
I hope there is someone like me…

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    I have been a regular visitor to this site for many months.Hearing everyone’s stories i too felt like pouring my heart out..
    I was in love with a girl..my first crush.since i was 12..we started dating when we were 16 and it continued for 6 years..
    But in the end it got really bad..i was frustrated with her for not having sex with me..6 years and we never had sex (Plz don’t judge me)..
    Suddenly she dumps me and goes out with another guy..They are happily dating (With lots of sex) for 2 years now and i haven’t moved on yet..
    We were real close and i still love her..but she was real harsh and hates me now…
    I don’t know what to do…


    This is in continuation to my above post…
    I am like seriously depressed now..None of the self help books work…
    I feel so low and so bad..Over the period i have lost everyone…no friends..no one to love…i am nt able to try gratitude…I only wish that somehow i can change the past…I cry my eyes out everybody…I will never find someone like her..she was the prettiest woman i have ever seen in my life…Also i feel so sexually frustrated…I cant understand why she did this…I feel like i will never be happy again and everyone will think i am a creep…I have lost my confidence, my health and my mind..


    Anonymous, you are fine fine fine! Totally normal to feel how you are feeling but you are young and trust me….there will be a lot more hearbreak along the way – but you learn how to deal with it…and you get really good at it. And dating actually becomes fun 🙂

    First: What did you learn from this relationship? (Probably that you were not getting your needs met and you stayed?) This is a GREAT lesson to learn so early on.

    Second: What are you going to do now? Well, have some fun please. Don’t take yourself so seriously….you sound like a very emotional guy (which is wonderful!) Us girls love guys like you.

    Third: Ah..no she wasn’t the prettiest girl alive…maybe she was to you bc you loved her…but there is an even prettier girl who will have sex with you like right around the corner. And stop trying to “understand why” – this is what drives us nuts. Forget it. You have to try – no one can pull you out except you.

    Fourth: Please adopt a new view on life. Find yourself again, and tell yourself that you will ask out 6 girls in the next 10 days and expect 5 no’s and 1 yes. Before you know it…you will be having fun.

    Life is a mystery…you take one step and suddenly something develops.

    “hugs” I know a broken heart sucks. But trust me…you will be so over this girl


    Thanks a lot girlinwonderment for the support and hugs.. It means a lot 🙂
    I am tryin to move on with life but things aren’t so easy in my part of the world.. I live in ann extremely conservative town in India where its not even possible to ask a girl out.. We are all supposed to just get arranged married as soon as we reach a certain age…
    I don’t know if i will ever be able to date like i want to..
    Secondly.. you are right..i am an extremely emotional guy (A typical piscean) nad so my break up hit me way too hard…
    Also i am full of regret and misery..I think about every little mistake of mine which probably drew her away from me…
    I just want to know that i will be okay like all and be happy again 🙂
    Thanks again..

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