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  • #190601
    Buddha Buddy

    Heres the nighmare I just had. I was on vacation with my wife in a made up vacation destination at a nice resort. Everything was going great. We were doing things as we normally have for almost about the past 10 years of our relationship. I felt the love in my dream. There was so much detail and I was so happy. The first night we went to a party with some imaginary people. We werehaving fun and I was briefly distracted by the stuff happening at the party and I went to go find where my wife was to find out i she was ready to go. I came aroud the corner and found her talking to one of our new male friends. It looked potentially intimate. I was stopped by someone else talking go me. I talked to this person, but was thinking about my wife talking to this man. I specifically remember thinking, “I trust her” as I always have. Then I turned to look and they were gone. I went outside looking for her and saw her in her car. I could tell the car had people in it. As I walked out to the car, she took off. She parked about 100 yards away. So I started running towards her. When I got close, she pulled away and I watched her disappear. I ran until I was in some type of surreal setting where I had to climb to advance, but I was sinking as I tried to run. The pain was so real. Then  woke up.
    The pain was still there when I woke up, because when I woke up I remembered she left me. It’s been 9 days and I’m feeling so much loss. We both have two children each and we watched our chilren grow toghether. The oldest is now 15, so they dont know anything else. I’ll circle back around to the kids.

    My wife has struggled with depression since long before we met. When she just became a teenager, she was sexually assaulted and lost a sibling. I know she still carries this, so I was always supportive when I recognized her changing moods. We were together about 7 years before we were married. She’d always wanted to be married, and i certainly wanted to be the man she married. People were jealous of what we had – that’s not what I was aiming for, but it’s what we had.

    During our relationship, she typically didnt want to go out and do things. Luckily, she knew we had to get the kids out of the house. We gathered 10 years of memories doing things with the kids. I loved, she loved, they loved. Not that I minded either way, buy I was the guy that kept the ship sailing through most of this. I have a stable job in management at a company that we both work at (where we met.) She wanted more for herself, and I wanted her to have it. She told her family she wanted to go back to college. They discouraged her. I was upset that they did this. I told her that if she wanted to do it, then do it. She did it, earned a 4 year degree. It was tough for her. I helped with her kids (some of my fondest memories of her children were when mom was at school.)

    So she had a degree, but wasn’t able to advance – she wasn’t even really trying. Near the beginning of 2017, she applied for a position in the area that I worked at my company – without telling me. She got the job. She became one of a handful of people that does not report to me in my area. At the same time, a new system was put in place. The new system was/is horrible. So its been a bumpy ride since she transferred over. Either way, I felt like we were getting closer (by her design) and I loved it. This is where all my co-workers and employees saw what we had and admired us.

    My wife was 35 and wanted to get off her birth control. I understood because I know how they impacted her hormones. Whenever she changed her birth control medication, she would have major mood swings all leading toward depression in the end. It was my duty to support her until she got through it. She’d talk to her therapist, take anti-depressants – and I feel like the kids and I were her best therapy. So she wantdd to stop taking them. It was sudden and she proposed I, “get snipped.” It was scary to think of for me, so my initial reaction was to say that. She didnt give me much time to think about it. All of the sudden, she had an appointment scheduled to get her tubes tied. I tried to tell her not to rush this, but she was set on doing this. I would have done it, just needed time to process it. So she had it done in December 2017. Right after, she stopped taking birth control. I knew that stopping the medication would have an impact, but didnt realize what was coming.

    She changed drastically. She kicked her 15 year old son out – sent him to live with his dad to “straighten him out.” Dad’s not straight himself. I was more of a dad than his father ever was and everybody knew that. Her kids were always good when I was around, but she has always allowed her kids to walk all over her. I was able to help empower her in many ways over the years, but I couldn’t help her take control of her kids when I wasn’t there. Her son treated his mom the way he always had, and she finally had enougb and kickex him out. I came home after this had been decided, and he asked me why. I didnt know what to tell him. I told him he needed to treat her better and that this wont last too long. That was mid-December.

    On January 14th, my wife had sex with me, and then said she wanted to talk. She told me she didnt want to be married anymore. I was in shock. I wanted to know what she was thinking – why. She didnt provide any answers. She wss ready to leave that night. There was a snow storm, so she stayed. The next morning she was still ready to leave, so I tried to talk to her about staying. I said something right, so she stayed. For a couple days after that, it went back to normal. I felt so lucky that whatever was going on in her head didnt end our family. Then I saw her totally disconnect emotionally – this time I saw it. She left on Friday (1-26-18) I couldnt do anything to stop her. She didnt provide reasons again, other than this isnt what she wants.

