
My Kundalini Horror

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  • This topic has 179 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Tommy.
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    This code is for balancing all chakras at once. I am glad you’ve had bliss-gasms that’s when you know you’re on the right track. Any time you feel down don’t attach yourself cause you’re clearing unwanted trash that’s blocking your ascension.

    I usually help myself by reading and expanding my knowledge ,books and web I also listen chillout and classical music that makes me happy and relaxed. Once you master ‘no one can bring me down’ state all will go smooth and you will be proud of yourself.

    Use the codes as many times you need everyday.

    I am not a witch. I am just me.

    Love all harm none x


    Eight, perhaps you could help me with this.

    I am getting energies coming in through my head and going out through my left foot. This happens mainly at night but can happen during the day too. Strange as it may seem, at night I know the energies are coming because they cause interference with electrics, even when they are switched off. My breastbone feels quite sore, and I am losing my appetite. Had terrible stomach pains last Tuesday evening and again yesterday, coupled with a soreness at the centre of the forehead (hairline) which makes one feel spaced out. The stomach pains seem to coincide with a full moon. The last time I had such excruciating stomach pains was a day or two after the September full moon last year. They are really painful.

    Been getting occasional weird Biblical ‘pointers’ popping into my head. Only, I don’t hear them in my mind, I ‘see’ them. (Please note, I don’t really read the Bible on a regular basis). The last one was ‘you are not your own’ and it was lit up in my mind like a neon sign. This is frightening to me, because I worry I am going to lose my individuality, personality and character and be swallowed up by whatever is causing this. I worry my world will fall apart and I will start seeing things from the perspective of being on the outside looking in.

    What is all this about? You keep talking about Ascension. Ascend to where? As I see it, the world is getting on with things as normal and doing the things it has always done, while its me who is getting inconvenienced. It’s me who is feeling a bit strange and spaced out.

    Best wishes,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Tannhauser.

    Hi Tannhauser x long time didn’t hear from you I hope you’re okay, worrying won’thelp you. Take control of worrying swap it with trust and it will make you happy.

    I may have some funny insides ideas and it makes me laugh because lately I’ve heard people have issues with left foot. So it’s not only you experiencing this.

    Energy coming through your head may be the upgrade from the universe and it can be quite uncomfortable at first. Try to cross your legs when you feel it’s coming (buddha position).

    Stomac pain either your solar plexus chakra need balance or someone you’re closely connected to has menstrual pain.

    Ascension it’s a great topic but you could try to find some information about initiation and see if it resonate with you.

    There is a beauty on this journey and once your fears and worries are controlled it becomes smoothly pleasant.

    Last Tuesday lol again something I can resonate to. I had IUD contraception removed and had a pain same day as you. Collective consciousness I guess.

    I often feel sudden sadness for no reason or sudden happiness and now I am more aware of what’s mine usually trying to find the reason why I feel that and when no explanation found I just know it’s not mine.

    I’ll look for a right code to stop worrying if you’d like.

    Love and light for all


    I can say that I had some supernatural occurrence today I was takin nap , fully aware and I was lying down on my tummy with right hand under my face and I could feel a hand sneaking under mine and slowly lifted my head for couple of seconds.

    Nothing scary about that. It’s the ego that will give you a full set of anxiety fears of unknown. I guess since I’ve realised I have got nothing to lose and of course nothing but spiders can scare me I am fully accepting and discovering unfolding miracles.

    The code for you : 46 19 207



    I have invisible hands touching me all the time. I have just had to get used to it. I foolishly told my mother and father about it some years ago and they reacted VERY badly indeed. It made my mother ill and my dad very angry. Told a priest about it too, and he sort of accepted the idea at first, but the second time I mentioned it he just dismissed me. He didn’t want to know. I keep quiet about it now.

    I have had some strange experiences with the invisible people over the past three years, I can tell you. I woke up one morning to find myself in some weird Arthurian-style death scene. I was on my back (I NEVER sleep on my back!) and could feel one of the invisible people cradling me from behind; my legs were straight out in front of me and as light as a feather, and I felt a strange sensation around my throat area. My right arm was around me as if trying to grab at or reach out to the ‘being’ cradling me, and I strongly felt that I was drawing my last breaths. But the whole scenario was peaceful and not at all frightening. Can you explain what this could have been about?

    And then there’s God Himself, who has, it seems, a very dry sense of humour. But that’s another matter entirely.

