
Im feeling so alone even though i have friends.and life makes it worse

HomeForumsRelationshipsIm feeling so alone even though i have friends.and life makes it worse

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  • #63344
    andrew luc

    Hi im Drew. My parents just divorced recently and I
    feel like i have no home anymore since theres always
    problems. i have my best friends and all but I got
    out from the school theyre in and we still are seeing each other but things have been kinda weird, i feel like no one has my back but they keep saying
    that they theyre here for me but you know, they
    dont. They have a other band of friends and im like
    that other friend. But for me theyre my best friends
    The friends i love. they dont feel they same way i
    do. and i dont have a whole bunch of friends in my new school because i want to keep the old ones.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by andrew luc.
    Tinker Bell

    It doesn’t matters what they feel or think about you.. Matters is what you think about yourself.. Don’t think about who they really are… If you think about your best friends more, it will not work for you the way you wanted.. Just let it go.. Build up yourself… when you do..you will have more confident.. who know who will become your true friend again.. Nobody know.. Sometime people change.. Nobody know.. Important thing is When you are happy within yourself.. whole world will worship you.. Be yourself.. Don’t think about them. This is not your life.. You have one life..keep it simple..Go out and spend time with yourself in beautiful place…you will feel amazing and powerful inside… try that…. Whatever your parents did, Dont compare your life with them..It’s their life..whatever they wanted.. So live your life.. Be yourself and the right person will come to you and Stay by your side… Good luck. have faith.

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