
My Kundalini Horror

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  • #146969

    Hi for the last time

    Of course the purpose of the Great Awakening is to isolate you from the world you know from the day you were born and that is the hardest part of it , being alone physically but not alone for the unseen.

    To me it was quite easy as the world around me did their best to stab my back hundred of times , yes they did  a hell of a great job THANKS TO THEM.  No matter how much I would feel lonely I would not go back the old ways just to simply satisfy my need of closeness with other  or  tolerate wrong when it no longer matches my beliefs.

    ”If this is an awakening, then it is unspeakably cruel on the likes of us.” I wont even comment that cause I might say more crap but I am sure you will find someone to talk about it anyway.

    I can offer you another code for your tummy problems I think it might be a solar plexus chakra ( 80 03 011  to optimize and balance the energy of the third chakra- solar plexus ) you may  try or not to google it for more information and see if it resonates with your symptoms.

    56  51  521 * to cleanse and balance the chakras , to open and heal them at once


    God bless you

    Best regards gr8



    For the last time, there is no-one to talk to about this. I can’t talk to my family about it because they can’t get their heads around it, and I have tried talking to a priest about it and he was useless. What’s left? A shrink?

    I feel like an alien in this world. I am surrounded by people who are more interested in viewing what’s on their mobile phones than having deep conversations, so I just stare into the distance and daydream. No one is on my wavelength, so I have taken to creating my own world instead to stop me getting depressed or going insane. What is really pissing me off is that I am stuck in a kind of limbo. I just want to leave this Earth. I am a fish out of water. That is why I view this ‘awakening’ as cruel.

    What is the point of this isolation? It’s certainly not designed to make me happy. I can’t see the point of it, because if it does enter the mainstream, the greedy capitalist bastards will make a killing out of it, and the likes of us will STILL be isolated. It doesn’t make sense to me and it is having NO effect on my family. They are still the same as ever: pre-occupied with triviality and entertainment, gossiping about others and generally unconscious. So you tell me what the point of all this is. We can’t speak about it, for people will think we’re insane and try to have us medicated or sectioned. Stop posting telephone numbers and tell me what on earth this is all for. Do you know how many times I have considered suicide since this all started? Where’s the good in that? TELL ME!!!

    Best wishes,



    Dear Tannhauser:

    A few days ago I found an amazingly long and informative entry by Wikipedia on “Kundalini”. I don’t think it existed last year when you started this thread because I googled it and I think Wikipedia had nothing much on it. As I read much of the entry I recognized the symptoms and experiences you described since last year in the entry- seems to me all your physical and emotional experiences are listed there. Would you like to examine this entry/ my and your thoughts about it?



    Hello Anita,

    Kundalini is very much a real force, and that has been very hard for me to accept as a (former?) Christian. There is no mention of Kundalini in any Christian teachings or the Bible. I now have very little confidence in the Bible, for I have come to understand that the greater part of it has been plagiarized from other civilisations. My experiences have shown that the person known as Jesus Christ never existed, and he is merely a sanitised version of Bacchus/Dionysus, who IS a real force (read Carl Jung, especially the Red Book if you can afford it! Or Nietszche). Certain members of the higher echelons of the Catholic Church know about Bacchus, and are still using his IHS monogram. This belief was reinforced when I felt drunk on two occasions after consuming the communion host at Mass. I could not get the Dionysian/Bacchic Mysteries out of my mind. I felt I had participated in something ancient and Pagan. My experiences have also shown that there are many gods, and they are not, as I first thought, some sort of pluralization of a monotheistic god. Otherwise, why show them to me? I now try to be like the Romans and respect all gods. In fact, the gods which have entered my consciousness have largely all been Roman, though I went through a short period of Odin synchronicity on Wednesdays. Don’t ask me why, I still can’t understand it.