    So I’m not perfect. I had to figure out why she left because she wasnt telling me. I’m what people refer to as a functioning pot head. You wouldnt know I smoked because I had a solid leadership position at work and I didnt appear to be a pot head. I’ve cigarettes and pot as a crutch for many years and thought of them as medication. I’d always intended to quit these, but hadn’t gotten there yet on my 40 year journey. Although she never pushed the issue, I know she wanted me to stop. Recently, the bills became overwhelming. With 4 growing kids, things got expensive. I accrued credit card debt. I wasnt keeping it secret, but one day she realized it. She wasnt happy when she realized this a few months ago. I thought, I dont mind stretching myself thin – we just have to get the kids through these tough years. I didnt realize how this impacted what she thought about my financial responsibility.

    She left me, and most of her stuff behind and she’s on a personal journey to find herself. She’s put up this emotionless defense mechanism. Her defense mechanism is disquised a her new found zen. She’s been reading the stories on this site looking for answers. She’s so lost. I’ve always been able to help her, but now she doesn’t want my help. Another one of her defense mechanisms is to only tell certain people certain things about herself. Now she’s surrounded herself with new people so she can, “reinvent herself” as she wants to be seen. She keeps tellimg me I was a great guy, but she doesn’t want to be married anymore. I don’t want to lose her. I stopped smoking in an attempt to save this – that’s compounding my lost feeling. I can’t function at times because I can’t stop thinking about how I’m going to fix this. She never used the “D” word, but I ‘ve forced her to tell me multiple times (via text because thats the only way she wants to communivate) that she doesnt want this anymore. What’s worse, is I cant stop looking for her. We work together, but she took all last week off. I couldnt evem function, so i had to take thursday amd friday off. I will see her at work on Monday. She is looking for another job, but i dont know what im going to do. I’ve been smelling her clothes to feel like she’s here. I am not ready to give up on our relationship this abruptly – especially since I know her so intimately and understand the hormonal changes that are happening. Nobody else she has surrounded herself with has the view I have (by design) and I don’t know how to help her. She’s told herself she doesnt want my help. How do I help her? I want our gamily back together fo all of our sake, but she doesnt feel the deep love that we do. She’s focused on loving herself, but the kids and I are being damaged in the process. Do I wait out the hormones? The daily damage is excrutiating. The nightmares have been consistent and I cam’t take much more of this before it starts impacting my job and two teenage daughters. What do I do?

    Buddha Buddy

    I met with my wife tonight. Nothing has changed, but I feel better knowimg she’s okay. It felt good to break the new found awkwardness we have. I’m trying to focus on not smoking and the kids right now. Another job and excersising with my girls should help with that.

    I still love her, but need to let her go.


    Dear Buddha Buddy:

    You wrote: “I’ve always been able to help her, but now she doesn’t want my help… I don’t know how to help her. She’s told herself she doesn’t want my help.”

    Reads to me that you viewed her for a long time as a person who needs your help, while all along you needed her help no less. What do you think?



    Buddha Buddy

    Agreed, but do we have to separate? I know we each have work to do on ourselves. We’ve been such a good team (including our 4 kids). There was no counseling or reconciliation even suggested. From what I see now as our false sense of happiness to, “I’m done.” My wife has histirorically not been much of an, “actress” when it comes to emotions. She loved and showed it, but now we (including the children) are dumbfounded by the new emotionless figure she’s become. I know I shouldnt, but I feel responsible.


    Dear Buddha Buddy:

    1. When you wrote that you and the children “are dumbfounded by the new emotionless figure she’s become”- does it mean that you share this with your/ her children, what you share here, that is?

    2. Regarding your original post, you wrote there: “My wife has struggled with depression since long before we met…I was always supportive when I recognized her changing moods… I was the guy that kept the ship sailing through…I helped with her kids … I was able to help empower her in many ways over the years… She’s so lost. I’ve always been able to help her… I don’t know how to help her. She’s told herself she doesn’t want my help. How do I help her?… Do I wait out the hormones?”

