you are not alone, Gigi. There is nothing about you, nothing about anything you ever thought, felt, experienced and did that is outside the human experience. This last statement I just wrote, I didn’t know it about myself for the longest time. I really thought I was that weird, other- species.



    this thread is very interesting and Anita has some very good insights. I like the psychological analysis. you will never be ‘engaged’ in a relationship if there is no attraction. When I met my husband it didn’t even ‘dawn’ on me to look at him as an attraction. — he grew on me. Yes for a long time I did love him and now things have gone awry, for lots of reasons. One reason, of many is that I am not attracted to him any longer, he has let himself go in his appearance and accepted aging. I am not a supermodel by no means, but he has given up some 10-15 years ago to look good for me. I am still married to him, but not for long. I have had ‘opportunities’ presented to me and the one man/friend that is throwing himself at me, I am simply not attracted to although he adores me. there has to be an attraction, also. not the only thing, but it is something you simply can not fake.


    Wanted to post an update!

    From my other thread about my old frenemy: decided to go on a double date with her and her bf, and as everyone said it was bad. She got drunk and basically told me my boyfriend didnt love me because I pay rent and she thought I was saving my money up to help her? And we hadn’t talked for a year? Yeah no thanks, so she got blocked. That was about a month ago.

    Ended up staying the weekend at my mom and dad’s house because my emotions with my bf felt to be too much, also I stopped paying rent until I get a new job. I almost had to text the crisis hot line again because my mom beat me down so much, saying how she didn’t approve of my relationship, she didn’t know why I was such a disappointment, I was delusional for wantingredients to work for myself, just too much. That was a mistake and I haven’t talked to her since. She continues to message me asking for a list of jobs I’ve applied for.

    Speaking of jobs, I don’t know what to do. I had to leave my last one because it was making me crazy but my plan of writing seemed so close now seems hopeless. My sister too told me it can only be a side job. I don’t understand why. I don’t want to apply to another demeaning job or a corporate job like I’ve had before and then have to quit again when I get burnt out. I am slowly losing more and more faith in humanity. I see the world as full of angry and hateful people and I am scared to interact with anyone. I’m scared to apply for jobs because people might be out to get me, I don’t know what to do.

    The good news is I have controlled my anger and emotions better with my boyfriend, which is what I really was worried about. We did go on a weekend trip with his family and I just let things flow, until the last night. I just told him that from now on if we go on trips we need to stay separately from them and not in the same campsite with no privacy. He took a minute to understand but it is just way too much drama to do everything with family and siblings as an adult couple. But other than that I feel like things are good.

    When I start to think about myself though I really worry that I will end up with nothing. I know he is happy but if I didn’t have him I really truly worry. I hear so many horror stories of dating and now even knowing girl friends and family will turn against you it really depresses me. I wish I could just be a more positive person.

    Thanks for listening : )


    Dear Gigi:

    No wonder you are not a more positive person with a mother who tells you are a disappointment and harassing you like she did on a visit! My goodness, what… why act like that? Here is a title of a book I will write one day (I will give you a chapter, Gigi): “Mothers from Hell.”

    Really, are there any kind mothers out there??? A mother with something positive to say about her daughter?

    (Calming down, deep breaths…)- glad you are back with an update, Gigi, and good to read you are controlling the expression of your emotions better. And that your relationship with your boyfriend is ongoing. Good job!



    Thank you! Yeah my dad ended up calling my younger sister because he didn’t know what to do, then calling me after I left to apologize for my mom and tell me that she cares. I just can’t anymore. She says I drive her crazy. Well that is her fault, why let your adult daughter upset you to the point of acting like a lunatic. I’m really embarrassed for her that she thinks that’s okay. But yeah I know what I need to do. I don’t want to live my life worrying anymore. I hadn’t even read about the recent current events until this afternoon and that always changes my perspective. I really want to enjoy life and I wish that came easier.


    Dear Gigi:

    Your father’s claim that “she cares”- is his convenient thinking, saying something meant to make you feel good and make him feel good but it is incorrect: a caring person does not say to the object of their caring: “you are a disappointment.”

    And then, your mother said that you are driving her crazy; I disagree with her statement as well- she “drove (you) crazy”, thank you very much, she has that backward.



    * Sometimes a post doesn’t take/ appear on the page of posts, try again…


    Hi Anita, was that last message meant for me? And yes agreed! I need to just cut it off with her!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Gigi.
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