    So, the Kundalini. It is interesting. You will see it depicted in most cultures: ancient Egypt, ancient Greece/Rome, Buddhism, Hinduism, Norse (Yggdrasil), Celtic, Pagan, Wiccan etc. It is a force of nature. The only places you won’t see it depicted or mentioned are in the three Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. That is because these faiths stole the Pagan truths and edited bits out to suit their own purposes. They were then duty bound to demonise the old serpent religions that they had stolen from.

    So yes, we have energy centres or ‘chakras’ in our bodies. They are what give us life I suppose. As a result of this I am growing closer to nature and I appreciate it more. I hate to see people leaving litter in the woods near where I live, it drives me mad.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Tannhauser:

    Oct 19, 1936 in a lecture “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious, London”, Carl Jung said: “My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature… there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existing forms, the archetypes…”

    He wrote about the collective unconscious: “It is the mind of our ancestors, their way of thinking and feeling, their way of experiencing life and the world gods and men. The existence of these archaic strata is presumably the source of man’s beliefs in reincarnation and in memories of ‘previous experiences’. Just as the human body is a museum, so to speak, of its phylogenic history, so too is the psyche.”

    In Wikipedia’s entry on Jung’s Collective Unconscious, it reads: “Jung also distinguished the collective unconscious and collective consciousness, between which lay ‘an almost unbridgeable gulf over which the subject finds himself suspended’. According to Jung, collective consciousness offered only generalizations, simplistic ideas, and the fashionable ideologies of the age.”

    Jung wrote: “Organized religion, exemplified by the Catholic Church, lies more with the collective consciousness; but, through its all encompassing dogma it channels and molds the images which inevitably pass from the collective unconscious into the minds of people”

    In Wiki’s entry on Kundalini, it reads: “Kundalini can also awaken spontaneously, for no obvious reason or triggered by intense personal experiences such as accidents, near death experiences, childbirth, emotional trauma, extreme mental stress, and so on…A spontaneous awakening in one who is unprepared or without the assistance of a good teacher can result in an experience which has been termed as ‘Kundalini crisis’… The symptoms are said to resemble those of Kundalini awakening but are experiences as unpleasant, overwhelming or out of control.”

    This is my understanding of your Kundalini Experience (Horror, as you termed it), Tannhauser. Please let me know where I am incorrect in my understanding and please do correct me:

    Unlike Carl Jung (and others) who deliberately evoked and encouraged Kundalini (It reads in Wiki: “From December 1913 onward, he carried on in the same procedure: deliberately evoking a fantasy in a waking state..), you began experiencing Kundalini (and still do) without deliberation. You did not want this, you wrote again and again. It spontaneously happened to you, triggered possibly by health problems, a great physical and mental distress.

    Your experience, as was Jung’s, was about leaving the realm of  your “immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature” and entering the realm of “a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature”- you entered the Collective Unconscious. As you did, the “collective consciousness”, that is, the “fashionable ideologies of the age”, as in existing monotheistic religions, disintegrated. An “unbridgeable gulf” occurred in your mind between the teachings of the Catholic Church and the collective unconscious you became aware of.

    This unbridgeable gulf created much distress in you, as it created great distance between you and the church, the priest you approached and your family.

    Roman gods take center place in your Kundalini experience, in your tapping into the collective unconscious.

    You don’t know the purpose of your Kundalini experience. Your experience of it is extremely painful, distressing. You didn’t want it and you still don’t want it.

    Before I proceed, if I do, I need to verify if I understood correctly and what of my understanding is incorrect or needs to be modified, elaborated upon etc. ?







    * didn’t submit properly…


    Anita, you have summed my situation up perfectly.