    This is my understanding at this point: you have viewed her and communicated to her your view of her as inadequate and incapable. Then you tried to help her. Problem is, that your communicated view of her as inadequate and incapable could not possibly be helpful and being as it is, cannot make any help you provide effective to her.

    Your communicated view of her, as I understand it to be, is that she has been and is a victim of her early experience in childhood and of her hormones, a passive passenger on a hormonal ride. One incapable to rise above it.


    Buddha Buddy

    The kids have questions, i dont have the answers. However, the kids were here and saw it happening, until she left. They saw her change in her since early december. We were close and lived through the mood and ideal changes for thier whole childhood. I remember my step-son askimg me “why” when she sent him to live with his dad. He felt so rejected and I wanted to tell him something that made sense, but i had nothing more than, she’ll come around – she needs space and you should treat her better. Now I want to take this back now – he only treatrd her this way because thay’s how she allowed her relationship to be with her kids – she was the door mat. After she left, ive only seen my girls. I finally told them she left (after lying for a few days that she was out of town dealimg with family issues.) They were upset. I had a hard time explaining the “why” question they had. Told them this is what happens sometimes in relationships – it wasnt a sufficient answer for them (or me,) but they seemed to know not to press for more. My mexican background taught me different things about family and love that Im glad we have. I carried this into out home for all of us, buy didnt anticipate it neing cut in half after 10 years. I calles and talked to my 15 year old step-son briefly to let him know that im still there for him if he needs to talk about life. We always clicked. And I was his dad, when his dad who had him 50% of the time ignored him most of his life. I couldnt bring myself to talk to my almost 11 year old step-daughter. Im all she knows as a real dad. I gave her (them) the only structure theyve ever had. Shes the youngest in the family, buy the strongest character – I felt good, like I did that. I sent her a text saying, “dont worry, be happy.”  I want to keep that strong image in tact for her, and I didnt feel Od be ready to answer her questions adequately, like I couldnt for my teenage daughters. But she would have been the one to break it down and probably make me cry. I dont want that. I only want to inspire her, just like I want to do for my whole family.

    Regarding what I told my wife. I tried not to echo what she thought and said about herself, but I had no control over what was going on between her ears. If she wanted to spend 2 weeks shitting on herself, of course i was going to get shit on me. We did have arguments about how she perceives herself. I argued she wasnt crazy, she wasnt ugly, she wasnt fat, she shouldnt be sorry, she shouldnt feel guilty over trivial things – but I wasnt going to come out of this clean because it was 10 years of her negative view of herself. So i dont agree with your blame shift here. Ive been reading these post and have seen this blame shifting going on to make people feel better about themselves, but it’s like a trump card you can pull out whenever its convenient. Bottom line, she (and me too) had our own issues before “us.” She openly confeases to every one and everyone that she was damaged. It killed me that one of my daughters was turning into a mini version of my wife with low self-esteem issues. Never told either one that this is what i saw happening. They were each being addressed separately with counselung and patches of medication. Damaged people can love and be loved. Some people stay damaged their whole life – of course I wanted it to end. We were able to bring light into our family and made great memories. I kept her laughing and learning, but that wasnt enough in the end. I had no way to avoid her low-self esteem appearing to be my fault here – even though she spent 25 years battling that on her own. I was the bad guy – a man. Her perception of a man was her dad, who she hasnt talked to since she was 18. Im nothing like her dad. She communicated her view of herself – she decided that this was her issue, not me.


    Dear Buddha Buddi:

    The issue of blame, whose to blame for a relationship not working out- most of the time it is the responsibility of the two partners in the relationship, for what it was and what it has become. Especially in a long relationship, such as in a ten year relationship. You are responsible and she is responsible, not either one or the other.

    I think that you believe this yourself, this is why you are trying to change some things about your behavior, such as stopping the pot habit. What I am suggesting to you is that there might be other things, other responsibility on your part for what the relationship has become.

    She is 100% responsible for her actions; you are 100% responsible for yours. The two  of you share (for simplicity sake) 50% – 50% responsibility for the relationship being what it was and what it is.

    If you do hope for a getting back together, this 50%-50% may be helpful to you.


    Buddha Buddy

    How do I figure out what the other issues are, when her new zen attitude is lining up with her inherited historical tendancy to not communicate?


    Dear Buddha Buddy:

    Do I understand correctly: the two of you do not live together. You still work together but she is looking for a different job. She does not want to communicate with you in any way other than texting. She is not interested in getting back with you but did not mention divorce.

