
Not Sure Where To Go From Here

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  • #117565
    k e

    I feel like I’ve done it all.
    I have gone to therapy.
    I have spent time meditating.
    I have crushed those irrational beliefs that I once had.
    But still, for some odd reason, every time I enter a new phase in my life, all of my anxiety seems to come flooding back.
    I can’t tell you how frustrated I am in this moment.
    My heart is tight even while writing this.
    Even the thought of meditating is discouraging now, because all I think about is that the anxiety will find its way back to me again.
    So much work goes into changing your thoughts, and to have it come back, almost like you can’t trust yourself, sucks.
    The only conclusion that I can draw from this is that I must find a way to strengthen my own view of myself.
    I must stop identifying myself as a weird, anxious person.
    Honestly, that’s easier said than done.
    So, where do I go from here?


    Dear growthspurts:

    I was frustrated, like you, many, many times before, bewildered as to why I was back to being anxious and distressed after I … thought I figured it all out and settled things; thought I was good “from now on and forever more”

    I no longer get frustrated even though I do get anxious again, even this very evening. Only ten seconds ago I felt a split second of distress. I expect this. I now understand.

    I understand the healing process takes what I call Excruciating Patience, a whole lot of patience with myself and with the process. We have so many neuropathway that get triggered during the day and in new situations. When we weaken a core belief, we weaken, let’s say, ten pathways, but there are a hundred more pathways that have to do with that one core belief, and those are connected to three hundred triggers (I am making up the numbers, of course).

    This re-wiring of the brain takes a whole lot of time. You have to be patience and gentle with yourself. I don’t even know if I will ever, in my lifetime, get to a place where I do not get anxious daily. I don’t know if I will live long enough for that much of brain re-wiring.

    Am I making sense to you?


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