    Jung evoked a fantasy in a waking state because that is the only thing you can do to continue living when this thing happens to you. You have to create a fantasy world because you don’t fit the ‘real world’ anymore. William Blake did this as well, though he seems to have been a much happier and contented person than I am, despite people denouncing him as mad. ‘Real’ seems to be an illusion, and you can see that people are very much fast asleep. They are preoccupied with things of very little worth or merit, and yet you are still expected to conform to their reality or face being hospitalized by them. Most people aren’t brave enough to be rejected by the herd, because we are social creatures. So they suppress all that is happening to them and cause themselves great distress as a result. This is what I am doing right now. I cannot speak the truth or my family will simply disown me.

    I do not know the purpose of this experience, except to say that it has destroyed much of my beliefs. My experiences have not been Christian, they have been largely Pagan. What Jung and Nietszche say of Dionysus is absolutely true. He/It appears to be some force or spirit of nature which turns everything on its head. Who this Jesus Christ character is, I have absolutely no idea, for he appears to have stolen the clothes, epithets and language of Bacchus/Dionysus. He is a mere fabrication, perhaps one invented by the Romans for their own purposes, as Kenneth Humphreys has discovered. Continuing in the Catholic faith is proving very difficult for me, and the more I try to retreat into it, the more uncomfortable it feels.

    You are quite correct. I didn’t want this. I had gone through great trauma long before this happened, and was hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel. I had spent five years on dialysis surrounded by death, and then I went through a kidney transplant at the end of it. I am now spiraling out of control, and would just prefer to exit this life for good. I keep putting off seeing the doctor, but I can’t put it off forever. If I could describe to you how this all feels, I would ask you to go on You Tube and watch Bad Dream by Keane. Listen carefully to the words, they sum up my situation to perfection. The video is excellent too.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Tannhauser:

    I don’t like going on You Tube, but I think I have an idea of what this has been for you having read your posts on this thread: I think I understand that your suffering have been and are severe, of the kind that it is a wonder how a human can suffer so much and live to tell abut it, as you have. Five years of dialysis and a kidney transplant were the more recent medical sufferings you experienced, followed by the suffering in this “Kundalini Horror”.

    I want to attempt to understand more, since you have let me know in your last post that I understood your experience correctly so far, and you gave me more  information.

    In the “real world” where collective consciousness rules, people are fast asleep, “preoccupied with things of very little worth of merit”. “Most people aren’t brave enough to be rejected by the herd”- I agree, absolutely. And true, people suppress a whole lot so to fit into the collective consciousness, or the “real world”.

    In your awakened state, you see this reality. You are awake as others are fast asleep. The results of this awakening is that you are alone, separated from the fast asleep people in church and family, rejected, and even mocked (previously by me). What is the benefit of this awakening, I ask myself.

    What is the benefit of your Kundalini Awakening, I ask you?

    I ask myself further: what have been the benefits to anyone awakened this way: how about Carl Jung? He shared his awakening with millions of people reading his writings, studying his writings- what practical benefit has his Kundalini Awakening/ Experience bring to him and to people reading his writings/ studying him/ implementing his teachings?




    * didn’t submit properly …


    Thank you Anita for your thoughtful post.

    My experience began in August 2013. Up until then (health issues aside) my life had been quite normal. The ‘experience’ seemed to start shortly after I began taking some new medication prescribed by my consultant. Everything happens for a reason, and as things turned out, the ‘awakening’ was going to use this medication to mask what it was doing to me. The Universe/God is very clever. Perhaps I should say, devious. So when I told my parents what was happening they would naturally assume it was the effects of the medication. This was probably to preserve their free will. Their right not to know. Then a few months later I had a strange episode whilst I was practicing a new piece on the piano. It was a mental vision of Jesus Christ, and He looked very concerned indeed. That would be my last spiritual experience of anything remotely Christian. A year later I had another experience which pointed to the Greco-Roman god Bacchus/Dionysus. Here’s where my experience correlates with Jung’s and Nietzsche’s. It is true what the ancient mysteries stated. If you fight against this figure/spirit, he/it will drive you insane. Dionysus is akin to Kali of the Kundalini process. You can have nice Kali, or you can fight against it and have horrible Kali instead. You can be like King Pentheus and get torn apart by the Maenads: e.g. your madness. During my research into Kali I came across the Black Madonna. These statues are not, like some priests would have us believe, stained black by candle smoke. They are deliberately created that way because they do not refer to Mary and the Child Jesus. They refer to the Goddess giving birth to an initiate. These are all dark, occultic secrets, and I have not come by them myself. I came to understand them through the supernatural. It is as you said yesterday, there is a wonderful universal nature or truth which runs through all religions and beliefs, but the dogma gets in the way.

