I’ve recently started mentoring practical dreamers to reach towards their potential: key blocks including low self-confidence, feeling overwhelmed, not knowing what they want in the future, and having those “I want this but how can i actually make it happen in real life?” worries.
This is achieved through a mixture of mindfulness, meditation, goal-setting, reflection, solution-focused approach and neuroscience research to help build their resilience and help them manage stress on a daily level.
I’d love to get some general feedback about my website: to make sure I’m meeting a need which exists and that it’s clear what I can do to help people.
If you struggle with overwhelm, I have a free guide to managing it, too 🙂
My website is at MapYourPotential.co.uk
Any questions, feedback, or people interested in my support: I’d love to connect and ensure this really is a resource for anyone who would benefit.