
Insomnia is Ruining my Life

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    I have a hard time falling asleep and when I do, it’s already too late. I get 4 to 6 hours of sleep and end up not waking up in the morning for school. I’ve already missed a month of school, my family thinks I’m a failure and I’m failing at school. I can’t get a job because of it. It’s so frustrating I don’t know what to do. I keep sleeping in and missing school. Please help me.


    Dear Name:

    In previous posts you wrote that your family hates you, that your grandmother said you are the devil. No wonder you can’t sleep. Maybe it is time to LEAVE that family. To cut the cord to them, to cut off the misery and make your own life, away from them, far far away. I don’t know your name, the name your mother, your father gave you.

    When you get away, if you do, somehow, plan on it, make it happen, gradually, if you’d like, but surely. Somewhere in that process give yourself a name, pick a name for yourself, one that is not … devilish, bad, a failure… none of that. Give yourself a name that is good, loving, lovable…




    But I can’t leave. I don’t have money, a job, or anything at all. I’d be homeless and have nothing.


    Dear Name:

    What you have now is not money or a job, but you have YOU buried deep inside you, a beautiful little person that you were when you were born, a beautiful little person that you were when you were a little child with those big sad eyes. That beautiful child is inside you and she is not coming out around the same people that hurt and chased that child into hiding.

    You may be eating the food your parents give you, living under a roof they provide, but the child in you is hungry and cold and sick.

    When you wrote: “I’d be homeless and have nothing.” – tell it to the child inside you, the child that has nothing NOW.

    Help yourself, Name, please!


    Shilpi Nigam

    Dear Name,
    whatever your problems are or whatever you are facing, please share with your parents and rest of the family. Ask for help and you will be surprised that you will get it. More often than not, parents want the best for their children. Sometimes life can get hard for parents too and they tend to forget their children because they are fighting their own battles and just trying to survive.
    Please don’t leave your home without trying to ask for help from your parents. There is no place like home atleast till you can be independent.


    * Dear Name and Shilpinigam: Although there are parents that will help their children, minor and adult children, parents capable and willing to help, many parents are neither capable nor willing. There is that social conditioning myth that parents want the best for their children. Often enough this is not the case.

    Many parents wish the best for their children. Many other parents hate their children, dislike their own children, relentlessly criticize them negatively, hurt their own children again and again. To share with those parents is inviting more attacks by them.

    Asking help from bad parents is the same as asking for more of the same, more pain.

    In the case of Name, leaving her home and her parents is the best option for her, I believe. It will be a challenge for her, no doubt, but also HER OPPORTUNITY to free herself from abuse and her chance to live a life worth living.


    Nina Sakura


    This might be a rather drastic way but it has helped me/forced me to reset the clock on some occasions (clock running awry thanks to worry, laziness, partying with friends etc) – i stay up the whole night, do not sleep and then head straight to classes. Its pretty painful but darn it makes sure i fall asleep like a log by the next night cuz i am so tired. The trick is not to sleep during the night or day any time no matter how tired you are – thanks to this, i plonk off to sleep by 10 pm and end up waking up on time. While you are up at night, have some movie marathon – do not do it on the bed during the last few hours of the night/early morning – that ensures you fall asleep and wake up at 11 am, 1:30 pm etc and miss school.

    Try this out and hope it works for you to reset the clock.

    Another thing is to disconnect from electronic devices, have an hour of relaxing rituals of sorts, which will ensure your body actually unwinds – i understand the psychological factor is there too but lets be real, right now, you cant move away from where you are and i understand that. However, there are ways to work around it and get back on track on the important stuff like school.


    HI” Name…..

    I too have the same problem, meaning insomnia.”

    For me it’s not something that you choose”… It just some how becomes apart of your life”…

    If you notice the times” on most of my replies”, it’s always very late morning… meaning while people are sleeping I’m still up”….

    Even when very tired” I’m up”…

    example: I’m up from 2:30 pm – 7:00 am ……. and… sleep from 7:15 am – 12:noon… it’s been like this for months…

    All I can say is, eat healthy”… And since you stay up late, when ever you do go to classes and know that you might not make it there some times, ask” your teachers for extra upcoming homework” assignments…

    So that you don’t miss out or neglect” your schooling… And it shows that you’re taking on responsibility” for your past and present actions”…

    Since the day is not good for you, maybe try doing your home at night” ( since you can’t sleep” )…

    For the job thing, depending on your age”, maybe try looking for a part time “grave yard shift”…

    And within time” your grades”/ and family” might change for the better”, because you are taking in action”…
    Good Luck” and Hope All works out for the Best”…


    One last thing, at times for me reading” a book you have interest in might” put you to sleep when needed… every one is different” what works for me , might not work for you”…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Dernell.
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