    I am not clear about the children: each one of you has two children from previous relationships? Is there any co parenting going on, and do you see her in the context of the children?

    She has a zen attitude, you wrote, and she expressed to you that she is focused on loving herself. She doesn’t want your help.

    Reads to me that you have very little access to her, texting for one, being the only way to communicate. And it reads to me that she sees you as a threat of some kind, that is why she is limited the contact with you and maybe part of the reason she is looking for another job.

    If she sees you as a threat to her well-being, then there is nothing much that you can do, as fear is a very powerful motivator, in her case, to stay away.

    Let me know of your thoughts…?


    Buddha Buddy

    She left our apartment almost two weeks ago. We had lived here together since 2008. She took almost nothing. I feel like one of the abusive jerks that women run from to be safe, but that isnt me. Never once even suggested any violence toward her – even in the end. I viewed the lack of contact as her defense mechanism so i dont convince her to come back, didnt think fearing me was a possibility.

    We did not have children together, each brought 2 to the relationship from previous relationships. They were 1, 4, 5, 6 when we got together.

    I know she’s afraid in general. One of the few things she told me is that she is terrified about what she’s going to do now. Having a hard time swallowing this because shs went from wanting to get so close to me that she transferred directly into my small department of the large company we work at to running away -parhaps in fear like you suggest. I cant reach her.

    She’s so “afraid” of me that she’s living out of her car. I dont want to threaten her well-being, but she’s crushed many people’s well-being by leaving. I have no idea what she’s telling co-workers or others to rationalize her leaving. I know that she has no problem playing the victim card. Which makes me worry about what you said. I always believed the troubling stories about how she’s been abused, but looking back – theres no way for me to know if any of it was true. Now (since im in this position) I’m afraid she’s gonna create another “victim” situation to protect herself. That leaves me defenseless because in  this day and age so many abusive jerks have damaged women, the truth almost doesnt matter. I dont think I should worry about this, but I dont know why or what she’s going to do if she feels “afraid.” So on top of the heartbreak, now I’ve got a new concern…this is just getting worse.


    Dear Buddha Buddi:

    I didn’t think about physical violence when I suggested she is afraid. Didn’t cross my mind. I thought that she was feeling badly for a long enough time living with you and she is afraid of feeling like that again. Something about the relationship wasn’t right for her.

    Living out of her car, you say. I suppose this rushed exit from your apartment does mean something, that indeed she was afraid, afraid of you changing her mind, afraid of her changing her mind, afraid of something.

    If she doesn’t have a history with lying in these ten years together, if she didn’t make up stories about you so far, I don’t think she will at this point. Besides, she didn’t in the last two weeks, so far. No police came to your door, right?

    I wish there was a way for you to get information from the source of information about her fear and her reasons. I tend to believe, from reading your shares, and you believe so yourself, that she is afraid of something.

    Reviewing past communications with her, in the weeks or months before she left, do you have more of a clue as to what she is afraid of?


