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    We don’t talked much. My father is always mad when he comes home. I rarely talked to him if we do we usually end up arguing. He always reprimand me. There is one time, way back, that I was coloring a book, and he was mad at me because it can make me stupid that I should instead do something productive like studying. I can never share something personal to my father or to my mother. Whenever I try to speak up and share my struggle to both of my parents, they would say that it’s all on my head and that my sadness or struggle is not valid. They keep on saying that they are  people who has more complicated problem.
    I try to be away from home as much as possible because it is very negative and toxic there.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Veronica.

    Dear Veronica:

    In your earlier post yesterday you wrote that the day before yesterday you were “so stress, anxious and uneasy” that you went back to online dating “to make me feel good” and that “It was indeed make me feel good. To be admired and desired. It is like a sudden relief I feel”

    And you wrote: “the attention I crave the most was my father’s. His acceptance. Can you help me address this? How to rewire?”

    In the recent post you wrote that your current home, living with your mother and father, is, still, like it was before “very negative and toxic” and therefore you try to “be away from home as much as possible”. Your father still expresses his anger toward you, still reprimands you and both tell you still that it is all in your head.

    “How to rewire?”- my answer: be away from home more, that is, don’t be at home at all. Move out and away. This will make a rewiring possible.

    I don’t see how you can stop feeling distress and stop looking for a relief of that distress for as long as you are still living in a distressing situation, with distressing people.





    I also thought of that. Thank you anita. I will find a way to make that happen. I’ll be back as soon as I am out of this house.


    Dear Veronica:

    Back to your thread, you mean? You are welcome to be back here anytime, living wherever you are living. Will be glad to read from you anytime.



    Hi All!

    I just want to say hi to everyone especially to anita 🙂 I don’t know but i suddenly miss you and the comfort that you gave to me. The kindness and support in this forum is beyond comparable. I am still not fix, though. I have a new trauma (got into an accident) but still trying and living.

    Lots of love,



    Dear Veronica:

    Glad to read from you again. Like I wrote to you before, please do post anytime you feel like and when I am at the computer, I will reply to you.

    What is the new trauma, the accident you got into?



    * didn’t reflect under Topics

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