
I will never understand men's dating behavior

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    I’ve been talking to this guy I met online for about two weeks. We had a two hour long conversation on the phone that he initiated (it went well). We decided to meet for coffee, which turned in to a 10 hour long day together (we held hands and talked but decided to wait on kissing to try to pace things a little bit). He’s been texting me every single day. He texts me good morning, he’ll ask how my day is going, etc… Honestly, at first I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high because I’ve had a lot of heartbreak in the past. I thought things like, “This is might be too good to be true.”

    Well, after about two weeks I started to let my guard down and open up my heart to the idea that maybe…just maybe, this could be the start of something good.

    So we have our second date planned for tonight… and, naturally, his communication has taken a nosedive. I’ve barely heard from him, which up to this point is unusual. I don’t understand this behavior, but I’ve experienced it in the past. There is nothing I’m doing differently except letting my guard down slightly, being a little more engaging (but not overbearing), and maybe acting excited (but not overly eager) for our date.

    I’ve spent a good portion of this morning trying to 1) Detach myself from what’s happening because I’m honestly feeling confused. 2) Preparing myself for the likely end of something that seemed promising because I’ve noticed these strange dating patterns before. I’ve read books and articles on how to date, how to interact with men, and how to still be independent while dating… And it always leads to this odd (and in my opinion, childish) sudden disappearing act.


    Hi Dreaming715,

    One and only thing I can say about dating is the outcome will never be in your control ( by the way it goes for everything in life). IF ITS MEANT TO HAPPEN, IT WILL and if not, then no matter how hard you do EVERYTHING RIGHT, it won’t work. So, if its not in your hand, why try to understand men’s dating behavior as it leads to only more confusion.

    Another thing to look at is being comfortable with uncertainty. Yes, his behavior is odd but there could be 100 reasons for it. He could be busy, tired or caught up with something or his phone is having some issues or he lost/left his phone etc etc etc. Why to over analyse this and cause more confusion and disappointment for yourself. Say to yourself ” If its meant to happen, even if he hasn’t texted you, it will and if not, then no matter how perfect you act or reply or do right thing, it won’t work”.
    There’s a whole dating industry thriving on people’s anxiety towards uncertainty, you know, how to decode text of your date or how to get the man or woman of your dreams and blah blah blah.

    Reading books and articles to gain knowledge about how to interact with men is good for certain aspects of dating like being confident, saying no and creating boundaries etc. However, you still have to remain authentic about yourself, which requires a bit of courage. You are not for everyone and that is okay 🙂 That makes you unique and beautiful.

    Just relax and let it happen, naturally at its pace. Don’t let your mind trick you.


    Dear dreaming75:

    Not again, not another disappearing act. Having no clue why this is happening again and again, how can you have faith to try yet again?

    I am trying to think of possibilities to explain this phenomenon… don’t know. Any idea?



    Hi Dreaming75,

    There is nothing more attractive or beautiful than to see another person living in the now! This shows a culmination of things, and it is truely unique to just that person, in that moment.

    To be in the now means to not be living in your head. Not to be caught up in thoughts like “Am I good enough?” or “Oh no… here we go again!” Not to be concerned of the judgement of those around you, and be comfortable with who you are.

    Who are you? You can be two people…… You can be your mind, with everything you have learnt, read, researched, and all that thinking, judging, manipulating, concerning, and of course self criticising.

    Or you can simply stop focusing on your thoughts, and just feel the moment. Feel what ‘is’ within you, feel the joy, feel the life surging through you, feel the freedom of your expression in this world. In doing this, you become your authentic you!

    Once you are practised at this, then take note of how people react to you. Do they just share themselves, or try to shape and change you? Are they open, or retreating? Simply observe, then return to how you feel. Heaven or Hell is right where you stand. You can those which one you are in!

    Lastly… do not look for something. Just Be! By looking you have already filtered so many options, because that choosing to look references your past. Just see…. just be….

    The person you attract then, will be someone who is part of your journey, as you are ‘be-ing’ together.

    That to me sounds like a lovely date! 🙂



    Lisa Kelly

    Hi Evan,

    Thank you for posting this. I was just browsing through some of the topics on the site, and I read what you wrote and it really resonates with me, with where I am in my life right now. I think I was meant to read this today. I am going to implement this into my life.

    I look forward to reading more of your comments. I love this site! Best of everything to you! And good luck to Dreaming75. I hope you find someone special to accompany you as you go through this wonderful life we have been given.


    Hi dreaming,

    I guess you are doing all the ‘right’ things which someone does when looking for a long term commitment. Do these guys state initially if they too are interested in long term relationships? Once they disappear have you considered asking any of them the reason, just the way you have put it across here, letting them know clearly that you are willing to break it off but you need to know what didn’t work out. Not sure if they would give an honest answer but just wondering if you’ve given this a try. I was just wondering if the “we need to talk” phase ever happens with these disappearing men because it’s not fair for you and more so because of the repetitive pattern.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by humour.

    Hi lisakelly619,

    Hey I am glad it has helped, and appreciate you taking the time to share with me 🙂

    I too love this site, as there a gems of advice that drift across the pages – always appropriate, always timely.

