
Need help sharing a new (free) project!

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  • #114398
    Dave Smith

    Hi! I recently launched a project that I created to share wisdom of growth and abundance with others. Last year I climbed out of a major health crisis, to discover many things about myself and the natural laws of nature, and am excited to inspire and be inspired by others. The project is a free weekly program where I simply send out a lesson inspired by a particular teaching from a master or teacher, with some suggested actions for the week, and have a Facebook group available for discussion. So far there is some good discussion happening, and I can’t wait to get more people participating and growing together.

    Please sign up if this sounds interesting, and share with others. I’m also looking for anyone interested in helping or contributing to the project. Although I’m curating it, it’s as much mine as it is yours! Let’s create a movement together.

    Unleash Project

    Much love,
    Dave Smith

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Dave Smith.

    Hi Dave,

    I have gone through the website and found it to be good and interesting.
    The idea of experiments or exercises to practice throughout the week is a good one because no amount of theoretical knowledge can work and practical experience is the only way.

    I liked the idea of this being free and forever which was what my first point of interest was towards the Unleash Project.

    I have a few questions for gaining more clarity on the project. I have highlighted the questions in bold.

    1) “The project is a free weekly program where I simply send out a lesson inspired by a particular teaching from a master or teacher”
    -How many weeks are the sending of lessons going to continue?…Or is it an ongoing activity?

    – Each week has a lesson and an experiment or a suggested action to perform.
    What if I could not cope up with the first lesson or may be was not successful on it or may be didn’t work out as expected? In that case the first week has gone by and the next lesson has arrived? How does it work in that case?

    2) I did not find the Unleash Project Facebook group. Can you point to the right URL…or is it visible only after registration?

    3) I came across the names of few masters/teachers on the Unleashed Project website but can you provide few more names of the masters, teachers, trainers...

    4) The website mentions that “..You’ve spent time studying the Laws of the Universe from various sources and have put the principles into action…Your results weren’t quite what you desired…”
    Yes the teachings of the LOA and the other laws of the Universe are making everyone including me feel very frustrated.
    Could you elaborate how will this program be different.

    5) I did read on the website about gaining money, relationship, having an ideal weight, starting a business, etc.
    Is the project about attaining greater health, wealth and relationships?
    Is it also about achieving peace of mind, love, happiness, joy, bliss?
    For me they are two different things. As an example, just having lots of money will not automatically mean that I am going to be happy.

    6) Is the Paradigm Project a collaborative tool that is coming up in near future?


    Dave Smith

    Hi VJ,
    Thanks so much for your feedback and questions!! See below:

    1) “The project is a free weekly program where I simply send out a lesson inspired by a particular teaching from a master or teacher”
    -How many weeks are the sending of lessons going to continue?…Or is it an ongoing activity?
    — The plan is for it to be an ongoing activity. Eventually I’ll have some people contribute lessons, but as long as I am studying for my own personal growth there is always something new to share!

    – Each week has a lesson and an experiment or a suggested action to perform.
    What if I could not cope up with the first lesson or may be was not successful on it or may be didn’t work out as expected? In that case the first week has gone by and the next lesson has arrived? How does it work in that case?
    — Yes, each lessons is intended to have a small action to take through the week. The whole point is to continue learning and experiencing new perspectives and tools/techniques, and if one resonates with you, keep using it, and if one doesn’t, then move on. Past lessons are always available in the member section.

    2) I did not find the Unleash Project Facebook group. Can you point to the right URL…or is it visible only after registration?
    — You receive the link with every email once you sign up.

    3) I came across the names of few masters/teachers on the Unleashed Project website but can you provide few more names of the masters, teachers, trainers…
    — The intention is not yet to have those teachers as guests, but to feature a lesson that is discussing an aspect of their teaching. For instance, I did one recently on Feeling is the Prayer by Gregg Braden, which discusses his book and teaching about how he has traveled the world and sat down with tribal leaders, shamans, and healers, and has identified the common ingredient, which is infusing emotion into prayer or visualization.

    4) The website mentions that “..You’ve spent time studying the Laws of the Universe from various sources and have put the principles into action…Your results weren’t quite what you desired…”
    Yes the teachings of the LOA and the other laws of the Universe are making everyone including me feel very frustrated.
    Could you elaborate how will this program be different.
    — Learning how to effectively use the LOA, in my experience, takes a lot of work breaking down past belief systems that have been set up to dis-empower us. We are not taught that we have control over our reality, we are taught to fight it or accept it. That’s why continuous study is important, because there are so many amazing teachers out there teaching their own perspectives, and many of us benefit greatly from consistent study to keep our mind engaged around the laws of the universe. As Bob Proctor says, he hasn’t put down the book Think and Grow Rich since he picked it up 50 years ago. So this program is designed to help keep you studying weekly without putting in the effort of looking for new sources of information. Really, the Unleash Project is my outlet to share with the world, and hopefully help some people willing to participate and learn and inspire along the way.