    Anyway, back to the process. After Bacchus/Dionysus there came Tammuz, St Bernard of Clairvaux and the Knights Templars, a bit of King Arthur and the Rosicrucians, Odin and Freya, Neptune and Vesta and then finally, Portunus (which was unbelievably synchronistic). There have been no more references to gods/goddesses since last August. Instead, I did see the face of a green man in a tree, and I have been seeing a lot of hares and rabbits lately (most of them weren’t connected to Easter either.) I am getting the message that what we dismiss as myths or fairy tales actually contain great spiritual truths in them. I could have spent weeks researching all these things but I had to stop myself because it was like disappearing down a rabbit hole.

    I think what causes me a lot of harm is my own ego. This process would be full of wonder and I would be a much happier person if my ego didn’t spoil it. My ego is all about fear and self-condemnation, and I am not really enjoying the process because of it. I spent far too long trying to make things fit, instead of just enjoying the ride and trusting the Great Spirit.

    I am not sure what the end result will be of this process, but I do know now that it was planned before I was even born. There is an incredible coincidence here. My brain expanded rapidly shortly after birth, and now, forty odd years later, I am getting energies pouring into my head practically every evening which are bringing about an expanded consciousness.

    My hero is William Blake. As far as I am concerned he is a prophet of England. But he didn’t care if he didn’t fit the mould. He wasn’t bothered if people labelled him insane. He just got on with what he wanted to do, and what made him happy. Another hero of mine is King Ludwig III of Bavaria. Again, narrow-minded, shallow society called him a nutcase, but he did his own thing and built wonderful dream castles. You have to do your own thing in life if you want to be happy and you have to speak YOUR truth.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Tannhauser:

    I would like to take more time reading your last post than I currently have, and pay more attention to it than I am capable of at the moment, and so,  will read and reply in about 10 hours from now.



    Dear Tannhauser:

    As I read your post, I realize I need to google terms (ex., Kali.. goddess that brings death to the ego?) and names and get enough information so that I can understand your post best I can.

    I like your last line: “You have to do your own thing in life if you want to be happy and you have to speak YOUR truth.”- very strong, courageous, daring!

    And so, I will do my own research Monday morning (USA), approximately ten hours from now.



    * didn’t submit (doesn’t show the time I last posted)


    I have had energies coming into my head again causing a pressure build-up. The invisible being won’t leave me alone and I feel quite upset this morning as a result.

    What is all this for? I am sick of putting up with other humans’ shit. I am sick of having to conform to their will to keep them happy whilst trashing my own happiness in the process.

    Best wishes,



    Post # 1

    Dear Tannhauser:

    This post is about me trying to understand your post of April 30, 2017. I will be paraphrasing your post so to process the information you presented, to understand it as thoroughly as I can. The quotes, ” “, are all quotes of what you wrote in that post. In parentheses and following the “*” are what I read in Wikipedia). Following this first post I will take a break before Post # 2, to follow. If you read this in between my two posts, and want to reply, please do.

    Your Kundalini experience started in 2013, shortly after you took new medication. The entity (“The Universe” or “God”)that chose to give you (or inflict upon you) this Kundalini Awakening, chose that time so to cause people to attribute the symptoms of Kundalini to side effects of the new medication. The entity is devious (“The Universe/God is very clever. Perhaps I should say, devious”), that is dishonest or indirect, deceitful. It wants people to easily choose to NOT believe what is really happening to you (“to preserve their free will. Their right not to know”).

