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- This topic has 8 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by
July 3, 2017 at 7:10 am #156128
I love a guy but we both are very different..society will never accept us not even my family..he does not do any kind of job..he earns money from gambling/betting.He smokes, drinks and sometimes abusing also…but he loves me very much..he is ready to leave all these bad habits..on the other hand i have a job and earn well..and my family is very decent..for them this guy would never be perfect..but we both love each other..for me..love can make anything happen..i am ready to accept him as he is…but in our society for getting married parents` approval is must…what should i do…i cannot go against my parents..i cannot hurt them..but also want to be with this guy…i know from my heart that i will be happy only with this guy…there is so much love, undersranding, care between us…but not able to see any direction…pls help..
July 3, 2017 at 7:31 am #156136Jeff
ParticipantHow long have you been together? Abusing what? Drugs, alcohol etc.? Before jumping I would like to see him kick the bad habits first. See if he can change those habits.
What in society will “we” not accept?
Also, having been divorced, there others in the world that will accept and love you. I say that so you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
July 3, 2017 at 7:39 am #156138Maria
ParticipantHi Jeff,
Thanks for replying.
Abusing like..whenever he talks to his friends he uses abusive language or whenever he gets angry he abuses..or sometimes when he gets angry he starts throwing things..but after some time like 10 or 15 mins..gets normal…sometimes he abuses on me also..but i generaly dont react as i know it is his habit…we are together from last one year…he is not in drugs…but yes alcohol..in 2-3 days..he takes once…talking about society..i am talking about my friends and family as they all tell me that he does not have any class…you deserve much much better…and u will not be happy with him…
July 3, 2017 at 7:55 am #156142Jeff
ParticipantI would be very careful about having someone in your life who is “abusive”. I’m not saying they cannot change, but that is usually the exception to the rule in my own experience.
Sometimes it does take an outside source (friends and family) to advice or show you the “problems”.
July 3, 2017 at 9:31 am #156162PearceHawk
ParticipantHi Maria…
I hope that as you read this, many of life’s good things are embracing you and that they bring you peace, love, and happiness.
There are many things going on in his life that are destructive to himself as well as to others. And there is a comment that you made about him that will only serve to nurture those behaviors, but I will reserve that for a later comment. You said, “he does not do any kind of job..he earns money from gambling/betting.He smokes, drinks and sometimes abusing also…” Although he does not have any kind of job, his gambling only serves to activates the brain’s reward mechanism, thus giving him a “rush” sensation. There is very strong data that supports a closer relationship between pathological gambling and substance abuse disorders. In the absence of treatment for pathological gambling, as one continues to become more involved with gambling, the more difficult it becomes to overcome, as the “rush”, the excitement becomes an enjoyable stimulation. Gambling addiction is a very serious problem as many families are destroyed by it. There are only 2 things that come out of smoking…(1) making tobacco companies and their C.E.O.’s rich and (2) it results in many very, very serious diseases such as cancer, vascular disease, heart attacks, strokes etc. Not only does the smoke that he inhales continues to do serious damage to his life, believe it or not the second hand smoke that you and others inhale is also very dangerous in that not only do you inhale the smoke coming off the end of the cigarette, you also inhale the smoke that is exhaled. A common misconception is that the exhaled is harmless. Some of the chemicals in cigarettes that cause cancer are benzene. This is a natural component of petroleum chemicals which is an important compound in gasoline. Another is arsenic, which is used in the production in pesticides. Beryllium is yet another harmful component found in cigarette smoke. It is desirable material used in aircraft, missile, satellite, and spacecraft production. Long term exposure to this can lead to chronic life-threatening diseases. Formaldehyde and lead, just to name a few more, are very present in cigarette smoke. Questions about what cigarette smoke puts out are, do you think that cigarettes have any value in your life? Is this something that you need to put into your body? The drinking…just another useless substance that, as it gets out of control and becomes a routine part of someone’s life, it is destructive. It only has harmful physical and psychological damage as it becomes more addictive. Alcohol is the judge, jury, and executioner. And while you may think these are things that affect only his life, nothing could be farther from the truth. Believe it or not, sooner or later these things will affect your life and the lives of others around him. Are these things something that you are willing to accept? As for the abuse, you said, “sometimes he abuses on me also..but i generaly dont react as i know it is his habit.” Abuse, on ANY level, whether it be verbal or physical, is not acceptable. Your parents disapprove of your relationship with him for obvious reasons, the unhealthy addictive personality he has. For them to approve of him, and YOU as well, is to accept his abusive behavior. Is this really acceptable to you? Apparently it is when you said, “i am ready to accept him as he is.” To me, when somebody says ‘I accept you as you are’, is to accept sameness. To me, if someone is the same, they are not changing. I do not accept my g/f as she is because she is always learning, always wanting to change for the better. To accept someone who does not want to change in order to learn and be a better person, is to accept routine, boring, sameness stuck in the limitations of not growing.