    Take care, and enjoy 🙂




    Brav3, anita, Evan, lisakelly619, and humour: Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Your insight and posing questions for me was helpful. To be honest, I think I did “jump the gun” a little. He did end up texting me and we’ve actually hung-out a few more times since that post. Things have actually continued to go relatively smoothly as we’ve continued to get to know each other.

    I think my insecurities got the best of me. I also think a great point was brought up: Be comfortable with uncertainty. That’s an unbelievably important concept because nothing in life is certain. That’s something I want to practice. I also want to practice staying in the moment where I truly feel free and not putting so much pressure on how things could turn out in the future. Great suggestions.


    Dear dreaming715:

    You are welcome and thank you for your acknowledgements. This reminds me what my then therapist explained to me. He said two people are not always as close to each other; there is always motion: moving closer and away. Like planets he said. It makes sense as everything in motion, from electrons, atoms to planets. So must it be with people, always moving and that includes moving closer and away, closer and away.

    I remember how anxious I used to get with every movement away, and this may be exactly the problem here- whenever there is that natural, unavoidable moving away, of a guy moving away from you, you get alarmed, as if the moving away means moving all-the way-away. Well sometimes this is what happens, but not all the time.

    With this guy , his moving away did not mean moving all-the way away. It was part of the natural motion. So, next time he moves away, remember this time, the natural motion concept, the fact he moved closer. And expect it as it happens for you as well. Once you get close to him, even if he remains as close for a while, you will naturally move away, a response to stresses in life not related to him, could even be indigestion causing one to move away.

    This is very clear to me now, my goodness, thank you for leading me to a better understanding of this motion principle in human relations.


    Lisa Kelly

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for posting this interesting concept. It’s a good reminder. There is someone I like and we do seem to be doing this motion dance also. And it doesn’t help that when I think he’s moved away, the next time we meet I might be a little distant to compensate and protect my feelings. And that in turn may make him move a little away in response to what may seem like less interest on my part. It’s so very complicated, isn’t it? Sigh. It even seems to apply to my husband – we are newly separated – and some days I might be feeling friendly when I see him, but he’s being an ass, and other days he may be willing to have a decent conversation,but I’m being a bitch that day! So it’s very hard to always be in sync with someone. And also very good to remember it most likely doesn’t have much or anything to do with you – could be work worries or even a tummy ache, which I know is often the reason I may be feeling out of sorts and not want to interact too closely with someone if I’m physically uncomfortable.

    I think the best policy is what I am trying to do, in all my interactions, not just the male-female dating/divorcing situations, is to always approach from warm and friendly, open and positive place, expecting the best, and being prepared to give my best and spread my light and love. Whatever happens from there, at least I can be pretty sure it didn’t originate with me.


    * Dear lisakelly619: I have thoughts about your post above and would like to reply but this thread belongs to the original poster, and I only comment on the OP’s posts on a thread. I think it is a good practice for all to follow. Can you copy your above post and paste it into a new thread, your own thread? If so, click FORUMS, choose a CATEGORY, click that category (Relationships in this case is a good possibility), go down the page to the empty box and paste there. See you there.

    Lisa Kelly

    Sure! Sorry if I committed a breach of etiquette.


    Anita, This was a great quote: “He said two people are not always as close to each other; there is always motion: moving closer and away. Like planets he said. It makes sense as everything in motion, from electrons, atoms to planets. So must it be with people, always moving and that includes moving closer and away, closer and away.”

    I’ve never thought of it from this perspective before. I’ll keep this in mind!


    Dear dreaming715:

    Glad you like the concept- it is reality, really, a scientific principle- so better take it into our mind so that we can evaluate situations more and more accurately.



    Men Are From Mars author John Gray explains that women go up and down and men go in and out. That is, women have highs and lows. Men move in to check out a woman and then withdraw to ponder if they want to get serious or not. Its part of the process.

    On line dating is problematic. Its not real and attracts creeps.

    If you seriously want a man, put on a dress and sit at Starbucks form say 3 to 4 every day. Read a book on say sewing. The interested men will know that you will be there and you look like dear old mom and will take the bait. I’m just saying one method. Men are an endangered species in America. I have given up on it. But if you want ti, lots of good men are out there. Lots. Very good men. Steady stable score men. But they work and don’t cruise the internet all the time.

    Men want a sandwich and a blow job. And they are happy. To them, this is love, relationship and as good as it gets. Perhaps watch a movie together and go to a game together. We are loyal to a fault if cared for. We like dresses, nylons and heels. So crucify us. We cannot help it. We love submissive and then you can have the Escalade. We see the world slipping away. Crooked politicians, open borders with drugs flowing thru and America slipping. We are freaked out and want the old days. Dresses, nylons and heels and just a bit of respect. For that you can have all we have.

    Don’t listen to me, ask your brother if its true. Ask your very best male friend.

    Or you can continue to get creeps off the internet. Its your call.

    I was seeing a girl and she had no idea of how to care for a man. She ordered for me at dinner and wore old clothes when we went to Ruths Chris Steak House. I just couldn’t take it any more.

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