- This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
Štěpán Pavlas.
April 12, 2020 at 1:32 pm #349032
Štěpán Pavlas
To write all the things I feel would make a book. So long story short I have depression with slight of anxiety and I am on medication.
For my entire life, I have felt like something is missing in me. I never feel whole. I have never had a dream what I would once like to do. In the last 2 years, I have started asking myself questions. I started seeing the world. ”Finding purpose” of everything as we know it. Last half a year something went down and now I am stuck with mild depression. No energy, no motivation, but I am kind of still going. I have been in this mode of doing what I have to do for so long, that maybe I got crazy. My days have been school, athletics, homework, sleep, and weekends were resting time. This has been going on for so many years, and as the time has been flying by, I wondered what I really want to do. I have never found an answer. Not even a bit of information. So I started to worry about the future. Right now I am only 16 (yes), and I would like to know what is this about. I have so many questions, but no one besides me can really know. It is up to me to find out what is my purpose, my desires, my dreams.
I am stuck here. Wondering about life, thinking about ending it all (because you know, ”it would be easier that way”). I need someone to talk to. I don’t feel good talking about it with my family, and friends aren’t available. So please, if there is anyone, I am here waiting. Thank you all for at least reading this. I hope you all are doing great, and If not, I hope you will get better soon. I wish you the best! Goodbye for now! <3
April 14, 2020 at 11:42 am #349394Harshita
ParticipantHi. just saw your post when i was actually looking for answers on how to find your passion in life. Well, i read your post and i just want to tell you that you are not the only one who has not found out a passion or a goal in life. I am 30 years old and i m still looking for answers . I m already working in an industry for about 6 years , earning well but just not satisfied with what i am doing in my life and it is ok!!! you are just 16 ! take a chill pill. you have so much to see and do in coming years . your life has just started and you are yet to explore moments and places which will help you find out more of what you are from inside. i have understood one thing that to find your purpose in life you first need to find out who you are. You have to give time to yourself . just try understand yourself. your likes , your dislikes, pen them down and don’t ever get influenced by your friends or classmates . Never thin of what others will thin about you. if you like sports play sports, if you like music try learning new instruments, if you like painting try learning that too. You have ample time to think and explore yourself as aperson and soon you will find an answer to your questions.
And yes i am also doing the same during this lockdown period. i have recently developed interest in painting and i am learning that. I hope i will soon discover what is my purpose in life and i wish you the same. Even if it takes time dont be depressed . enjoy life as it comes .
wish you all the happiness in life. take care.
Ignore typing errors.
April 15, 2020 at 11:39 am #349562Cloudyair
Participantif you want to talk to someone, im here for you. im an 17 year old female
April 15, 2020 at 11:39 am #349588Cloudyair
Participanti guess at your age you are still trying to find yourself, i still am currently, but i think use your time right now and focus on self care, i feel like everything will fall into place after that. focus on exercising and eating healthily and you will feel a lot better. your mind will just clear its thoughts, also try meditating.
have some quotes to just keep you going, one of my favourites is short term pain for long term gain. also if you just pretend like you are living a satisfied life, if you fake it, you will eventually make it.
June 11, 2020 at 4:01 am #358155Amber
ParticipantI think many people have felt this way so please know you are not alone. Some times it’s easier find out who you are by being who you are not. for an example you are person who has started a journey to find their life purposes by being a person who hasn’t found it in school, athletics, ect. You have discovered that your soul is craving something else and the only way is to explore. you are so young so i suggest start diving into something that has caught your attention and explore till you are satisfied and then go on to the next . My biggest hurtle when i was young was i wasn’t sure what i wanted to do , until i realized i have time to do everything so I picked a direction and once i found it wasn’t for me i picked something else . Remember that a stagnate pool of water grows bacteria and can become toxic, however a stream is healthy and a live. the worse thing is not doing anything because there will be the “what ifs ” .the only way to find the right direction is by exploring out what is the wrong direction . Also research personal statements and make one. example : ceo of campell soup ” to serve as a leader .live a balance life, and apply ethical principles to makes a significant difference ” oprah ” to be a teacher, and to be know for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be . Mine is to embrace being a beginner in all things unknown to me and have the courage to try…. the reason for this is because i recently turned down a opportunity to try a stand up jetski and someone said you just don’t want to make a fool of yourself by trying and they w right. so i tried and i did terrible but it was so much fun and it showed me i don’t want to me the person that doesn’t try something new just because ill be terrible in the beginning.
you are young and im sure you see lots of adults that haven’t found their life purpose and it can be scary. Also please understand that finding your life purpose does not mean it will alone make you happy. your life purpose is just a direction not a destination. Good luck 🙂
June 12, 2020 at 8:17 am #358283Donna
ParticipantI’ve had a life full of challenges. I’ve been through a lot. At 55 there is one thing I would tell my teenage self and since I can’t tell her I’m going to tell you: don’t focus so much on WHAT you want to do, instead focus more on WHO you want to be. Once you picture the person you want to be then find things that will help you become her. If I had done that I would be a much happier person today. I know what the depression is like. I’ve had it since I was 13. Looking back I believe I would have helped myself greatly if I would have decided who I want to be and then made friends, chosen a spouse, gotten an education, had experiences, etc. that would have made it more likely for me to become that woman. You have great potential. Nobody should decide for you. You owe it to your future self to love you enough to focus on who you want to be.