    A few months later you had a mental vision of a concerned looking Jesus Christ (the last Christian-related spiritual experience in this Kundalini experience, a farewell of sorts).

    A year later, the Greco-Roman gods spiritual experiences started, with Bacchus/Dionysus. A year later I had another experience which pointed to the Greco-Roman god Dionysus/Bacchus.

    * Dionysus is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy in ancient Greek religion and myth. He is also known as Bachhus, the name adopted by the Romans.)

    Dionysus is akin to Kali, a Hindu goddess. Kali can be nice or horrible

    *The most common depiction of Kali shows her with four arms and hands, showing aspects of creation and destruction. The two right hands are often held out in blessing, one in a mudra saying ‘fear not’, the other offering conferring oons. Her left hands hold a severe head and blood covered sword. The swerod severs the bondage of ignorance and ego, represented by the severe head.

    If a human fights against Kali, she will be horrible to the person and drive him/her insane.

    The Black Madonna (statues, mostly made of wood, occasionally of stone, especially those created in Poland in the medieval period or earlier, where the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus are depicted with dark skin). Unlike some priests’ suggested interpretation, that those statues were stained black by candle smoke, you, Tannhauser, found out through the supernatural, that they were deliberately created dark because they do not depict Mary and Jesus but the Goddess giving birth to an initiate.

    This is a secret, a dark, occultic secret that you found out through this Kundalini experience. Unlike the priests’ suggested interpretation (the dogma), what you, Tannhauser came to see regarding the Black Madonna, is “a wonderful universal nature or truth which runs through all religions and beliefs, but the dogma gets in the way.”

    After Bacchus/Dionysus there came Tammuz, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (a human, a monk, who among other things was accused of meddling with matters that did not concern him), and the and the Knights Templars (humans, Templar knights, the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades, wearing distinctive white mantles with a red cross), King Arthur, the Rosicrucians a bit of King Arthur and the Rosicrucians (a cultural movement in Europe in the early 17th century. Its mysterious doctrine is allegedly built on ‘esoteric truths of the ancient past’, which ‘concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm’), Odin, Freya (god and goddess in Norse mythology), Neptune (Roman god of the sea), Vesta (Roman goddess of the hearth and home), and Portunus (an ancient Roman god of keys, doors, livestock and ports)of keys, doors, livestock and ports).

    There have been no more references to gods and goddesses since August 2016. Since that time you did see the face of a green man in a tree and lots f hares and rabbits outside of Easter.

    You wrote that you are getting the message that “what we dismiss as myths or fairy tales actually contain great spiritual truths in them.”

    And you wrote: “I could have spent weeks researching all these things but I had to stop myself because it was like disappearing down a rabbit hole.”

    Then you wrote that you think that what is causing you a lot of harm is your own ego. You wrote that Kundalini could have been full of wonder for you, an enjoyable experience where you could be “just enjoying the ride”, if you trusted the “Great Spirit”; if your ego didn’t spoil it.

    You wrote that your ego is about fear and self condemnation.

    You believe that your Kundalini experience/ awakening was planned before you were born and is sending these energies into your head, some forty years after your birth. These energies are expanding your consciousness.

    You wrote that your hero is William Blake.

    * 1757-1827, English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognized during his lifetime. His work contains ‘so-called prophetic works’. He was considered mad by contemporaries for his views. He was hostile to the Church of England and to almost all forms of organized religion.

    You wrote that Blake didn’t care if he didn’t fit the mold. He wasn’t bothered that people labeled him insane. He did what he wanted to do, what made him happy. Another hero, King Ludwig 3rd of Bavaria, did his own thing even though society called him a nutcase and he build wonderful dream castles.

    You ended that post with: “You have to do your own thing in life if you want to be happy and you have to speak YOUR truth.”




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