    5) I did read on the website about gaining money, relationship, having an ideal weight, starting a business, etc.
    Is the project about attaining greater health, wealth and relationships?
    Is it also about achieving peace of mind, love, happiness, joy, bliss?
    For me they are two different things. As an example, just having lots of money will not automatically mean that I am going to be happy.
    — You are exactly right, it needs to start with happiness and love and success will follow. The program is about all aspects of exploring our connection to the universe and the laws that govern it. This is not a paid program to learn to earn more money or fix your relationship, this is a free program that is intended to explore all aspects of achieving oneness and whatever you desire. Ultimately I would like the participants to help guide what we study every week – I want it to be a mastermind study group.

    6) Is the Paradigm Project a collaborative tool that is coming up in near future?
    — It’s a concept my partner in the project and I came up with that we are exploring a little. It will take significant funding to develop, which we plan on doing, but we currently have no set launch dates. I’m thinking of creating a kickstarter campaign for it. It’s kind of the “grand vision” which is a platform we can use to study and experiment with global co-creation.


    Summary of Questions from VJ
    Answers from Dave (founder of the Unleash Project)

    Question 1) “The project is a free weekly program where I simply send out a lesson inspired by a particular teaching from a master or teacher”
    How many weeks are the sending of lessons going to continue?…Or is it an ongoing activity?

    — The plan is for it to be an ongoing activity. Eventually I’ll have some people contribute lessons, but as long as I am studying for my own personal growth there is always something new to share!

    – Each week has a lesson and an experiment or a suggested action to perform.
    What if I could not cope up with the first lesson or may be was not successful on it or may be didn’t work out as expected? In that case the first week has gone by and the next lesson has arrived? How does it work in that case?

    — Yes, each lessons is intended to have a small action to take through the week. The whole point is to continue learning and experiencing new perspectives and tools/techniques, and if one resonates with you, keep using it, and if one doesn’t, then move on. Past lessons are always available in the member section.

    Question 2) I did not find the Unleash Project Facebook group. Can you point to the right URL…or is it visible only after registration?

    — You receive the link with every email once you sign up.

    Question 3) I came across the names of few masters/teachers on the Unleashed Project website but can you provide few more names of the masters, teachers, trainers…

    — The intention is not yet to have those teachers as guests, but to feature a lesson that is discussing an aspect of their teaching. For instance, I did one recently on Feeling is the Prayer by Gregg Braden, which discusses his book and teaching about how he has traveled the world and sat down with tribal leaders, shamans, and healers, and has identified the common ingredient, which is infusing emotion into prayer or visualization.

    Question 4) The website mentions that “..You’ve spent time studying the Laws of the Universe from various sources and have put the principles into action…Your results weren’t quite what you desired…”
    Yes the teachings of the LOA and the other laws of the Universe are making everyone including me feel very frustrated.
    Could you elaborate how will this program be different.

    — Learning how to effectively use the LOA, in my experience, takes a lot of work breaking down past belief systems that have been set up to dis-empower us. We are not taught that we have control over our reality, we are taught to fight it or accept it. That’s why continuous study is important, because there are so many amazing teachers out there teaching their own perspectives, and many of us benefit greatly from consistent study to keep our mind engaged around the laws of the universe. As Bob Proctor says, he hasn’t put down the book Think and Grow Rich since he picked it up 50 years ago. So this program is designed to help keep you studying weekly without putting in the effort of looking for new sources of information. Really, the Unleash Project is my outlet to share with the world, and hopefully help some people willing to participate and learn and inspire along the way.

    Question 5) I did read on the website about gaining money, relationship, having an ideal weight, starting a business, etc.
    Is the project about attaining greater health, wealth and relationships?
    Is it also about achieving peace of mind, love, happiness, joy, bliss?

    For me they are two different things. As an example, just having lots of money will not automatically mean that I am going to be happy.

    — You are exactly right, it needs to start with happiness and love and success will follow. The program is about all aspects of exploring our connection to the universe and the laws that govern it. This is not a paid program to learn to earn more money or fix your relationship, this is a free program that is intended to explore all aspects of achieving oneness and whatever you desire. Ultimately I would like the participants to help guide what we study every week – I want it to be a mastermind study group.

    Question 6) Is the Paradigm Project a collaborative tool that is coming up in near future?

    — It’s a concept my partner in the project and I came up with that we are exploring a little. It will take significant funding to develop, which we plan on doing, but we currently have no set launch dates. I’m thinking of creating a kickstarter campaign for it. It’s kind of the “grand vision” which is a platform we can use to study and experiment with global co-creation.


    Hi Dave,

    I have gone through your responses. Thanks.

    I have summarized the Q&A of our conversation so that a reader who lands up on this page gets a concise view and those can well serve as FAQs.

    Regarding signing up for the project – I’m already IN.


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