
More Than a Picture – A Comfortable Way to Make Friends

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    Dear Tiny Buddha users, my name is Jordan Gent. I’m posting on this forum in an effort to reach the people who would benefit most from my project, More Than a Picture. Let me give you a small background on me first. I’m an introvert with social anxiety. Often in my past, I found myself wondering on ways to make friends. The prospect of approaching random people, or groups of random people was an extremely uncomfortable one for me. Which is why in part, my idea to create More Than a Picture was born.

    It’s a form of social network that creates a more personal non judgmental way of meeting others. One of the first things I’m doing on my journey to make this a reality is making a Kickstarter for it, and I will be submitting my kickstarter for review by the end of this week. I believe in this, and would appreciate your help in getting this out there so we can make this idea become a resource for the others like me. I hesitate to share more information on it until then in an effort to protect my idea and my work from being stolen.

    I appreciate any and all of your help, thank you for your time!

    Jordan Gent

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Herbadum.

    Dear Jordan Gent:

    More Than a Picture, a form of social network meant for people with some anxiety about meeting others so to meet others in a non threatening way. You have this idea but you don’t want to share it in fear the idea will be stolen. Am I getting it right?

    I know nothing about business and computers and such. I am wondering, is the network going to be marketed for people with social anxiety to communicate with each other???



    Yes Anita, it’s being marketed towards people who have social anxiety and are introverted. Since I’m both of those things, it’s something I have a more personal connection and desire with. I apologize I didn’t see your question earlier, I’ll have to update my notification settings.

    I have just launched the campaign, and you can find it here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/909711863/more-than-a-picture-a-comfortable-way-to-make-frie along with more details about how it works.


    Dear Herbadum:

    It looks very professional to me, and I am very ignorant with all matters of computer technology and making money, so I am not a good source of feedback. I got the point of no pictures, although your photo is there (is that a contradiction?) Good luck to you.



    That link goes to my kickstarter, not the actual web application that I’m wanting to make. It’s to raise the funds so I can make the web application. So my photo is there to let people see who I am. They can research me a little more in depth to see if they’d be willing to trust me with the money they’re donating to me for that reason. The actual web application itself will be without photos, for at least a weeks time frame between you and the person you get connected too.

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