
mixed emotions… two women

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    hi all… ive been dealing with someth[ng for the past two years. i left a women i was madly in love with (because i believed at the time she wanted to work things out with her ex husband). she denied it but i felt i owed it to her to give her space.

    in an attempt to move on i quickly began dating another wonderful woman who has treated me like gold for the past 18 months.

    all along i have never stopped caring for or missing the first women.

    she has contacted me several times over the course of two years and made it clear she loves me and misses me.

    ive continued to see my new gf however i have never stopped missing my ex or caring for her.

    i dont know if this is a part of letting go of the first women or a sign i need to try to work things out.

    in my heart i really truly miss the first girl but i dont want to hurt my current (wonderful) gf and i dont know if i just need to learn to let go.

    im at a loss. any advice is appreciated. thanks.


    do you see yourself getting married to either one of them? what is your ex girlfriend’s status now? is she totally single and have moved on from her ex or still confused? you did not mention how you feel about your current girlfriend. so, some questions you may want to ponder on…


    It sounds like you were not totally emotionally honest with yourself or your gf when you got involved with her. You were/are still committed to your ex when you jumped into dating.

    You owe your gf the respect of honesty. You are already hurting your gf by not being totally emotionally available and still wanting your ex.

    Cut her loose so she can move on and so can you.



    I love her! And be with her till the end of time.
    who us the person who came to your mind when you read the first sentence? Yes I think SHE is the one you love!
    and whoever the girl is, all youv to do is say the truth and keep no one under the blanket of lies. Cause trust is the main ingredient of a relationship , iv broken it once with your second gf, dint repeat it. 🙂


    I love her! And want to be with her till the end of time.
    who us the person who came to your mind when you read the first sentence? Yes I think SHE is the one you love!
    and whoever the girl is, all youv to do is say the truth and keep no one under the blanket of lies. Cause trust is the main ingredient of a relationship , you have broken it once with your second gf, dint repeat it. 🙂


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by shrestha.

    Follow your heart. That’s all you need to do brother.

    The answer is in your heart. Do what it tells you and treat the situation with compassion and kindess.

    Make your decision and don’t look back. I’m feeling you already know what you want to do.

    So do it and do it well.



    i havent talked to the ex in several months… i told my current gf how i was feeling (confused, missing the ex) and i told my ex.

    the ex said she still loved me and wanted to be with me. my current gf said she didnt want to lose me and she’d give me time to work out my feelings. truth is i dont know how to do that.

    out of respect for my current situation me and the ex agreed not to talk so i really dont know where things are with her the past two months.

    honestly i think i need time to myself to figure out what is best. i feel overwhelmed. i just dont wanna hurt anyone.

    as mark said, i did move on too fast. i thought at the time it would distract me (selfish i know). my current gf is a really great girl. i wish i could give her my whole heart but i still have an emotional attachment to my ex. 🙁

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