I am not going to apologize for what may seem to be a harsh opinion that I have. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so willing to nurture an abusive personality, whether it be someone else’s or yourself. My opinion is not meant to be made gentle. I PROMISE you is out of tough love. I think you should take what Jeff has to offer and strongly consider it. It is tempting to take what someone offers you as advice, to say ‘yes but’. To me, when someone says this (the yes but comment), what they are doing is trying to devalue the advice that one gives and place more emphasis on what you believe. Maria PLEASE consider what is said to you, either here or what your parents say. The devil is in the details. But please do not take what Jeff, myself, and others offer as an assault on you. We are very caring people who are throwing you a lifeline.
July 3, 2017 at 1:23 pm #156230Dawn R
ParticipantHi Maria,
A person who is abusive to you will continue to abuse you as long as you accept it (that’s just his habit). Abuse, apologize, be nice, honeymoon phase, and then abuse again. It’s a very bad cycle. And one that can only be broken by someone who is willing to take responsibility for his bad behavior/choices. You are so young and have so much in life to experience. It would be sad for you to accept this as “normal” or settle for this type of relationship. NOONE deserves to be abused. And often, the abuse escalates until your life is in imminent danger. I would hate for you to put yourself into that kind of situation for the rest of your life. If your parents know about this behavior, along with his other “bad habits,” I can see why they don’t approve of your relationship with him.
Stay away. Get away. Don’t accept this behavior as normal or okay. It’s definitely not! Be safe! You sound like a sweet person who just wants someone to love her as much as she loves him. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUNDER THAN WORDS. If he isn’t continuously trying to take care of you and help you feel safe and secure, then it’s not the right relationship for you. If he’s not taking responisiblity for his abusive behavior and getting help for it, then he’s not healthy enough to be in a good relationship. Try to become a little more independent. Make some new friends. Find some new hobbies. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not make you feel badly about yourself. Date other men to see what you like and don’t like in a potential partner. Give yourself options/possibilities. This man doesn’t sound like he’s a good one for you (or anyone) if he’s constantly hurting you, emotionally and/or physically.
Take Care of Yourself! I wish you peace and happiness!
July 3, 2017 at 3:57 pm #156238Eliana
This is very unhealthy behavior on his part, the gambling, and especially the abusing. He can say he will change all he wants, and he “loves you, but this is not love. Willpower alone will not stop these very destructive behaviors. He needs some kind of intervention, such as Psychotherapy, anger management, Gamblers Anonymous. Unless he gets professional help for these issues, they only get worse. I fear for your safety.
Please get to a safe place, and do not have any contact with him until he gets the help he needs. He is a very unhealthy and dangerous man.
July 4, 2017 at 8:37 am #156274Kashiefah Chetty
Remember that being in love is a chemical reaction in the brain for survival, explained like this:
- Unfortunately, being in love usually doesn’t last forever. It’s an impermanent state that either evolves into a long-term, codependent relationship that psychologists call “attachment,” or it dissipates, and the relationship dissolves. If there are physical or social barriers inhibiting partners from seeing one another regularly — for example, if the relationship is long-distance — then the “in love” phase generally lasts longer than it would otherwise.
I have only included the last sentence of the article but you can read the rest of it on your own.
The fact that you are searching for help on this forum shows that you know something is wrong with your relationship. But the love you feel for this man will cloud out any answer we give you to the contrary of what you really want to do. While you are in this relationship and will continue to be with him unless he does something drastic that will make you see him differently.
Do this:
- Change your mindset. Move away from being blindly in love. Become a person who loves herself enough to know when something is bad for her regardless of how good it feels. Read this to help you find Self-Love.
- Continue your relationship but have an open mind. and know that all his and your feelings are temporary.
- Know that he will never change. Especially personality issues, they stay with a person for life. Love on its own is not a magic potion to make people change their ways. Self Love does this.
- During all this don’t get married and don’t fall pregnant.
- Give yourself a time limit to spend with him being really aware of this relationship and what it holds for you.
- Then you see what stays. Do your feelings for him keep growing because of other good qualities he may have? Is he changing for the better? Is he loving himself based on your example of self-love? He can only learn from you how to improve himself
- If he isn’t doing anything differently and the bad cycle keeps continuing please love yourself enough to know that its ok to rather be alone than be unhappy.
Good luck
July 4, 2017 at 3:20 pm #156398Mina
ParticipantDear Maria,
“For me, love can make anything happen.” -> this statement is not true. I get the feeling that you might have never experience a real mature love before this one, what I mean by mature love is the kind of love that turns you into a better person instead of damaging you. How come that there is so much “love and understanding” in an abusive relationship with an abusive person? Such relationships that you had described… are not consistent with his behaviour. Your parents wants the best for you. There must be an actual logical reasons of why your parents doesn’t approve. Please consider this relationship. The reason why you cannot see the “direction” is not because you do not know which way to go, you actually know deep down inside, and that is why you’re here. To just make sure. You know that this relationships will not work, you just do not have the courage to let it go. I wish you the best, Maria.