
Need advices about the future of my relationship

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    Dear Lara:

    From my personal experience growing up with a hostile, aggressive parent, the result was that as an adult, I was overly sensitive to other people not paying attention to me. If people were not perfectly attentive to me, perfectly kind- I felt offended, hurt, rejected. It is only after enough healing that I can see that sometimes people don’t pay attention to me because they don’t feel well, or they are preoccupied with their thoughts etc., and I don’t get offended.

    In addition to that I didn’t want to be “too good” to other people because I was afraid they will take advantage of me, that being good meant being weak, and not caring about people meant being strong. I was indeed confused because of my hostile home experience.

    So, I am guessing you  are overly sensitive as well, maybe having an unrealistic expectation that people will be the exact opposite of your parents at all times, while a realistic expectation from people would be: respect at all times, but attention and affection- some of the time, not all the time.

    Having said all that, it still is possible that the man we are talking about, like I wrote to you three days ago, is not naturally inclined to be attentive and affectionate, that his tendency is to withdraw and be cold and distant, that he can be attentive and affectionate only for short periods of time (like during the week before you left N. America) but not for long.

    What do you think?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .

    Hello Anita,

    I’ve been thinking about your answer for the past few days. That’s an interesting point, and even though I came to the conclusion that I don’t feel that i’m having unrealistic expextations (I totally get it that other people can’t be always 100% with their affection or love and that they have a life besides me too) but that would be an interesting point to discuss with a therapist. Because I never know if my boundaries are right or too much. So you might be right.

    What was bothering me with him was more him blowing hot and cold and never talking about his feelings when he didn’t have any issue to do so at the beginning and never had any problem to tell me that he loves this person or that female friend very much. When he is cold and unattentive, it really makes me uncomfortable, I don’t know why. It feels like I’ve done something wrong when he is actually just tired or not willing to make efforts (so is he faking it?).

    I ended things by text with him and I feel awful about that but I couldn’t say it face to face because each time I see him, I feel love and I’m not strong enough to have this difficult discussion. Also I know he will probably won’t put much effort in communicating about that, he usually shuts himself up and goes somewhere else.

    His behavior was so much different, it felt like he was avoiding me, and that he didn’t care anymore (wouldn’t make any effort to actually have a nice conversation, stopped asking how I was or felt, left me on read for ages, left his phone on flight mode… all things very much unusual for him). So I told me that it would be best to end things and maybe stop contacting each other because that was painful. He said that wasn’t over for him and still wanted to see me. He got me confused once again. So I told him about the recent time when he answered my questions about his feelings with ” I really care about you” and as I told him a few months earlier, O really want to be with someone who loves me deeply and sees a future with me. He stopped replying.

    So we are both hurting now 🙁 but I guess it’s probably best to end it now. I’ve spend the first 30 years of my life without hearing any loving words and I’m not willing to put up with the same kind of silent relationship.


    Dear Lara:

    You made a powerful, assertive statement: “I’ve spent the first 30 years of my  life without hearing any loving words and I’m not willing to put up with the same kind of silent relationship”-

    – listen, really listen to this statement, that you made; honor it, respect it.

    Your parents are not silent, but the noise that they make is unloving and distressing (criticising, complaining). You don’t want that kind of noise. You want audible honesty and caring in a relationship with a man, and he did not give you that consistently. Sometimes, (“him blowing hot and cold”)- you can’t enjoy the hot when you expect cold to follow. Better experience a reliable warm, so that you can depend on it and relax into it.

    “When he is cold and unattentive, it really makes me uncomfortable. I don’t know why. It feels like I’ve done something wrong when he is actually just tired or not willing to make efforts (so is he faking it?)”-

    – maybe he is affectionate (the hot of the “hot and cold”) when he is not angry at you, and silent (the cold of the “hot and cold”) when he is angry at you, trying to punish you with his silence, aka the silent treatment- it is very common. Do you think this might be the case?




    Thank you Anita.

    You’re right, I should stick to that statement, and never forget it. I’m not sure if he is consciously punishing me or not when he is cold with me, but I happen to be around so I get his negativity. I don’t think of any reasons he could be angry with me, I was always happy to see him, easy-going, light and smiling, showering him with affection and attention. I don’t understand him, I wish he would speak to me with an open heart, just once.

    God that hurts. I’m fighting hard to not contact him to check on him, tell him I’m sorry for hurting him, or even say a proper goodbye. I thought by texting we would be able to talk more but he just left the discussion as he would always do in person. I have so many things to tell him, but I can’t. Knowing him, I doubt he will ever speak to me again 🙁


    Dear Lara:

    You are welcome. You wrote that you don’t see why he would be angry with you (and therefore punish you with silence) because you were “always happy to see him, easy going, light and smiling, showering him with affection and attention”- it could be then that he didn’t feel that he has to pretend and be nice so to get your positive attention to him. It is only when you threatened to stop that positive attention, that he changed overwhelmingly.. for a while.

    Similar to him being rude to waiters and cashiers, he figures they are going to serve him anyway, so why bother pretending to be nice. I am getting a feeling that my current understanding is accurate (?)

    The reason I used the verb pretend is that it is not natural for him to be nice and affectionate and attentive, not with service people (waiters etc.) and not with the woman in his life. When he is nice and attentive it is when he puts much effort in it, effort against his natural tendency. What do you think?



    Oh that’s probably correct. He knew he would get my love and attention anyway so he probably felt as if it was ok to give up on his efforts. Actually that reminds me something he said about his personnality at the beginning, don’t remember exactly how he put it but he was saying that he actually had a not so lovely temper and wasn’t always nice or something like that. And of course, I couldn’t believe a word of it considering how sweet he was at this time with me.

    But does that mean that all the time he was being nice and attentive and affectionate he was faking it then?

    I don’t know, I don’t understand how. I mean, I didn’t have any efforts to do to be nice and pleasant with him, because I was always so happy to be with him.

    I’m not sure I actually know who he is … That’s confusing.


    Dear Lara:

    “That’s confusing”- to think further, you will need to be calm and rested, that’s the only way to understand better. Stress and exhaustion create a fog that doesn’t allow  us to resolve confusion. So if you need time and distraction before we continue, please do take that time.

    You wrote that you were nice and pleasant to him because you were always so happy to be with him, and you asked: “does that mean that all the time he was being nice and attentive and affectionate he was faking it then?”

    My suggested answer has to do with what you shared about him on page 1: “he works super hard to earn enough money to help people he loves (he is really generous).. his job is really difficult and not really rewarding for him.. has been helping (one of his friends) for years and I never understood why he was going so far because in my opinion the friend was just taking advantage of his kindness and generosity“-

    – I think that he may be operating driven by a false sense of responsibility aka guilt, not by love, generosity or kindness. I don’t think he is having much fun in his life because he is working hard in a job he doesn’t like, so to pay off some imagined debt that is burdening him.

    When I did for others, and gave to others all that I did, being motivated by guild, I did not experience fun, neither did I feel generous or kind: I felt like a slave giving and giving so to pay the high price of being free from guilt sometime in the future, once I paid enough for my freedom.

    If he operates from a state of mind of guilt and being enslaved, then he is not genuinely happy alone or being with you, no matter where he is, and with whom.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .
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