
Just found out husband cheated before we were married..

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    So, husband finally came out and told me he cheated over a decade ago. It was when we were dating and have been happily married for a very long time. What’s got me sick and disgusted is that he messed around with his stepsister. Luckily they did not have intercourse. It was stupid and ridiculous because they both have attachment issues because of childhood issues. He never raised her or changed diapers and really she is not a true stepsister. She is simply his dad’s wife-daughter. I just need some wise words and encouragement as this has rocked my every sense of being and sense of self esteem. I have never felt so betrayed by the one person who I trusted the most. It’s like I do’t know who is since he spent over a decade keeping this secret from me. I am having PTSD because he told me all the details while we were both in crisis mode–angry–hurt–distraught…. I can’t get the images of those two fools together. I am on the verge of taking medication to take the edge off on the advisement of my therapist. We are also in marital counseling but it seems like I can’t get better. Has anyone been through something like this? Help…


    Dear rebuild101:

    I can feel your distress in your short post. I is evident and almost tangible. In your therapy, and otherwise, can you learn or practice relaxation, calming yourself… anything from intense aerobic exercise, brisk walk outdoors, maybe to hot baths, to slow yoga, meditation… some physical/ mental relaxation that you desperately need?

    From a calmer place, i would proceed. The two of you have been quite distressed and I suppose he impulsively told you what he did to relieve himself from his distress, increasing your distress in the process. Not well thought of… acts of desperation, I suppose.

    Please calm yourself, get into some calming routine. Staying “in your head” with this distress will not permit effective thinking and problem solving!



    Thanks Anita. I am truly trying. It’s just so crazy how our minds play tricks on us.


    Dear rebuild101:

    You are welcome, and I do hope you rebuild (your name here) your calm and confidence in your mind and relationship. Once you and him are calm, individually, you can both think clearly, individually and make your communication sensible. Please do post again.


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