July 9, 2020 at 11:40 am #349092JSquirrel
ParticipantHi Stepan. Sorry to hear you are feeling so empty:( I’ve felt a sort of hole inside of me too for most of my life (52 in May) and I’ve struggled trying to fill that hole with people, religion, drugs, etc…
You are very perceptive when you say it is up to you to find out your purpose, but try not to sell your friends and family short if you have them. The right conversation with the right person at the right time, can open your eyes/heart/mind to possibilities you hadn’t thought of before. Others may notice things about you that you don’t (things you are really good at, or seem to enjoy doing).
It’s a hard time to make recommendations as I would normally highly recommend getting out and doing volunteer work and helping others as that is a win-win situation, but I don’t want to advise you to do anything unsafe. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to do this, or if it will show up, but please feel free to email me at jackiegowest@aol.com (jackie go west at aol dot com) if you’d like to talk. You are NOT alone, I promise you that. Please hang in there and don’t do anything that can’t be undone. The sun WILL come up tomorrow, and tomorrow is a chance to start again, to keep seeking your purpose.
I’m not religious, but when I was going through a really tough time about 10 years ago a lady I worked with gave me the following quote written on a piece of paper that I still keep. It is Jeremiah 29: 11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That last part about “plans to give you hope and a future,” is powerful. I was raised religious, so like the term GOD, but for me it now means galactic omnipresent divinity. I believe we are all part of a collective energy (that helps with the loneliness a little) and that we can harness that energy if we try.
Your post breaks my heart. I want to give you a big hug and tell you this: You DO have future, even if you can’t see it just yet. And guess what? Even if you COULD see it, the future doesn’t usually turn out like we envision it:) My life sure hasn’t turned out like I thought it would! I guess I’m right where I’m supposed to be though. I’ve dealt with incredible loss and heartache and seen some horrible things. But I have also had incredible experiences and seen GREAT beauty in the world and its inhabitants – even the humans:) Here is a poem by Walt Whitman that I think captures what you, me and a LOT of our species struggle with. It’s called A Noiseless Patient Spider.
Please reach out to me at the email above (or reach out to someone) if things get too much to handle on your own. You don’t have to deal with this alone, OK? I also recommend the book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. Incredible book written about the time of the original Buddha (and maybe based loosely on him) and about finding happiness in just being I think. We have such a hard time with that in the West!!
Peace to you Stepan!
A Noiseless Patient Spider
BY WALT WHITMANA noiseless patient spider,I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.And you O my soul where you stand,Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them,Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold,Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.July 22, 2020 at 4:27 am #362359Štěpán Pavlas
ParticipantHello to all of you!
Harshita, Cloudyair, Amber, Donna & JSquirrel
I thank all of you for your kind words, for support and for giving me part of your time to respond! It means a lot.
And it is all getting better!
I am shocked that I wrote this in April … that is only 3 months! And now? My lord, it’s better than ever before. So that I don’t bore all of you here to death, I will cut it short.
Alright, so this was me: No purpose, no dreams, no desires. Just emptiness and depression.
- No purpose? Not anymore. I found out that the only right that we all have is to make our life enjoyable. Nothing else. Just this one. Yeah yeah … right … but think about it. We as a species of living animals (I am sorry to the ones of you who are religious, but I mean this from an evolutionary standpoint. No intention to offend you.), have gone a long way. And every living thing does what it can to meet its needs, and if it is beneficial or enjoyable it devotes to it a little more than it needs. Because why not feel better than I should, right? And the same works for humans. Everything we are doing we do for a good feeling. To feel good. And that is my purpose.
- No dreams? Well, that is unfortunately still the same.
- No desires? How could I even say that? Because I could have said something along the lines of: I long to not have depression, I long to be happy, I long to be out of this state (status quo)… And now? I long to find myself. It is still a long way to go, but at least I know the direction. Know thyself.
- Just emptiness? Certainly not now!
- Just depression? Depression is gone. Well… maybe it isn’t 100% gone but I can surely say that I feel ten times better. The medication worked, but what helped me a lot was cognitive psychology. And also the support from my friends and family, my trainer, school teachers, total strangers on the internet and the list of kind hearths goes on.
So that is it. I am way better. I can manage my own from now on. It is really weird because depression eats you alive, and you just suffer in pain. You are stuck. You don’t see any way out of it. And now? I am just shocked by how strong emotions can be.
I would love to help all of you, but I am scared to dig into this topic because I want to be sure I am out of it for good.
Once again thank you all for everything. I wish you all the best you can have, and even what you can’t imagine! I hope you are doing great and if not, I really wish, pray for you and hope so it gets better! Love you all. 🙂