    I really appreciate corresponding with you, eight. You are on my wavelength. You help to normalise these experiences and I feel a little less isolated as a result.

    Best wishes,


    I like your invisible people experience and priest dismissing you -not good but it makes me laugh x god bless you.

    It’s good to have at least one soul person in 3D world that can relate to our experiences it’s supporting as also confirming. That we aren’t losing our minds lol

    I have been awakened by my super best friend who I believe is my counterpart /the other half and since then everything inside of me changed – the outer world is exactly the same but I am somehow different.

    Most of the people live surrounded by falseness, delusions, false standard and false rules that blind them all. So they can not relate to us or we can’t no longer relate to them.

    Luckily I’ve had a great privilege to borrow a 100 year old book called ‘spiritual unfoldement’ including all necessary information as a starter on every beginners journey. It helped me a awfully lot.

    I’ve took a pictures of that book as I had to return it and couldn’t finish it, if you are interested I can try to email it to you.

    Best wishes for you Tannhauser x thanks to you x

    Regards Grrrr8 🙂



    I’ve had another experience this morning. One of those incredible ‘coincidences’. I have been agonizing over whether or not to believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that the Torah is the word of God revealed to Moses through inspiration, but I was becoming increasingly unsure about Jesus and was feeling more sympathetic towards Jewish beliefs. I do a lot of ruminating/meditating these days, and sometimes I write my thoughts down. Anyway, I had basically wrote that I believed Moses and the Torah but that I considered Jesus to be a made-up character. Out of sheer curiosity, I opened the Bible at random and it opened at John 5. My eyes alighted on verse 39 and I started reading. I felt deep inside me that it was a direct answer to what I had written, especially at verse 46 where Jesus says “If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me”.

    I consider myself told off.

    Best wishes,


    If you would like to know more about Jesus and his life I’ve got a great book as well ‘the life of Christ’ F W Farrar 1891. I can see your nature is to understand and I would recommend to dig in ancient scripts , Egyptian God’s and power of ladies blood.

    Bible to me is a steak of too much information misleading and confusing. I am not saying that is false but I believe it’s not complete truth.

    Religions were created , manipulated, wrongs were written to divide us as humans but the God truth is only one. It’s Love and only those pure ones and sinless would see the ‘gates of heaven’ – which is of course another metaphor. As above so below.

    The most hilarious event in our past is the Hitler lol he was looking for Antlantis!?

    As above means – sky ,clouds. , invisible for human eye Antlantis above us if only you could see. I bow my head in respect as I know now. And trust me it’s my truth.

    Don’t get yourself stuck too much to labels see if something what you read is something that God will do or allow if the heart was pure.

    Good day to you.


    Oh f*ck, you’ve completely lost me with that Hitler statement. There are many words to describe World War 2. Hilarious isn’t one of them.

    You want to know my f*cking truth is? My truth is that I wish this sh*t never happened to me. All I ever wanted to be is normal. I get these energies coming in to me, and sometimes they make me feel strange and want to cry like a baby. I am a really sad, pathetic loser. Through my infertility I considered myself half a man. But I am not even that any more. I am just an empty shell being controlled by some ‘higher force’, be it god or aliens.

    Just when I think you understand me you go off on a tangent that leaves me feeling isolated all over again.



    Tannhauser I was talking about the unseen
    War is a different topic, hitler – evil.

    Understanding difference between who are those bad people- those people aren’t bad -it’s the evil that makes them that way.

    I would preferably rather stay in this present peace state ,it is more beneficial for my own self sake.
    Achieved through waterfalls of tears and emotional rollerbastardcoasters.

    It’s easy to be piss ed of and angry but it doesn’t last long right. Think outside the box. I am sending direct healing towards you.

