
Lost and Confused

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    I’ve never turned to an online forum for help but I’m in a state of confusion and feeling feeling lost in my current relationship. Sometimes I feel like something is wrong with me. I have a great guy that loves me dearly and would die for me but I honestly don’t think I am in love with him.. I care for him deeply but I don’t think I can say I’m head over heels. I want more than just love.. I can’t live on just love… Does that make me a bad person?


    Hi cb2015.

    There are many factors that can have influence in your situation so I hope you dont mind me asking soe questions.

    How long are you with this person? How old are you? How is your sex life? How much do you see each other? If you could just share more about your relationship and about you that would be great and really helpful for me so I can give you better advice and also when writing you might see the problem all of a sudden.

    Thanks and best of wishes.


    James Ng

    Hi cb2015,

    The first step is to be honest with yourself, that’s what you did. Piggybacking on Matic’s questions, I would like to ask how you know you want more than love if you are not in love in the first place? I’m no expert in this field, but just like Matic, I want to pose the questions that will get you to think about your situation and perhaps help you find answers.

    It’s important to communicate with your partner about how you are feeling because unexpressed emotions will never die and will manifest themselves in uglier ways in the future. Sometimes you have to have one of “those” conversations to clear your conscience, and also to be fair to him.



    Well, not knowing much about the situation, I can just say you can’t expect to be “in love” all the time. Nobody stays “in love.” It’s a fleeting phase that goes away once the two people settle down after spending a decent amount time together. But then again, if this relationship is relatively fresh than it may be an issue.


    How long have you been together? I think that answer will have a bearing on what the answer should be.

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