Hi Anita,
I have an update I’d like to share:
We have talked about it and he didn’t want to continue the relationship with me even though we both still care about each other. He feels that it’s hard to continue because our situation like locations, family and religion made it very hard to continue. So I respected his decision, I don’t want to push him if he doesn’t believe that we can do it. I still love him very much and we both wish each other well.
I feel like I won’t feel love like that anymore. Maybe I’m too negative I don’t know, but I never felt loved like that before. Someone that I can really open up and be comfortable. I can be more like myself with him even more than with my own family.
But anyway I’m glad that we both can talk about it and have closure. I’m going to make this as a learning experience and hopefully I can become a better person. Just that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive and be optimistic about the future and myself.