    Love and light for all


    Greetings Tannhauser,

    I signed up for the forum strictly for the purpose of replying to your thread. Over a 5 year period from 2007 thru 2012 I endured through a spiritual awakening in my life – this entailed a spontaneous kundalini awakening. For 3 years of that 5 year period I experienced all the unusual symptoms, sensations, and experiences that accompany that internal process related to kundalini energy. So you could say that I am personally familiar with this ‘territory’. I am well aware that this internal process can be quite unique to each individual and is not experienced in exactly the same manner when it comes down to all the particular circumstances and details. For me this process was somewhat gradual and therefore more manageable – but I am fully aware that this process can be much more turbulent and disruptive for others. There is a lot that factors into how this is experienced. When all was said and done and this process ran its course within me – it proved to be the most profound experience of my lifetime and was deeply healing and purifying. When it culminated it brought about a realization of my true nature and ultimately an end to my suffering. So while it understandably may not feel like it at this time in your life – I am here to share with you that there is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel for you – no matter how dark it may seem at the moment. Based on my own life experiences – I ended up doing A LOT of reading on this subject matter over the course of several years. I wanted to recommend some books to you which I feel are among some of the best in covering this complex and seldom spoken about subject matter. So if you don’t mind, here are those titles in no particular order:

    ‘Farther Shores: How Near-Death, Kundalini, and Mystical Experiences Transform Ordinary Lives’ (Yvonne Kayson M.D.)
    ‘The Kundalini Guide: A Companion For The Inward Journey’ (Book 1) (Bonnie Greenwell Ph.D)
    ‘The Stormy Search For The Self: A Guide To Personal Growth Through Transformational Crisis’ (Stanislav Grof M.D.)

    These are among the best books I have explored on the nature of spiritual/kundalini awakening. They contain far more information, knowledge, and wisdom than I could possibly communicate through the course of a forum posting. So that’s why I am recommending reading and exploring the contents of these texts. I feel the content contained therein could prove to be very valuable in assisting you with consciously navigating your way through this understandably challenging period of your life.

    Thanks for listening to what I had to say and share. Hang in there and keep pushing forward…

    Kind Regards,


    Thanks for your help,

    I feel very lonely and isolated. There are times when I feel deep sadness within me, as if I have been separated from something or someone. There are times when the process has felt truly magical, but when I am ‘pushed’ towards the beliefs I grew up with and understand, they don’t feel right to me anymore. I don’t like the person known as Jesus. He is a downright bully. He seems to utter the words of an enlightened being but then issues threats of eternal torture. I can’t imagine Lord Buddha doing that. I have come to understand that the books of the Torah are the word of God revealed to Moses. Trouble is, I don’t like Biblical God at all. The ‘Magic’ feels gentle and full of love with no conditions, whilst Bible God is the exact opposite. Bible God and his son make me feel like a worthless piece of shit. Come to think of it, they make EVERYONE feel like a worthless piece of shit! They don’t feel right to me at all. I am so confused and screwed up inside that I wish I could go back to being a child; back to a time before I was conditioned and indoctrinated by the Church. The really sick thing is that I still have a fear of Hell. I fear that if I ‘apostasise’ I will be burned alive for all eternity.

    With respect, I don’t need any more books. Books are the problem.

    Best wishes,


    One thing I have got on my mind that might help you hopefully. If you really want to know the truth go within ask your spirit try to stay connected and raise your vibration by doing anything that makes you happy and try to stay in that place.

    I feel I am isolated too but it’s my choice as an individual I really like my own time and space. Being a loner is a nice opportunity to discover your inner true self.

    I’ve started a similar journey to yours but to me focusing on past things or events that I can not change its a waste of time and joy of present moment.

    Religions it’s a wide topic with too many information which make you question God. Keep in mind that God is Love and everything what doesn’t seem right is either evil or karma or important lesson to learn as a spiritual being in order to evolve.

    If you are a digger for truth I am sure you will find it.

    Love and light for you and all


    “by doing anything that makes you happy and try to stay in that place”.

    Is that what it is all about? Is that the meaning of it all? Because my ‘faith tradition’ seems to suggest otherwise. My tradition is all about self-hate and self-denial. It’s all about guilt and shame and suffering as much pain as possible (‘take up your cross’) Basically, the more pain you suffer the happier God will be (It’s the reason Mother Teresa withheld pain relief from her patients). There’s nothing in Jesus’s dogmas about doing things that make you happy.

    “Keep in mind that God is Love”

    I beg to differ. God is NOT Love. God has conditions. That’s not love, it’s called protection money.

    I think you guys are coping better with this because your heads weren’t screwed up by organized religion.

    Best wishes,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Tannhauser.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Tannhauser.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Tannhauser.

    For all struggles and fears and doubts Love is and always was and always will be the answer.

    Love is all you need x but if you really like to make your head busy with digging in archives maybe you could invent a time machine and go back in time and confirm your knowledge.

    God law is simple :


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