    Buddha Buddy

    Yes – financial ruin. A few months ago she realized i (we) had accrued quite a bit of debt. She attributes that to the child support I give my ex for the kids. I cant change that without spending thousands on a lawyer. Even if I did that, there’s little chance for it to change much, if at all. I have spreadsheets going back to almost the beginning of our relationship that outlines who paid for what over the years. Until the past couple years, I paid for almost everything – again, it’s all documented. She started takimg on some of the bills because she started making more money recently. I struggled to pay for the growing needs for my girls, and she resented that. Although I provide child support, my ex wife has been looking for reasons to not buy them clothes – a stupid form of punishment. This is especially hard for my youngest daughter because she is growing into womanhood quickly. So I end up buying her clothes so she doesnt keep playing sick because she’s embarrassed that she keeps outgrowing clothes. Up until a couple months ago, my girls were very active in gymnastic, ice skating, softball – of course the most expensive sports. She always resented this also, but it gave my girls structure and discipline. I guess it was a non-negotiable subject for me and she didnt like it. When she discovered the debt (that again I wasnt hiding) – hindsight and based on where this thread has lead to, it’s telling me that this is the moment I lost her. I didn’t see it then, but I see it now. The money was not all going to me and my girls, but that’s how she saw it. Last year a couple of her family members moved in. We had 2 more adult mouths to feed. Most of that came from my pocket. I didn’t whine about it – I fed my family. My youngest quit her main sport and was trying to find something new – it was an expensive journey. With our new high deductible health insurance, I had to pay $4,000 in deductibles because my daughters and I ended up having unavoidable medical issues. I was willing to put myself in debt to take care of my family. I’m also willing to get myself out of debt. I planned on getting a second job. Before the kids, I always worked multiple jobs. I was trying to wait until they were out of the house in a few years because I didnt want to be absent from home. Like I stated earlier, I was the structure. Her children didn’t treat her with respect when I wasn’t around and I didnt want to make it worse. My thought was that money is one thing, but giving them all (including my wife) structure was more important than money. She had no problem feeding the childrdn sugar filled cereal for dinner because thats how she was raised. It’s not like I was going bankrupt. In the times I had to ask my wife for money, she would get upset. I didnt understand because I’d financially supported so much for so long and she was making more money now. She’d lecture me about saving money. There I was going in debt for my family and she was saving money. She was mad that she had to use her savings. My vehicle broke and she had to tap into her savings to pay the $900 bill. I figured that’s what the savings was for. She looked at this as “her” money. I think this was the last straw. I don’t know if I would have done things differently now, because things needed to be paid for. She complained about our cable/wifi bill for months, so right before the end, I cancelled it. So day one without cable, she sat down for dinner demanding I put something good on like she always had. Then she got upset because there wasn’t anything on. She told me I should have kept the wifi – even though she told me we should all just use the data on our phones. I couldnt win. The only time in her life that she supported herself was when she was 17. At that point, the state was supporting her. She continued relyjng on the state when she intentionally had babies not long after that with her leaker ex boyfriend. I helped her get away from relying on statd aid. Early on in our relationship, i had to convince her to take advantage of a job opportunity to make more money because she didnt want to give up state aid. I told her it’s about bettering yourself, not holding yourself back. She’s bettered herself now, and she feels she does’t need me anymore. I’ve heard that money is the #1 reason for divorce, but I blindly didn’t see this coming. She didn’t even attempt to seriously address this outside “smart-ass” comments – but again I shouldn’t have been surprised by this because her inherited lack of communication. I know we didn’t see eye to eye on this, but thought the love and family we had would perservere. Money isn’t what makes me happy – it was my family. Now it’s been broken in half.




    Dear Buddha Buddi:

    If I understand you correctly, her motivation for leaving is that she has been used to be financially supported by others in her life, by you in the last ten years, but recently she found out that you were in a financial debt, and she is recently making more money than she did in her life. She doesn’t want to share what she considers to be her money with you. Having paid $900 for your vehicle lately is something she hated doing. She didn’t like you spending money on your daughters throughout the years, but endured it somehow because there was still enough for her and her children. Until recently, your debt and her higher paying job rendered you useless for her.

    My goodness, if this is the case, you didn’t have much of a family in these ten years, isn’t it so? I mean, a woman who was with you because of financial convenience doesn’t warm up the heart, does it.


    Buddha Buddy

    Although I wouldn’t rule out that logic,  I don’t think of it that way. I know her and don’t believe that just because she didn’t have much when I met her that money was a requirement. I wasn’t exacyly “rich” when she met me, just stable. I feel it’s more that she has money now and wants to protect it – new to being able to do it on her own. After all this, of course I’m still feeling the same love and probably wouldn’t believe that even if she told me that’s what was going on.

    I’m working through many things right now for myself. However, I have to learn how to love her without her being here. Do you have any suggestions?

    I also would like to tell you that I appreciate your responses and have one personal question for you. Are you married? I’m not flirting, but after reading several of your advice posts I’m just curious.


    Dear Buddha Buddy:

    You are welcome, and yes, I am married.

    Learning “how to love her without her being  here”- yes, I do have a suggestion which is based on my overall feel I have having read your posts. My feel is that throughout the relationship with her, you communicated to her indirectly, if not directly, that she is inadequate as a person and therefore is in great  need of your help. Maybe you said positive things to her in addition to the you-are-inadequate message you sent her, positive statements that did not cancel the message. And I think she got tired of that message.

    This is my feel of the situation and I may be wrong.

    If I am correct, then to love her now while not living with her, figure out if indeed you can or want  to approve of her for who she is, if you can accept her as adequate. If you can and want to, then communicate to her a new message.


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