
Not sure about how I feel/what I want. Or am I?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Ash.
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    I’ve been in a relationship with the same guy for almost 3 years. We’ve been through a lot. We broke up because he was unhappy, we both ended up being with other people for a short period of time and then he decided that he wanted me back (I tried multiple times to convince him things could get better and to give it another shot, but he had to realize he still loved and needed me on his own). It was a very painful experience for me. I cried a lot, lost about ten pounds, and when I found out he was seeing someone else I threw up and just had awful anxiety. (We were also supposed to go on a vacation before we broke up and I paid for about 80% of it. It was extremely expensive and I make bird poop compared to what he makes money wise. Because he broke up with me and he was the older of us, I couldn’t go. I had to cancel it and eat 3/4 of the cost.)
    After that point, though, I began to heal. I thought it was completely over. I began hanging out with a guy I knew and I liked him. We had some history and he was really fun. He kept my mind off of things and was very sweet. He took me to the movies, bought me food, held my hand and made me feel good when all I was feeling like before that was awful. Wouldn’t you know it that my ex decided to make a reappearance in my life after telling me he didn’t want me back three times or whatever.
    I ended up taking him back because I loved him, but he hates the guy I was hanging out with and held it over my head although he did the same thing.
    It seemed to me he was letting go of it as time went on, and then he proposed. It was done in a situation where I was very pressured to say yes, so even if I wanted to say no, I really couldn’t without a huge issue.
    Part of me wanted it and part of me didn’t. But I said yes.
    We went on happy for a few months and then things just started spiraling downward. He became mean and stressed out. Yelling at me every week and sometimes a few times a week for what happened while we were apart and other dumb things. He is very jealous, insecure and possessive.
    I got sick of it and broke up with him. I couldn’t imagine living my life that way. A few days later he called me crying begging for me back, promising he would change and travel with me and do whatever I wanted.
    I don’t know if this is what I want, even though I took him back and that is what I wanted at the time. He is a kind person. He is smart and handsome, and has a great job. He is his own worst enemy though and his jealousy and insecurities devour him until he is so stressed and angry that he takes it out on me and some family members of his. He hasn’t done any of this since I took him back. I’m still having doubts regardless. I have one foot out the door all of the time.
    I’m so spent on the relationship in general. I always put him before me and my own feelings, moving around my schedule for him, not doing what I wanted to spend time with him, and more. I feel like I’ve broken my back from bending over backwards so much for him.
    BUT I’m not doing that anymore. I’m done putting myself second. There is so much I want to do and see that I can’t risk being held back. I told him that. He said he will come with me; I’m not sure that’s what I want anymore. I want to meet new people, have guy friends (I don’t get along as well with girls) and be able to do what I please without asking for any sort of permission. Before all of this I would have said I wanted to be with him forever, but now I have doubts constantly and I want to go out and have fun and see the world. Part of me wants someone to just do fun things with like camp, go boating, skiing, vacations, etc. without the strings of a relationship attached. I’m so done with drama and being hurt.
    I’m not saying I don’t love my boyfriend, I just don’t know if I love him the same way I used to. It’s very confusing to me because part of me doesn’t want to not have him in my life. He has been a constant for so long it would be weird not having him there. I would miss him, I know that. We have a bond that goes beyond being lovers because we were friends years before. He spends a lot of money on me, we do have fun together and make each other laugh, and we do have many things in common just not the most important – what we want to do in life. He will hate me if I break his heart, and part of me will dislike myself. I want to know that breaking up with him will ensure myself a better future, that he will be ok, and that it’s better this way (that’s impossible technically, I know). I don’t want to do it and regret it. I’m happy when I’m with him but when we are apart I feel like there is so much more to life.

    Any suggestions or advice? It would be very nice to know that I am not alone in feeling this way or that someone has gone through something similar. It would really be appreciated 🙂

    Namaste and thank you ahead of time,



    Dear Ash,

    I’m sorry to hear how this is making you suffer. I’m by no means qualified to give good advice, I just wanted to say that I did go through something really similar. We had some good times, but holding it all together required putting myself last, feeling guilty for having needs, and much more I won’t go on about.

    I chose to end it (after a long time). It’s definitely weird, not having the other half of what you thought life was going to be. But for me, it’s so much better this way. It sounds like these guys have some common threads (not that anyone is without flaws!) But what you have described is abuse. No one deserves to be abused. I think you have some good intuition about what you want to do, but just need some validation and compassion for what you’ve been through. If you feel like you need permission to claim yourself, meet your needs, and reach your potential, then I hereby grant it to you. 😉

    You are worthy of love and happiness, even on your bad days. Especially on your bad days! 🙂

    For me, being with this kind of person was so draining, and I lost some of myself that I’m slowly getting back. Maybe you will decide to work it out, and maybe that will be what you really want. Maybe instead of thinking about the relationship, just ask yourself (rapidly, don’t overthink it) what you want, and what you want less of, and see what it reveals.

    I know it’s easier said than done, but just try to give yourself some compassion for what you’re experiencing. Realize how wonderful you are and all that you deserve.

    Good luck <3

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Kaelah.


    Intimacy and relationships are not destined to feel like shackles, confining, controlling. Quite the contrary, for instance, since I found my wife I have never felt more free. To me, it sounds like you have some issues with creating boundaries, knowing yourself outside a relationship, and standing on your own. These are all codependency patterns, and you may find great relief and insight if you were to read some of Pia Melody’s books.

    For instance, why would you say yes to marriage when your heart said no? What caused that pressure? The awkwardness? His feelings? Social situation he chose to ask you in? Those aren’t good reasons, dear sister, when the heart says no, so too should our lips. 🙂 Sorting it out may require a little digging inside, but its really worth it.

    In the meantime, consider trying some metta meditation. Metta is the feeling of warmth in our chest area, and is something that helps us stand up for what we know is right, even if its difficult, even if other people disagree, even if other people pressure us. Consider searching YouTube for “Sharon Salzburg guided metta meditation” if interested.

    In terms of what to do next with your relationship, perhaps if you spend a little time self nurturing, rekindling your light through metta practice, and so forth, it will be a lot easier. It is a much brighter world when we are tending the garden we wish to grow, rather than scrambling around hoping others will let us do what we want. Namaste, sister, may you find your song.

    With warmth,


    Kaelah –

    Thank you for replying 🙂 Sorry it took me so long to get back to the post. I’ve been working and I’ve had a busy weekend.
    I think I need to think on it some more. Get away from everyone and just have some time for me. I don’t have much of that because I work and then most of my free time is spent with him. I really feel that I need to worry about me more and focus on myself. It’s just hard to break things off with someone especially when you’re not 100% positive it’s what you want.
    I really relate to the losing myself part because I feel that I have no time or space to think about me and do the things I want to do. Lately I’ve been taking more control and doing things I want. Like art and drawing, and today I took my first yoga class.
    Thank you so much for your advice and help. I know I need to love myself and am trying 🙂

    Namaste ♥

    Matt –

    Thank you for replying! I realize the relationship shouldn’t feel like this. That is why I’m trying to make a change. I do need to know myself better. I am young and it wasn’t exactly in my plans to become engaged. It was the situation, by the way, because it was in front of his family and our friends. I do not think I am co-dependent, but maybe I am. My mother is so I haven’t exactly had an example of independence.
    I need some time to myself, that much is 100% clear to me. I need to self-nurture and find myself. I definitely think I lost myself in the relationship and that isn’t what I want.
    Thank you for your kind words and help, I truly appreciate it.



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